Monday 18 July 2011

Logic Haze

Hey Dolls, 

Sorry about the lack of a weekend post this week, I just had a nightmare weekend. But my new post for has been posted:

Please check it out and tell me what you think. 

Love you guys,

The Honest Bitch 


Wednesday 13 July 2011

The Law Is The Law

There has been something making its rounds on Facebook…again and instead of ranting on one friend’s status I thought I’d just rant here instead to a wider less argumentative audience.

TO NON-PET OWNERS who visit my home. Don't complain about my pets. (1) They live here, you don't. (2) If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. That's why they call it 'Fur'nitur e. (3) Chances are, I love my pets more than I like you. (4) To you, they are animals. To me, they are family who are hairy, walk on all fours & don't talk back. Re-post if you love your pets!

Speaking as a non-pet owner, all the above it’s perfectly fine. There is no problem with furry furniture or you loving you animal more than me because odds are I’m not your biggest fan either. The problem comes when your stupid fucking pets jump on and lick me and you just stand there doing nothing looking like it’s the cutest thing in the world.

It’s not cute. It’s gross and really unhygienic.

It’s not that I hate pets. I grow up having dogs and cats. But mine were well trained and knew who the boss was.

If people want to pretend their pets are human, that’s perfectly fine by me. However if that’s the case I was to see those furry little bastards in a pair of teeny tiny paw-cuffs.

If a human were to act in the same manor, jumping on and licking me, without hesitation I’d have that person arrested. It’s a criminal act and I’d expect the perpetrator to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If the offender happens to be four legged and have a cold nose so be it. I want to see the little bastard behind bars and in a bright orange jumpsuit. No means no and not speaking English is no excuse for breaking the law.

If you want to pretend your pet in human, that’s fine. I’ll play along but I want to see that them follow the same laws as any other human. After all fair is fair :-)

Stay safe guys, Love,

The Honest Bitch


Sunday 10 July 2011

Being Sick Sucks

Everyone in my household has been sick over the past two weeks and I’ve come to realize something and it’s really fucking me off.

Just because I’m a non-smoker they don’t consider me to be as sick as them.

I’m the only non-smoker in my house and obviously when a smoker gets ill they get a nasty cough that tends to sound like they’re losing a lung thanks to the years of damage the cigarettes have done. As a non-smoker my cough is naturally not as bad. So despite having the same virus they have they seem to think I’m not as ill as them because I sound better.

How is that fair? Just because I choose not to pick up a nasty habit I’m never as sick as everyone else. I know life isn’t fair but self inflicted, is self inflicted and I don’t see why I shouldn’t be granted the same courtesy they get when ill.

I shouldn’t be made to do things they never would when they're ill. It just isn’t right and it's really granting on me. It’s not like I’m asking to be looked after. I just want to be left alone to curl up in a ball a die.....Or sleep which ever I’m not fussy.

Anyways my dears I’m going to sleep and with a little luck I’ll wake up feel better and a little less cranky. I love you guys and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Monday 4 July 2011

Forgive and Forget

Hey Guys,

Let me start by apologizing for my whininess in my last post. Writing a blog post with a 102 degree fever wasn’t my smartest move but I promised a post and I wasn’t about to let anyone down.

However I’m feeling much better now and I have an absurd concept I’d like to talk about.

“Forgive and forget”

The whole idea of forgiving and forgetting is completely bonkers to me. I’m not against forgiving people so don’t get me wrong. It’s the forgetting part I have a problem with. It’s like that old saying “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

You're never going to learn from anything if you constantly forgetting. It’s the recipe to becoming a doormat. “Oh he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget --> “he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget --> “he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget! On what planet does that make any sense? It’s the merry-go-round ride to hell.

My common sense would tell me after the first time I had to forgive someone that may this person is trouble and it’s time to find a new friend or boyfriend or whatever. I sure as hell wouldn’t get on the “forgive and forget” marry-go-round.

While writing this I can across something that said forgiving and forgetting can improve your health. But what about your quality of life? Actually a better question is why would you be around that many people who you constantly need to forgive?

I understand once in a blue moon something happens and you need to forgive or not forgive someone. But how many idiots do you have to have around you for it to impact your health. If you have that many fuck-wits around you, you deserve all the health problems you get. Use your brain. Stupid deserves stupid.

Maybe I’m wrong but in my opinion. Forgiving and forgetting is a sure fire way to become a doormat. You need to use your brain and not blindly follow some poorly thought out saying.

I’m heading back to bed. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 3 July 2011

Sane vs Crazy

I’m going to keep this as short as I can because I’m in bed sick and rather cranky. And by rather cranky I mean being a total bitch to anyone who comes near me.

On top of being cranky with everyone else I’m also cranky with myself. Unlike most women I know when my brain is being crazy. And it pisses me off when I know my brain is working in a way that is illogical.

Let me explain. I can’t stand to see Mr. X upset or sad. It really eats at me to see him that way. The amount it bothers me I can’t even began to put it into words. I actually lost sleep over him being hurt.

This is crazy behaviour on my part. I’d have every right to enjoy every second of seeing him down. Hell I should throw a parade. But instead of being logical my brain decided to be crazy. Luckily I’m sane enough to spot these crazy flare-ups.

I’m upset, that him being upset upsets me. (Ever wonder what a crazy sane person sounds like? lol) I know that I shouldn’t care and on the whole I don’t. He could be eaten by beavers and that would be fine. It’s just him being upset I can’t stand. And I’m not mad at him for it; I’m pissed off at myself for my own reaction, which evidently I have no control of.

I’m just as hard on myself as I would be on anyone else, if not harder. I know my reaction is crazy. There is currently a war going on in my head between the sane side and this crazy flare-up. But all I can do right now is shake my head like an etch-a-sketch and try to put it out of my mind and move on. But the war wages on.

I’m going back to sleep now. I feel like death. Stay safe guys and stay away from sick people.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 30 June 2011


I have a massive pet peeve I’d like to share with you. It’s when I post something to my blog about an event or about a conversation I had and then someone calls me biased.

Of course I am!

This is my blog, it happened to me and it’s my point of view. Of course I’m biased.

At the end of the day this is a personal blog not the evening news. I share with the world my point of view on things whether they’re right or wrong it’s just my opinion. And I’m entitled to my opinion whether people like it or not.

However I’m nothing if not fair. So if I write about you and you feel hard done by and want to write a rebuttal, please do so and send it to ( and I’ll post it. I’ll warn you now though I will have a rebuttal of my own.

No one is forcing anyone to read my blog so it’s simple if you have a problem with the way I write, fuck off.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday 26 June 2011

This Needs To Be Said

This needs to be said.....

When you’re constantly breaking up and getting back together, that is NOT a relationship. That is a fuck friend who doesn’t know the rules.

Stop being so naive, he doesn’t love you, he doesn’t miss you, and he sure as hell doesn’t want to make it work, and before you say it, NO, YOUR MAN IS NOT DIFFERENT!

He’s horny. It’s simple.

Stop lying to yourself and more importantly stop making everyone hear about how he’s going to change. You my dear, are nothing but a place for him to rest his penis in.

There is nothing wrong with this per se. Fuck friends are great, but you need to be aware that’s what you are.

So stop the drama and either call a spade a spade or move on with your life. Don’t be stupid and pretend there’s something there when there clearly isn’t. It just makes you look pathetic and meek. Stop making the rest of us look bad and being a disgrace to the female race.

That’s my 2 cents and I’m sure you’ll tell me yours. Love you guys and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 23 June 2011

Are Women More Emotional Then Men?

I asked this question of my Facebook page ( a few weeks ago and after reading all the replies I feel inspired to write a post on the matter.

So are women more emotional then men?

Personally I think women and men are equally as emotional as each other. The difference is which emotions we show.

I’ll be the first to admit women are more likely to cry whether it’s over hurt feelings, pain or just because they’re happy (I’ll never understand that). But I also think women are more likely to hide certain feelings.

Most women won’t show if they’re stressed, angry or annoyed. We just bottle those feelings up. Mainly so we can turn around and use them at a later date but my point still stands we hide those kinds of feelings.

Men on the other hand will normally show if they’re angry, stressed or annoyed. They won’t even attempt to hind those kinds of feelings. Most men will however hind any feelings that may lead to them crying. It’s kind of like they’re the wicked witch and tears will cause them to melt.

So you can’t really say women are more emotional them men because we’re not. We just choose more often than not to show emotions that will ruin our makeup. Unlike men who choose to show emotions that will result in them sleeping on the couch.

No one sex is better than the other when it comes to being emotional. We’re just equally as screwed up as one and other.

Have a great night and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 19 June 2011

Bad Boys, Idiot Girls

Why do women go for “bad boys” then insist on bitching about them when they get hurt?

Nothing pisses me off more than listening to women bitch and moan about a guy; she has referred to as a “bad boy”. Surely the title alone is enough of a warning sign. Do you really need to touch the fire to see if you’ll get burnt?

Personally I don’t know what draws women to bad boys, they’ve always seemed like complete idiots to me. My common sense wouldn’t allow me to date anyone like that. But apparently common sense isn’t all the common.

If you choose to date “bad boys” do me a favour and don’t come crying to me when you get hurt. As far as I’m concerned it’s self inflected, and you deserve whatever you get for not using your brain.

Also let me add this when you contently breakup and get back together with a guy, you look like a weak minded doormat. It’s just an exercise in futility. Men don’t change! That’s just a fact of life, deal with it.

Women like that, who allow men to walk all over them, give us all a bad name. Not to mention it sends screwed up messages to men. Ever wonder where all the good men went? Women like that sent them screwy messages and turned them all into assholes........Ok some of them were born assholes but my point still stands.

Anyways my dears I’m heading off. Have a great day and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Wednesday 15 June 2011

I'm Not That Girl

I’ve reached an age where a lot of my friends are starting to get married off. That’s all well and good for them but I have a problem with it. It’s not with them getting married per se it’s more about them telling me about it and expecting me to be all excited for them. News flash....I’m not that girl.

I’m just not someone who dreams about their wedding day, I never have been. Even as a kid I never pretended to get married or even gave it a thought. It’s not that I’m against marriage or anything like that. I just believe that love is between 2 people and why should hundreds of guests be forced to hear about it.

I actually remember being at Sunday school, my teacher at the time was the pastor’s wife and she decided one Sunday to show us their wedding video. I remember sitting there, while all the girls were crying thinking, “why is she torturing all those people.” (Kids think the darndest things, eh?)

I like to think in every circle of friends each friend as a speciality. Love or matter of love was never mine. In the friendship world my speciality is “break-ups”. If you’re crying at 3am because your boyfriend dumped you, I’m the girl to call. Maybe it’s because I’m a bit of a bitch but bad mouthing the guy that dumped my friend and pointing out all the guys’ flaws comes naturally to me. However if you want to get back with's not advisable to call me.

Clearly I’m not the girl you call when you decide to get married; I’m the girl you call when you decide to called off your wedding. When my friends tell me they’re getting married it takes everything in me not say “Congratulations, call me when you get divorced.” That’s not me being mean that’s just me embracing who I am.

Everyone always says play to your strengths and I do that. Ok, my strengths are a little meaner than most but in the world of friendships I play a vital role.

I love you guys and as always please stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday 12 June 2011

Four Kinds of Girl

Over all my years of being friends with and dating far too many guy I’ve come to work out that in their minds women fall into 4 main categories, needy, pushy, stupid or bitch. And they will always whiny about a girl no matter which of these categories she falls into. Unless you’re in the process of making him cum, a guy will always find something to bitch about. You can never win; you can just shut him up for extended periods of time.

If you enjoy spending time with your boyfriend, sending texts or talking on the phone with him you fall into the “needy” category. You may be the most impendent person on the planet but when he is out with the guys and you text him even if he messages you first you’re needy. This is where things being so black and white in man-land gets them into trouble, Everyone knows there are different levels of neediness but you’d never know that listening to them talk.

If you have ever asked a guy out, approached a guy or told him to stop playing games you fall into the “pushy” category. In my personal experience sometimes you need to be pushy when it comes to guys but no man will ever see it that way. The only good pushy in the male mind is if you’re pushy in the bedroom. It messes with their male ego otherwise.

Now for the “stupid” category, these are the girl's guys date once with the intention of sleeping with them and never calling again. In my books it’s only stupid if you fall for their bullshit. But once again they’d never admit that in man-land.

The last category is bitch. There are 2 main ways to end up in this category. The first way is be opinionated and have your own views on things. I’ll never understand why women like that rub so many men up the wrong way but a lot of men hate it. The other way is to play the game they do. Show no interest, use them just for sex, and make them come to you. Keep that up for any period of time and they’ll soon be calling you a bitch.

Personally I don’t see anything wrong with being a bitch so they call me one all they like. I have a mind of my own and opinions and I don’t follow men around like a lost puppy so if that makes me a bitch, I’ll own it. Hello world I’m bitch, deal with it!

You’ll never please everyone so don’t every change who you are, especially to please a man. Just be who you are and own it. Sooner or later someone will come along who will take you for what you are. Don’t ever lose any sleep over him either because I’m willing to bet he isn’t losing any over you. Chalk it up to experience and move on.

As always my dears stay safe and don’t stress over things you can’t change.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 9 June 2011

Natural Comfort

I was cuddled up in my bed last night thinking about people who we’re naturally comfortable with. The sort of person you never feel awkward around and where everything just feels like second nature and comes so easily.

A lot of the time (at least for me) being comfortable around someone isn’t effortless. It’s very much a learnt behaviour. It takes me a while to warm up to a person and even more time for me to feel comfortable with them touching me. I’m not a touchy feely person by nature. I’ve had to learn to be ok friends touching and cuddling me it certainly, at least at first, didn’t come as second nature to me.

I can only think of two people that I’m truly naturally comfortable with. That’s not to say there has never been any awkward moments between us but on the whole I’m totally comfortable around them.

Chicken man is one of the two. Minus when he first gave me his number there has never been an awkward moment between us. First kiss, first time we slept together it was all so natural. I never even had that “what the hell is he doing moment”. It was just right and second nature

The other one will remain nameless and minus our one and only date I always feel comfortable around him. It’s kind of strange because I’ve only actually met him in person a half a dozen times. But for whatever reason I’m totally comfortable around him. Plus he never fails to make me smile, which helps the comfort level.

It’s nice to have people like that in your life, where you don’t have to work at things. It just comes natural; it’s just so much better and feels almost right.

Anyways my lovelies, I’m heading to bed. Stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 5 June 2011

Keep Off

This may sound weird coming from someone who blogs about every detail of her life but I’m going to say it anyways......... Keep your shit off Facebook!

There are so many reasons why you shouldn’t write your personal business on Facebook, I can’t even think of a good reason to do it, so stop!

First of all you’re making things worse. The second you post your problem with someone else on Facebook you’ve gone from it being between you and the person, to it being the business of everyone on your friends list. It may as well have been on the evening news; it’s in their news feed after all.

So now you have people, possibly perfect strangers add fuel to the flame. Everyone has their 2 cents on the matter. Everyone has advice to give and opinions. And don’t forget the other person is reading this, watching you spread gossip and bad mouthing them so instead of calming down they’re getting angrier.

Because they’re getting angrier they post a status too, so now you have their friends getting involved. Your joint friends end up taking sides. This upsets you both more. Sooner or later you start commenting on each other’s statuses. And the whole thing goes from something small to the worlds ending.

Not sounding like such a good idea now is it?

Might I add just because some of your friends aren’t commenting doesn’t mean they’re not reading what’s going on. And I’m willing to bet most of them are probably thinking you sound like a whiny small child.

Then you have the problem when you two make up that you’re left looking like an idiot to everyone on Facebook. You can’t get around that fact, once it’s all said and done, you’re left with 100’s of Facebook friends who read what was happening, and now think you’re an idiot.

So if you don’t want to be labelled a whiney idiot think before you write a status and take my advice is to keep your shit off Facebook.

I love you guys, and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 31 May 2011


The past month I’ve felt like I’m playing a massive game of “whack-a-mole”. Every time I turn around I’m bumping to another guy I refused to sleep a million years ago. It’s like they all got together and decided they would all pop up at me over the course of 4 weeks.

Just so you don’t think I’m being over dramatic, I swear to god this is an honest list of guys that have contracted me in the past month. Paul, Jason, Sukhi, Shane, Daniel B, Danny, Peter, Daren, Daniel S, Andy, Clint, Mr. X and the unknown texter (whom I thought I had blocked on my phone).

Out of that whole list of ghosts of men past I am only happy about one of them getting in contract with me. He’s the only one on that list that can make me laugh and always makes me smile when his name pops up. I’ll let you guys work who I’m talking about.

As for the rest of them, why the hell do they popup from nowhere? I’ve just proven that the odds are against anyone being happy to see them. What’s their motivation? It really does feel like a game of Whack-a-Mole, they popup, I hit them with bitchiness then they crawl back into the hole came out of. And with a bit of luck most of them well stay there this time.

I’m a lovely person but there is only so many “men moles” a woman can take before she has to throw all niceties out the window.

Anyways my dears I off for the night, so always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 29 May 2011

Girls Night Out

On the last Saturday of every month me and a few girlfriends and our gay side kick get together and drink way too much. A lot of the time we just stay in and watch a film, screw around online and bitch. But this month we decided to go to bingo.

I had free tickets because of my birthday so we decided to go and try and get rich and drink cheap booze. I swear the booze is so cheap so you can’t play your cards right.

When we got there the guy that took our cards recognised me. It wasn’t till I looked at his name badge I worked out who he was. His name was Ross he’s someone I went to college with. He was a second year when I was a first.

The second we found a table the talk turned to whether or not I slept with him. I don’t think I did, I’m actually sure I didn’t. Some of them remember him flirting with me at college and bumping into him at town a few times but minus a little texting nothing happened.

He was actually calling the books and I blame him for us not winning. He came up and chatted to me for a while. Turns out he has a kid and asked if I had a family yet. My brain wasn’t a fan of that question. I just turned 24. Call me old fashion but I want a ring on my finger before I even think about having kids. Hell I want the ring before I think about having pets with anyone.

You can say a lot of things about me but I have my head on straight, unlike some of the people I know.

Anyways my dears I have things I need to do. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 26 May 2011


A moonlighter is someone who only sends messages in moonlight, for whatever reason they only send and reply to messages under the cover of darkness. Moonlighters are not to be confused with “lights out texters” who are generally motivated by their nether regions. Moonlighters aren’t always nether regions driven.

Moonlighters messages can be about anything and yes sometimes they can turn a little spicy but the difference between a moonlighter and a lights out texter is a lights out texter will message whenever horny comes a knocking and a moonlighter will only message when it’s dark out.

It kind of begs the questions why only in the moonlight? There are different theories out there. Some are quite basic like they’re in a relationship or they’re married. Some have suggested they’re murders or crooks. I’ve even hear stories about these people being under a witch’s cure. However my favourite theory is it’s a werewolf type syndrome and the moonlight sends their thumbs into over drive.

I don’t really trust moonlighters, there is just something creepy about them. They popup out of nowhere, send you messages while your asleep and then when you reply in the morning, they’re gone. They’re like living ghosts who leave a text message footprint.

I remember stories from my childhood about things that go bump in the night and they rarely turned out to be friendly; the only difference is instead of going bump moonlighters go beep.

Be careful guys, and stay safe.

The Honest Bitch

Saturday 21 May 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

Hey Guys,

I just wanted to thank you all for the birthday wishes. I managed to have a great birthday this year, partly because I was wasted for a larger part of the day. I wasn’t up 15 minutes before that first cocktail past my lips. I’m not a massive drinker but some days you just need alcohol.

My day started well; before I got out of bed I snuggled up and watched my friend’s latest video. That got me laughing; it’s never a bad day when you start laughing before you get out of bed.

When I did get out of bed I head for the kitchen and made myself a lovely cocktail. I then started on the mountain of text messages and Facebook messages. I definitely felt loved and special, there were quite a few messages for me to reply too. I also got a few text messages from Canadian friends and family, Facebook messages are fine but these people went out of their way to message me. It’s a lovely feeling to know they haven’t forgotten me.

Gift wise I got what I asked for which was a book. Not sure how I got it because it’s not out here yet but the mailman must love me. I got a lovely laptop tray. I’m totally in love with it. It’s a great set up for my late night blogging. My mother took my shopping the following day to get a cute skirt I wanted. (And yes, I do wear skirts from time to time, when in the sun or when planning on getting laid outdoors)

I had lovely birthday even if I did have a little bit too much to drink. I managed to keep myself out of trouble. The best part being I woke up the following day with no hangover. Although it is possible I was still wee bit drunk. My old friend Tequila does like to hang around a bit.

Thank you guys for a great birthday and as always stay safe.

Love you

The Honest Bitch


Monday 16 May 2011

Breaking with Birthday Tradition

I’ve always blamed my bad birthdays since I’ve moved to England on me being homesick. I’m away from my best friends and family it’s not the makings of a good day. But after a little chat NTB I’ve realised there’s been another reason why my last 3 birthdays have been below par.

I’ve been broken up with days before my birthday 3 years in a row. Clearly they weren’t that important to me if I’m only just realising that. In all honesty there are just other events that standout more to me.

Last year (2010) was when Mr. X and I started talking again. Which over shadowed my breakup with Stephen (my rebound to Mr. X) and my breakup with Andy who by the way was a cheating scum bag. Before you ask yes I did overlap relationships if you can call a rebound boyfriend a “relationship”.

2009 was the breakup with Steve. That breakup was overshadowed by the sinus infection from hell.

2008 which was my 21st birthday was all about me knocking out my ex boyfriend Keith whom broke up with me days earlier. He deserved to get his ass kicked and I’m pleased I did the world that service.

This year is the end of that tradition. I’m heading into my birthday 100% single and more importantly I’m not interested in anyone so this birthday should be drama free.

My plan for my birthday this year is to get very drunk and with a little bit of luck I won’t remember it so I won’t know if it’s another shitty birthday or not. Smart thinking eh? I think I should start writing apology notes now. Lucky for everyone I’m a fun drunk, random but fun.

Anyways my dears it’s not my birthday yet so I have things I need to get done. As always stay safe and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Saturday 14 May 2011


There is a small group of male friends of mine that are always being mistaken for my boyfriend. I can understand why people would think that. It’s not uncommon for them to sit with their arm around me or for me to use them as a human pillow. I’ve even shared my bed with a few of them. We may flirt and joke around but there is nothing sexual there....Even if it may appear that way to some.

NTB isn’t like those guys. There isn’t even any harmless flirting there. Actually once upon a time there was a little flirting on my part but he’d never flirted back and that’s just no fun. Have you ever tried one sided flirting? I don’t recommend it.

NTB and I have a weird relationship and I don’t mean weird in a bad way I mean it in a go out and get drunk and come home with more money than when you left kind of way. As where the other guys are mistaken for the physical side of what you’d think a boyfriend would do, NTB is more the emotional side.

He’s someone who will be there if I’m having a bad day and crack a bad joke to cheer me up. He’s also someone who will listen to me vent no matter how ridiculous I sound. I feel bad for him some days because he has well and truly seen me at my worst and that’s not a pretty picture.

He got his name NTB (Not The Boyfriend) because of some of our conversations. To anyone else reading them they’d think he was my other half. We were talking about how we needed to work on our relationship and our commutation skills. I’d never agree to that with a real boyfriend. We’d breakup and I’d move on, but for NTB I’m more than happy to work on those things.

Like I said it’s a weird relationship, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. He is someone I really trust and care about and that’s rare for me. I don’t trust anyone. He’s just down earth and easy to talk to and he makes me laugh. That makes him a winner my books.

Anyways my dears, I need to crack on with a few things. Have a great weekend and as always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Moods Begone

Anyone who knows me has witnessed my unique ability to talk myself out of most moods. I am not sure where this ability comes from. My best guess it’s from my years of working retail and having to detail with asshole customers then 10 seconds needing to be happy and ready to help the next.

It probably comes off a little crazy to people who don’t know me the first time they see me do this and it might even be a little confusing for them. They normally get clued in pretty quickly and they get use to it. Most of them find it really funny and I can’t blame them for that. Normally even I’m laughing by the end.

It kind of plays into my theory sometimes all you need to do is vent or the old saying “a problem shared is a problem halved”. I feel better afterwards and then I can move on to handle things like an adult.

I love to do this technique through email because at the point I’m writing it there is no one adding fuel to the flame. I get what’s bugging me off my chest and later after I’ve calmed down I get some sensible decision about what happed. Plus later when I read it back it’s pretty damn funny. I rarely mice my words in those kind of messages.

Through my message blurting I find I can self extinguish most moods. The only down side is because I can sort my own moods out some conversations I should have never take place. People may not know I’ve been an offended or have taken issue with something because instead of dealing with the source of the problem I just deal with effect it has on me. Sometimes it doesn’t end in a pretty picture.

I’ve always been told you can’t control the acts of others but you can control you react to them. So that’s why I deal with things within myself instead trying to change others, I just figure it’s easier. Don’t get me wrong if something is truly bugging me or if I know I’m right I'll put you in your place quicker than you can blink your eyes. But I pick my battles. Sometimes it’s just not worth the headache.

I’m heading off to bed guys, sweet dream. As always stay safe and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

Love Always,

The Honest Bitch


Sunday 8 May 2011

Chicken Man

I was chatting with NTB the other night and as I wacked my head off the wall for the second time in 15 minutes it hit me how much I truly miss Chicken Man.

That man could read me like a book. He could be on the other side of the world and he’d know by my choice of words how I was feeling. From day one we were just on the same page. We just understood each other.

We were very alike in some ways. We loved our impendence, and hated having someone looking over our shoulders and that may be why we understood each other so well. If most people went a week without speaking to their other half you’d think something was wrong. We did that all the time and it only made our relationship stronger. We didn’t need to speak every minute, when we were apart we did our own thing and when we were together we were all that mattered.

Call me crazy but I like my relationships severed with a bit of space. Don’t get me wrong I love spending time with whoever I may be dating but I don’t need to see them every day. The only person I need to see on a daily bases is me.

I feel sorry for any guys I date or even guys I meet because they’re always going to be messaged against Chicken Man. I know I may never find anyone like him again but I’m not going to settle. Chicken Man was manly man but he also shared my interest in theatre. You don’t often meet a straight guy that is willing to go see a musical with you. He was something special.

I learned a lot from him and he sure as hell made me stronger. I’m loving this time of my life being single and just being me but sometimes something happens and it reminds me I’m working without a safe net now. Nobody to catch me if I fall.

Anyways my dears I need to go cheer myself up. Nothing like writing a blog to make you feel worse then you already did. I’ll feel better in the morning I’m sure. Talking things through hurts but its better in the long run.

Love you guys,

The Honest Bitch


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Post-It Communication

I recently had a following out with someone because of lack of communication or miss communicate I think is a better way to put it.

He felt I didn’t share my feelings with him; instead I turned to my blog. I don’t share that opinion. I feel I did tell him how I felt but he just didn’t hear it. This has left me thinking would the world be a better place if we communicated via post-it notes?

I’ll admit I didn’t tell him in the most straight forward way. Females rarely do. I like to throw things like that into the middle of email or just into a casual conversation. I don’t want to show weakness and if I can bury it in a message, I will. It makes me feel less of a failure. I still have said it. I’ve just didn’t said it with arrows pointing to it. Looking back it would have been easier to stick a post-it to forehead saying “I feel neglected”.

Just think about how many less fights there would be if you could just make your point via post-it notes. There would be no saying “you didn’t tell me” or “I didn’t know”. I mean if it’s stuck to their body nobody can play dumb. How easy would breakups be? “We’re over, you’re a cheat, Take your stuff”. No tears, no guilt, just stick it and leave.

I may take to leaving post-it style messages. I just like the idea of ditching the bullshit and being straight forward. Not sure if that will keep me out of trouble or land me in more. Who cares, I’m always in trouble for something. Can’t please everyone or in my case anyone.

Anyways I’m heading off guys. Stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 1 May 2011

Why I blog

               “Keep a diary and one day it’ll keep you” – Mae West

I love that quote by Mae West. It isn’t the reason I started keeping a diary but it is the reason I continue keeping one. And hopefully one day my collection of lessons learned the hard way and things that would only happen to me, will pay off for me.

I started keeping a diary when I was younger because of a therapist. I use to have really bad nightmares, I would cry and scream in my sleep and no one could wake me up and when I would wake I wouldn’t remember anything. So she asked me to keep diary so she could work out what was causing the dreams. We never did work it out but by 4th grade I pretty much stopped having them. By then the habit of writing about the day’s events was ingrained in me.

It’s become something I turn to. Some people turn to family members or friends, when things get to me I turn to my diary and now my blog. It helps me sort my head out and deal with whatever is bugging me. Sometime all a person needs to do is vent and a diary won’t think less of you if you change your mind 5 minutes later.

10 years ago I went from keeping a handwritten diary to keeping it on my computer and then 3 years ago I made the decision to post them online as blog. I thought someone else may be able to learn from my mistakes. I figured it would good idea to share my thoughts and feels with other people who may or may not feel the same way I do.

I don’t post a blog every day however I do keep a paper based bullet point “diary” on a daily bases. I write things down as they happen, how I feel and small things and then at a later date I use those notes and turn it into a blog post. The only problem I have with that is I have to match my post to my mood. I can’t write about being happy when I’m sad.

I don’t always post that way. Sometimes I sit down and write what I’m feeling. If I’m really upset or confused I like to work that way because if nothing else it helps me sort my head out. It helps me work through things and figure out what actually happed and how to fix it or in some cases make it worse.

When I went from paper to blogging online I said I wouldn't treat it any differently but that didn’t work so well. I blog under The Honest Bitch so I can be blunt and honest and keep some privacy for the people I write about. Sadly that hasn’t worked so well for me. I’m still learning how to balance being honest and blunt with not slandering people.

I don’t blog to hurt people and I am sorry to anyone I may have hurt through it. Anyways my dears I’m heading off. As always stay safe guys.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Friday 29 April 2011


I’m currently trying to come up with a nickname for a friend. This is weird for me normally I just come out with something stupid or odd and it sticks. I never set out to nickname someone. But in this case I feel it would make my life easier if I could write about this person without naming him.

I kind of wish he’d chat more right now so he could say something or I could say something to him that makes me think “oh that’s it, that’s now his name.” I’m kind of liking NTB right now. It stands for “Not The Boyfriend”. Remember the TV show Dinosaurs, and the cute little baby hitting the dad dinosaur with frying pan saying “not the momma”? Well he said something and that image popped into my head so that may be his new name.

Mr. X was an easy one to come up with. You guys use to say he was my Mr. Big and I’d always say if it was a game show a big X would appear on screen and that’s how it came to be.

Chicken Man is chicken man. He is listed in my phone as that. He hates it but that’s his name. He got that name because when we use text we’d call each other chicken and one day I called him a chicken man and it just stuck.

There is always a story behind the things I call people. It feels weird for me to have to pull a name out of thin air.

Anyways my dears my painkillers are kicking in and I want to sleep while I can.

Love you

The Honest Bitch


Monday 25 April 2011

Not Such A Happy Easter

I’m just going to try and keep this short because if it gets too long I change my view point and none of what I said makes any sense. Trust me this is draft number 7.

I tweeted a picture of my rather soggy tear stained pillows and you guys want to know what happened so I’ll do my best to share the details with you.

I posted a blog at the start of the month about my friends being shitty friends and apparently it read like I was only picking on one person. I didn’t mean it to sound that way and most you didn’t read it that way but someone did and shit hit the fan.

I handled things poorly. I went into manager mode and just deflexed his statements because I didn’t want to make myself look bad and because of that we decided it would be best if our dealings ended there.

Personally I will really miss him but I respect him and sometimes good bye is just best for both parties. I’m sure I’ll shed many more tears but I’ll learn from it and become stronger.

Looking at the bright-side I only have to deal with tonight and Monday. Tuesday I will be highly medicated and luck if I remember my own name. Actually I think I still have some tranquillisers left ......Can you mix them with tequila?

Anyways my dears thank you for listening. I’ll include that pillow picture in case you didn’t see it on twitter. Have a good night, I’m off to drown my sorrows and hopefully wake up to this all being a bad dreams. (Does that ever work)?

Love You All

The Honest Bitch


Sunday 24 April 2011

Customer Service Not Rocket Science

Why do companies find customer services so hard to get right? It really isn’t rocket science. Good customer service comes down to one thing.... Common courtesy.

Not everyone is suited to a customer facing role. You need the right sort of person. You can’t train people to be nice and polite; they need to have been raised that way. You can’t expect people to change habits of a live time, that’s unrealistic.

I don’t blame the people themselves, it’s not their fault they weren’t raised right, I blame the company that puts unsuitable people is roles they have no business being in. If the person swears or is rude in the back shop odds are they’re going to do it on the shop floor. It’s the manager’s job to contently be evaluating their staff. If they have rude, difficult staff interacting with the public they should be fired.

Customer service work is so simple and it really fucked me off when it’s done poorly. All that you need to do is be personable and listen. The customer isn’t always right but either is customer service rep. And customer service reps should remember that before the start with the attitude and mouthing off to customers. Remember at the end of the day the customer pays your wages.

My golden tip is if the customer is right, acknowledge it. Everyone loves to know when they’re right, it gives them a good feeling and they’ll remember you for it. (Comes in handy the next time when they’re wrong).

I worked customer services and other customer facing roles for a long time and have been lucky enough to win awards and be recognized for my hard work. So I do know what I’m talking about and I’m not just seeing it for a customer’s stand point.

Anyways my dears it’s been fun ranting but I have a few things I need to get done. Hope you have a good evening and as always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


P.S Happy Easter :-)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

To date or not to date

It’s coming up the year mark since I’ve been a relationship and it has me wondering if it’s time I start dating again.

Without a doubt this is the longest I’ve been single since I started dating well over a decade ago. I have to admit I’ve really enjoyed this past year. Maybe I’ve enjoyed it a little too much and that’s why I’m hesitant to enter into a new relationship.

Can anyone really blame me for enjoying this stress free and drama free year? It’s made a nice change not to have a man adding to my stress level.

After a 12 month man hiatus I can’t help but feel like I should be dating again. Although I’m not sure I’m ready. I took the break because of Mr. X and a few other guys were basically fucking with my head for their amusement. I took the time off to get over my hang up with Mr. X and because dating wasn’t fun anymore. Dating was getting to feel like a job and it shouldn’t be that way.

Now after dealing with all the bullshit and moving on I don’t want to find myself back in that same place. I’m well aware not all men are the same but news flash most of them are the same. Yes I’m sure my Prince Charming is out there waiting for me but I don’t want to kiss anymore frogs looking for him. I think it’s his turn to look for me.

I’m not closed off to the idea of dating again; I’m just not looking for anyone to date. If my Prince Charming finds me I’m game but I’m not looking for him nor am I in any rush for him to find me.

What can I say? I’m enjoying this drama free life, and I don’t care what anyone says about it.

Love you guys,

The Honest Bitch


Monday 18 April 2011

Nobody Good Hates Hockey

I once asked Steve Dangle if he’d date someone who didn’t like hockey and in reply he sent me a message saying “Nobody good hates hockey”. I’m not sure Dangle is the best person to be getting dating advice from but in this case I think he’s right.

That’s not to say everyone who hates hockey is a bad person. It’s more to say in a relationship you have to respect your partner’s passions. Its one thing to have different interests but to flat out hate something your partner is passionate about is an another matter.

In my personal experience I’ve found guys who hate hockey to be narrow minded and more often than not complete assholes. Based on that, I’m turning Dangle’s quote into a relationship law. I will no longer being dating anyone who hates hockey because nobody wroth dating hates hockey.

Anyways I’m heading off guys, Stay safe


The Honest Bitch


Monday 11 April 2011

Trigger Point

I received a letter from the hospital today and it looks like the next course of treatment for my back is trigger point injections. We have tried this a few times before with rather mixed results. But at this point even if it gives me a little relief I’ll take it.

The treatment it’s self or at least last time I had it done, involved 8 needles filled with aesthetic and steroids injected into any place in my back that hurt or was tender. I’m not really sure what its theory or science behind it is but it seems to work ....sometimes. The first time I had it done my back actually got a lot worse. But that is one of the risks you’re told about. Rather that, than a punctured lung.

I’m willing to try anything when it comes to pain relief. Medical acupuncture is one of favorites for short term pain relief. I mean really short term 12 – 24 hours. It sounds weird but I find it really relaxing and it makes me sleepy. Which may be why I love it so much. I don’t sleep well with my back and after acupuncture I sleep like a baby.

I know this isn’t my normal blog topic but its part of what’s going on with me right now so I thought I’d share.

Anyways my dears I’m going to bed. Sweet dreams and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 7 April 2011

Turnabout Is Fair Play?

I was planning to write a blog about being fucked off with people not being there for me when I go out of my way to be there for them. I was going to write about me quitting being a friend, and invoke the playgroup law of turnabout is fair play.

Oddly enough I was reading some of my old blogs and I was reminded of something Neal inspired me to write about seeing the good in things. Despite the fact I’m not happy with him right now I’ll give credit where credit is due and he’s a smart guy, and that’s a great lookout to have.

This has left me thinking that maybe quitting being a friend isn’t the right way to handle things. As much as I want to tell people to fuck off, people being a crappy friend isn’t an excuse for me to be a bad friend as well. I should just take the high road. Karma will get them for me.

I would have been within my rights to declare “turnabout’s fair play” and be a complete bitch to everyone but why should I sink to their level? I’m going to take the high road and just play nice then when karma kicks their ass, I’ll take satisfaction in that. There is nothing like revenge without getting hands dirty.

I just want thank my readers for being better friends then most of my real ones, you guys are amazing. I have to head off so as always, stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Social Networking Stalker

When did it get to the point where I can’t even update my Facebook status because then certain people will know I’m online? I feel like I’m living in the Facebook protection programme. I have to sneak around the site without leaving my finger prints or the social networking stalkers will get me.

I truly believe when you fall victim to a social media stalker, you should be able to handle it the same way you would a real world stalker. You should be able to log on to the Facebook courthouse and file for a restraining order. If said person violates the restraining order then you go to social media jail. Twitter already has their “jail” so is it really a far stretch to build a jail for all social networking sites?

I just want to be able to log into my Facebook and not have to deal with messages from guys who just want to get they’re leg over. Is that really too much to ask?

Anyways dolls, I’m heading off. I have bugger loads to do. Stay safe guys.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Setting The Record Straight

I’ve been asked the same question a lot lately, I have answered most of them individually but since I’ve been asked so many time I thought I’d just set the record straight in a little blog.

You guys always make me laugh and you have been very opinionated on this matter so let me just tell you guys straight, I am not nor do I wish to be fucking Neal.

Let’s start with the main issue and there are a few with your ideas. His penis isn’t 3,000 kilometers long. I’ve never seen it but I assume a penis that size would be in Guinness or something.

The other problem is I don’t date or sleep with guys that are younger then I am. It’s just one of my little quirks. I’m sure there are lots of great guys younger than me but I just find it off putting. They have to be older and they have to be taller that is the law.

I’ve loved reading your opinions and thoughts on this “relationship”. They have made me laugh. My favorite ones are the ones where you call him the devil and tell me Mr. X is my soul mate. I love you guys but you’re crazy.

Please don’t get me wrong, Neal is an amazing guy and I care for him but he isn’t the future Mr. Honest Bitch. For one minute forget about him being young and his penis not spanned the Atlantic but the honest truth is I don’t begin to meet his standards either. We’re both pretty set in stone about what we want. But feel free to keep sending me your ideas and opinions because they never fail to put a smile on my face.

I love you guys,

The Honest Bitch


PS Stay safe

Friday 25 March 2011

Rough Week

Hey Guys,

I’ve had a rough week and it’s kind of turned me into an evil bitch and I feel bad about it. Well kind of bad about it, my points were valid but I didn’t say it in the most lady-like way. It was more of the drunken sailor way of getting a point across.

I’ll try to explain why I’ve been so snappy. The reason is very simple. My back has been really bad. It sounds like nothing I know until you realise the effect it has on your normal life.

It’s a well known fact when you’ve been coping with long term pain some of it can just be in your mind, so to combat that I don’t listen to my body and I just carry on as normal until I literally end up on the ground. This is a stupid thing to do in all honestly and a major reason why my mood takes a knock.

When my back is at it worse, my normal life stops. I don’t go out, I don’t see friends, and I don’t chat much via text or online. I just lock myself away in my room and sleep a lot and do not much else. Locking myself away is good thing because when I’m in pain, I can’t play nice. My brain is busy thinking “pain, pain, pain” and it has no room to yell at me and say “reword that”.

I cope with my normal pain levels by having fun and just not taking things too seriously. This method fails when my pain level reaches level 8. At that point my sense of humour flees my body and I become evil and not much fun.

Luckily I’m feeling much better now and more like myself. I need to thanks Neal for sticking around. I won’t blame anyone for running away and hiding under their bed. Hell I think I would hide too.

Anyways my dears have a great weekend and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Saturday 19 March 2011

Internet Friends

When I say internet friends I’m not talking about those “friends” you have online to stretch an itch. I’m talking about those few friends you’ve met online, who live on the opposite sides of the world and you continue to chat to because you like each other and have things in common. Those few special randoms you just click with.

I almost feel that the friendships you form online are more pure. You’re not influenced by who they hang out with, who they’re dating or having to be seen in public with them. These friendships are formed and last because you can be completely honest with one and other. You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not and you don’t have to worry about maintaining a certain reputation. You’re just you.

It’s kind of weird when you think about it, you form these close friendships with people you probably wouldn’t recognize in the street. Neal is the perfect example, I felt horrible that I hurt his feelings and I may or may not have cried about it. Anyone who knows me wouldn’t believe that for second. I've never been sorry for anything I’ve said. After all it’s only my personal opinion. So the idea that I could feel bad over a relative stranger is crazy. Then again I’ve never been normal.

The other big benefit to having good internet friends is they don’t know you’re real life friends. This means you can vent, moan and bitch all you want without fear that the person will find out. Internet friends are also great for unbiased opinions. They have no motivation to lead you astray.

The other great benefit is if things turn sour Internet friends are easy to get rid of. Block button, appear offline then are so many ways to get rid of them. You hope it never comes down to that, but if they go crazy they’re easier to hide from than real world friends.

Internet friends have an important role to play in the circle of life. Anyways guys I’m off have a great night and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Damned if I do and damned if I don’t

I slept maybe an hour last night someone was hurt by something I said, actually more by the way in which it was said or not said as the case may be. I truly felt like I was living in damned if I do and damned if I don’t land.

Things weren’t said because my dear friend Neal is a very busy man. I know he is the sort of person who will make time to talk but I just don’t feel important enough to take up his time. He has a lot on his plate and I feel bad adding to that.

I’m damned if I do fill him in on the little thing because I feel like I should let him get on with what he needs to do. I feel bad for needed to chat to him. And I’m damned if I don’t tell him anything because it looks bad, and he ends up hurt and pissed off.

I just can’t catch a break. I’ve been single of almost a year and I’m still getting in trouble with men. The sad thing in this case I don’t even get makeup sex. Hell I don’t even get a makeup hug :-)

We managed to talk things out last night and we’re fine but I’m not fine with myself. Stupid decisions and I should have handle things differently. I’ll always be my harshest critic. My biggest strength and weakness is I’ll replay things over and over until I’ve learned all I can. Great way to learn but I like my sleep. Luckily I rarely make the same mistake to twice.

I do feel really bad that my words hurt someone I care about. Yeah, it was the way I felt at the time but I didn’t mean it to sound as mean as it may have come across. I should have taken a moment to see it through his eyes and I didn’t. I am sorry for that.

Anyways my dears, I have things I need to get back to. Stay safe guys and remember to think before you type.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 13 March 2011

Speaking My Mind

Last week Neal said something to me about venting and if I have a problem with it he has messages with me venting. He may have been joking but my first thought was good ahead girlfriend.

I vent to stop me saying things to people I’ve already said to them. It stops me becoming a broken record. I may be a bitch not I’m not sneaky. If I have something to say I’ll say it. I’m not afraid to speak my mind.

My rants are talked about years after the fact. Besides changing men on a weekly basics, I’m known for my rants and if you think I’d waste my “A” material on a someone who is as good as imaginary, you’re crazy.

I love Neal dearly, he’s a great guy but he’s not getting my “A” material unless I ever feel the need to get pissed off with him. Which is unlikely, we just snap at each other and I ended up in tears. It’s never got to the point when I’ve needed to sling comments at him. Plus I wouldn’t want to; my blogs reaches 500 people less than his videos. Life lesson – Never fuck with people that are more powerful then you.

I understand the importance of playing nice. You can’t speak to everyone in the same way. Some people need things wrapped up in a positive bow and others you can tell them straight. I’d rather tell people straight, I don’t like to play nice but I can do it unlike some people I know. That why I like Mr. X he has the inability to play nice and I love that. You don’t have to read in-between the lines with him, he’ll tell you how it is with no regard for human feelings.

Anyways dolls I have things to do, I’ll speak to you all soon. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 10 March 2011

People Person

I’ve worked a lot of customer facing roles over the years and sadly I’m rather good at them. I say sadly because as everyone who’s ever been at their job knows when your good you end up working more. You’re talked into more hours, you’re the first one called when someone is sick, you’re always being called upon to trouble shoot and most annoyingly you’re made to train new staff members. I may be good at what I do but there is a small problem...I’m not a people person.

When I worked customer service roles I use to think of it as a part in play. That’s why I was so good at my job; I don’t have a gift for dealing with people, I’m just a fantastic actress.

I can’t stand 99% of people. The list of reasons why I can’t stand some people is pretty much never ending. It could be something as small as a voice that goes through me or as big as fucking their way through all of my friends. I have more reasons to hate someone then I do to like them. I’m sorry if that sounds a little bitchy but that’s just me.

A larger percent of people are complete idiots and seeing as I have a low bullshit tolerance I was doomed from the start. I can’t tell you have many times someone’s been talking to me and it’s taken all my will power not to strangle them. My advice to the world is, if you don’t know what you’re talking about shut the fuck up or someone with less will power then me will hurt you.

For those people I actually do like, they should feel honoured. I don’t like many people. Hell there is large amount of my friends I don’t like. The big testament to that is my Facebook friends list, it's 700+, however the amount of people who can see me online to chat is 5 (soon to be 4, someone have truly fucked me off). Like I said....I’m not a people person.

I’m just not someone that needs to be around people to be happy. I’m an only child so I’m very use to my own company and for me to want someone else around they have to be something special and most people aren't.

Anyways my dolls I’m heading off for the night. As always stay safe.

Love always

The Honest Bitch

Friday 4 March 2011


For as long as I can remember I’ve always had exceptional perception skills. I tend to pick up on things that others wouldn’t. I also have a habit of picking up on thing before the person themselves realize how they’re feeling. My perception skill are so good it’s often been suggested that I’m an empath. I don’t buy into that. I just listen to people and take notice when things, no matter how minor, change about them.

When you pick up on people’s emotions sometimes you see warning signs in people’s behaviour. This is all well and good if the person knows how they’re feeling but people like to deny their feelings and when I can see there is a problem or they're heading for one this can be a challenge.

I don’t want to see any of my friends hurt or overwhelmed and when I see these little warning signs I want to help and prevent it. I only have good intensions but because people sometimes can’t see what I see or are deny it they can take offence to anything I have to say.

I can’t begin to tell you how much it pisses me off when people snap at me because they just don’t want to admit they’re overwhelmed. When I get my kindness thrown back at me part of me just thinks “Fuck it, let them crash and burn”. It really gets to me when I trying to help someone and in returned I get bitched at. It’s not my fault you’re having problems, so why take it out on me?

Don’t get me wrong I’m always there if a friend needs to talk or just vent but I won’t be blamed or yelled at for things at have nothing to do with me. I’m happy to help and good the extra mile for my friends but sometimes I wonder why I bother. I mean there is no one there for me when I have a bad day. It just grates on me sometimes that the give and take in my friendships isn’t anywhere close to being even.

It’s not helping matters that my patience is almost nonexistent at the moment. My back pain has reappeared. I’ve gone from being nearly pain free for 3 months to being in 24 hours of consistent pain. Back pain is nothing new to me, but when it goes from nothing to consistent it just takes a while for my body to stop crying about it and just deal with it. So I think I may be a little touchier then normal too which isn’t a great thing.

Anyways my dears I’m heading off to watch the game. Have a good night and as always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 27 February 2011


Choices, we make then every day sometimes good, sometimes bad and sometimes with a very funny out comes.

I’ve told you guys about Neal and his YouTube channel before, he posted a new video Monday and my choices lead to something only I would do.

Thanks to the time difference Neal’s videos are almost always posted when I’m asleep. I’ll get a text message telling me he’s posted a new video and it’s become a habit then when I see it, I watch it. It’s become almost a reflex, I don’t even think about it. (Thanks Neal for all those early mornings).

That night I happened to have a guy friend over, we were talking and hanging out. One thing lead to another and we started kissing and things, (Let me just say this isn’t a good thing last time we ended up sleeping together we didn’t talk months and was just messy) just at the second it looked like things were going to go farther, my phone went off. (Anyone who knows me knows my phone is always to hand.) I saw Neal had posted a new video so kind of without thinking with a guy on top of me my hand went for my mouse. I did get asked what I was doing and I replied without thinking “Neal has a new video”. Needless to say at this point he was getting dressed, and 30 seconds later he was out the door...He never did say bye...How rude.

I just sat on my bed watching the rest of Neal’s video. About 10 seconds later it hit me what had just happened and I lost it. I was crying in laughter. I actually fell off the side of my bed laughing. I mean come on who in their right mind would give up sex with a hot guy to watch a friends YouTube video. The video is always going to be there, I swear The Show with Neal brainwashed me.

The funny thing is the guy blames Neal not me. I think he thinks Neal was spying on us via web cam so he knew the precise moment to upload his video. Hey it’s he’s choice to blame Neal, I’m not going to argue :-)

In hindsight I’m thankful for Neal’s poor timing. I don’t want to lose a good friend because of a poor choice. It would have been a stupid mistake and I’m thankful for being brainwashed. P.S That’s my story and I’m sticking to it...... The Show with Neal brainwashed me.

See what I mean about choices? Some are good, some are bad and some just make great stories.

As always stay safe dolls

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Thursday 24 February 2011

The Honest Bitch Helps

I’m going try something new today. I get asked a lot of relationship questions so instead of answer just the person that asks I figured well I’m not getting any and blog material is limited why not try and get a blog out of it.

Here is my disclaimer, I’m not qualified in any way to give advice, listen to me at your own risk. I will give you the same advice I’d give my best friend and I will be completely honest with you. However people are idiots and things don’t anyways work out.

I will never post the email or message, I will also not post any names this way people can stay anonymous. I’ll just post the question and any important details to that question.

Question: My boyfriend and I have broken up and I want him back, what should I do?

Right now I’m willing to bet you miss the idea of him more then you actually miss him. You miss having someone there that cares about you. This is completely understandable but the answer isn’t running back to a relationship that failed.

Try spending time with your friends. You may not feel like it but do it anyways. Have a girl’s night in watch chick flicks, eat ice cream and gossip. If nothing else it’ll take your mind off things.

When you’re starting to feel better and are ready to go out. Do your makeup and hair and just look hot. If you don’t feel hot, fake it. Some of the best revenge you can have is looking good and having fun. Making him think about what he lost.

I’ve found it takes a week for every month you were together to get over a breakup so do expect a quick fix but if you can keep yourself busy and feel good about yourself, it makes it a lot easier. You guys broke up a reason, chalk it up to bad luck and try to move on.

-The Honest Bitch

I hope that helps a little. It’s the same advice I use myself and give to my friends. If you have any other question, feel free to message me and I’ll try my best to answer them. I’m heading off for the night so as always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Friday 18 February 2011

A Valentine’s Day Tale

My Valentine’s Day started the same as any other day, I logged into Facebook to see who was bitching about what. I saw I had a friend request, since we had one friend in common I accepted it and I didn’t think anymore of it. About 20 minutes later I received a message from this friend or friend. It basically said “hi, I saw you on my friend’s wall and liked what I saw. I’ve read your profile and I liked what I read.” It was flattering; I thought “awww that’s a nice way to start Valentine’s Day.” Then I looked at his profile and there I found out the fucker was engaged. How much of creep do you have to be to hit on another woman on Valentine’s Day?

I swear I am about one bad male experience away from marry one of gay friends. I may not put much stock in Valentine’s but I know other women do and if you found out the guy you planned to marry was hitting on someone else on “the most romantic day of the year”, you’d be pissed. I felt bad for this women, she’s going to marry a creep. I also felt bad for me because these creeps keep finding me. It’s like I’m asshole-nip.

I found the whole thing kind of funny just because I’ve been having such bad luck with men lately but it’s kind of disheartening to think that’s what's out there. The whole thing led me to tell my friend Neal he should clone himself. Think of the money that could be made by cloning a decent guy. Neal is so funny, he does “The Show with Neal” on YouTube, and he’s an all around good guy, so I figured why not sell him? Every girl needs a good guy that can make her laugh. It’s just a shame he’s not a little older.

In other news that may interest you, I am starting to get back to my old flirty self. I’m not quite back to where I was but I’m taking small steps to get back to my fun ways. Don’t get me wrong I still have no wish be in a relationship but a little harmless flirting never hurt anyone and who knows I may get a few good blogs from it.

Anyways my dears have an awesome weekend and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. As always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Monday 14 February 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day

I’m a single girl on Valentine’s Day and despite what people may think, it’s not the end of the world. I’m not a big fan of Valentine’s Day whether I’m in a relationship or not. I’m not the romantic sort; it makes me uncomfortable so I’m happy to give it a miss. Yet when I’m in a relationship there better be a card in my hand at the least and PS I hate roses.

For you men who are confused by a girl who hates Valentine’s Day wanting a card let me explain it to you. It’s not about the card or the day it’s about you remembering your girlfriend and taking 30 seconds to do something nice for her. I’d also like to inform you men that sending a text message instead of a card is like us poking you on Facebook instead of fucking you. Remember that.

I can’t help but laugh at the online stuff about how to cope with being single on Valentine’s Day. The funniest one has to be “It’s cool to be single, Valentine’s Day singles are trendsetters”. Is it really so bad to be single people have to lie to themselves? It’s no different being single on February 14th then it is any other day of the year, and people who think otherwise have issues with co-dependency.

Being single on Valentine’s Day always makes me smile, because I know there are thousands of couples fighting and breaking up while I enjoy having some me time and a few cocktails. Just think of all the girls faking they like the tacky gifts their boyfriends got them, all the bad restaurants they’re being dragged to, and all the sexual acts they have to preform to show they’re grateful for all that tackiness. Wouldn’t you rather be single?

Valentine’s Day is literally an obsolete holiday anyways. Saint Valentine was deleted from the Roman calendar of saints in 1969. Technically there hasn’t been a Valentine’s Day for 42 years. Instead of caring the name on I think we should call it what it is, Hallmark Takes Your Money Day.

Anyways my dears I’m heading off to bed. I hope you all have a great day single or not. As always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Missing Having a Boyfriend

I’m currently missing having a boyfriend. It doesn’t happen often normally I’m in a relationship wishing I was single. But right now I’m missing having someone to be there and care about me. Can anyone else tell I’m sick?

I generally hate it when a guy tries to look after me or fight my battles for me. I’m more then capable of doing those things myself. When you’re an only child being independent is the name of the game so I find it patronizing when guys open doors for me or takes my hand to lead me somewhere, the only thing that runs through my mind is I’m not 3.

However when I’m sick my opinions change. It’s the only time I don’t mind being treated like a girl. I like to be taken care of when I’m sick. I like to lie in bed and cuddle up and fall asleep on a guy’s chest. I like to know everything is taken care of.

You know writing that I’m starting to understand why guys are always so confused about what women want.

Let me help you men out. When we’re ill we want you to shut up and do what you’re told and in-between orders we want you to become a human pillow. When we're not ill we want you to offer to do things and from there we'll tell you whether to carry those ideas out or not. It’s not rocket science.

Anyways dolls I need to take a nap. I hate being ill all I seem to do is sleep. As always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Tuesday 1 February 2011

Crying and Learning

For me crying is kind of like shaking an Etch- A-sketch, it’s an emotional slat cleaner. Whether I’m mad, sad or hurt once I cry I’m able to drop it and move on. So I’ll admit I cry a far bit, but only about my issues. I’m not someone who cries and funerals or weddings, I rarely cry at movies or TV so imagine my surprise when I my eyes watered and I started to cry over a friends situation.

He was talking to me about how he told a girl he liked her. He knew she was in a relationship so he knew nothing would happen but he wanted her to know how he felt. He went on to tell me about how he only wanted her to be happy and how even if they were just friends she still made him happy and smile so either way he’s a winner.

I think he’s a winner because of his attitude. He just sees the positive, he’s strength and pose just amazes me. He sees the girl he loves daily and he’s strong enough to put his feelings to one side and just care about her happiness and will being. That’s amazing.

I remember how I felt dealing with the Mr. X drama and despite the fact I wanted the best for him, it still really hurt and to be honest it changed the way I deal with guys. I’ve been single longer than I’ve ever have been and that because I can’t put myself in the position to be hurt again. I’m not strong enough to do what he’s done and the fact anyone could do that is inspiring.

He came out with “sometimes you have to be thankful for what you have and not what you want.” I think those are some words to remember. You can’t have everything you want and you should just make the most of what you do have. That boy is wise beyond his years.

I’ve talked a lot about it this year, turning negatives into positives and this man seems to embody that lesson. Personally I’m just happy to take the opportunity to learn from someone else’s experience and find new ways of looking at things.

I’m sure with an outlook like his he’ll find someone who will treat him the way he treats people. He’s a busy man so maybe it’s all just a blessing for him so can focus on what he needs to do now. But I’m sure he’ll find someone fantastic.

As for me I’m sticking with single for a while longer. Although if the price of batteries keep going up I may change my mind lol

As always stay safe and try and treat people how you’d like to be treated.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Saturday 29 January 2011

Renewing My Faith In Men

I think I’ve had my faith in men restored. Anyone who has read any of my blogs will know my track record in men is poor to say the least. Because of that I have a low opinion of men. I thought all men will there same. They were fuckwits, who only cared about themselves.

I was wrong. I had a conversation with a friend earlier and he was telling me about a girl he liked. As he was telling her how he felt, he found out she was dating one of his good friends. Instead of being mad or bitter he seems to have taken it in his stride. He said it sucks, but he’s rather her be happy (all together.... awwww). Who knew guys like the existed outside of chick flicks. I hope things work out for him. He deserves someone nice. He’s a good guy and we all knew there aren’t many of them left in the world.

Just hearing a guy thinking about more than his penis and actually care about someone besides himself warmed my heart. Maybe not all men are evil. It’s nice to have a little hope. However the guy is Canadian so maybe my theory on UK men is right.

I’m off guys, as always stay safe

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Why am I repeatedly dreaming this?

I’ve been having the same dream for a couple of weeks and I’ve decided to share it with you guys in an attempt to stop having it. (Wish me luck)

The Dream:

I’m laying in bed wear purple pyjamas, I open my eyes and look to my right there is Mr. X he’s in grey t –shirt and dark red boxers. Its clear nothing sexual has happen before this, it just looks like we feel asleep talking. We look at each other and smile, nothing is said and then we close our eye and go back to sleep.

There isn’t much to the dream and the fact I keep having it seems a little weird to me. So I’ve decided to make good use out of the dream dictionary I got for Christmas and see if that shines a little light on this dream.


I was wearing purple and that means- surrender, altruism, and perfection

Mr. X was wearing gray - dedication and service

And he had on red – strength, dynamism, sensuality, power and vitality

He was on my right side which is the more logical and confident side

We were in the bedroom which is a place of safety, were we can relax and be as sensual as we want.

He was someone I dated once as the means sexuality connected.

Smile – means you’re happy or pleased


I have surrendered the power in the relationship to Mr. X. I’ve given up the fight. There is still a little sexual chemistry but I’m happy and confident in my decision.

I really didn’t need to have that dream 30 times to work that out. I know I gave up that fight. I stopped caring and when you stop caring about something you stop fight for it.

In other news, why didn’t my beloved dream catcher stop that dream for coming back and hunting me?

Anyways Dolls I'm off to bed. Stay Safe


The Honest Bitch

Friday 21 January 2011

Are You Chicken?

There is a game I’ve coined called “Sexual Chicken”. This game is played between two flirtatious people either by email, chat or text message. (I guess you could play it in person but it would lose most of the challenge and skill involved). The idea is you send racier and racier messages back and forth until somebody backs down. Just like in normal chicken the first person to back down loses, but unlike normal chicken if nobody back down you don’t die, you make good on those racy messages. This is one game that if you do lose you actually are fucked.

This game is a great way to test the waters to see if sex is on the other persons mind too. It’s also a great way to move things along from the flirting talking stage to something a little more naked. It may take a few games before neither person backs down but it’s a lot of fun along the way.

I highly recommend only playing this game with someone you wouldn’t be heartbroken about sleeping with. I’ve played this game a fair bit but the amount of people I’ve played with is shockingly low, like you don’t need a full hand to count them on low.

You need the right sort of person to play with. There has to be some kind of want there and there also has to be some scariness or uncertainly too. It’s not a game of chicken with you aren’t a little scared and a little uncertain about the outcome.

I feel like the whole dating/flirting thing can be a little too serious at times and this game is a great way to lighten things up a bit. Not to mention, it never fails to put a smile on my face.

Anyways Dolls it’s Friday night and I think it’s time I open a bottle of wine. Have a great night and as always stay safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Friday 14 January 2011


“I don’t want to date you because I don’t want to end up in your blog.”

Because of that quote I’ve grown a little weary of guys that go from hot to cold in the blink of an eye. I kind of feel like they’re testing me, they just want to see what I will put in my blog and what I won’t.

What and what not I’ll put in my blog depends greatly on who you are. I have a different policy for boyfriends, causal dates, crushes and friends. Not to mention how I’ll write about you is very dependent on your attitude and actions towards me. I don’t create villains in my blogs, if you do nothing wrong, I have nothing bad to write about you. It’s not rocket science.

As a rule I don’t write about boyfriends unless they’re ok with it. It’s respect thing more than anything. I actually had a boyfriend a while back; we dated 6 or 7 months and as you know I didn’t talk mention him. He wasn’t even aware I had a blog. It just didn’t feel right talking behind his back.

Men I date on the other hand are fair game. I see it like this, I don’t get a choice in the other people he may be dating so why should he get a say in what I write? Also who on earth would be able to say for sure who I’m writing about. Only a handful of people know who I am and the odds of them knowing the guy are slim to none. I mean I don’t introduce my random dates to my friends.

When I’m writing about people who know who I am I just try and keep their personality in mind. It won’t affect what I say but it does affect how I’ll say it. Someone people like a spoon full of sugar with their bitchiness, others are man enough to take it straight.

People who don’t know who I am, I write about in whatever way I feel like at the time. Whatever my mood is is how they’ll be spoken about. Like I said before I don’t create villains so I’m always fair about what I write and how I write it. If they’re nice, I’m nice. If they’re mean, I’m a the biggest bitch knew to man, Karma

Anyway dolls I’m heading off. Stay Safe.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch


Tuesday 11 January 2011

Contact The Honest Bitch

I had someone on twitter ask if I had any other connect information. I have posted it on twitter before but that was about 500 followers ago. So I thought I'd post it on here.




Love you guys

The Honest Bitch


Sunday 9 January 2011

Men Born In The Wrong City

Hey Dolls,

I’m thinking about the few guys I’ve actually clicked with in this country. I’m sure you remember my theory that there is an ocean between land masses for a reason, and you shouldn’t date people who are not from your land mass. So I’m thinking about why I’ve managed to find 2 guys here that I’ve liked.

Clearly those two are Chicken Man and Mr. X. After thinking about it long and hard I’ve decided they have a non English attitude. Chicken Man is well travelled so I can blame his attitude on that. He reminds me of someone from Toronto. He’s a little rude in a way you can’t get made about. He comes off nice but in is privet he’s just a bit of a bitch.

Then we have Mr. X who is clearly a New Yorker. He’s wrapped up in his own world, a lot of attitude, could be mistaken for rude and not understood by outsiders. He rarely reads my blogs so I may get away with this. Plus I think that’s the nicest thing I’ve said in a while.

You’ve heard of men born in the wrong body, well these are men that were born in the wrong city. English people have a unique sense of humour and a way about them. I need to find someone on this island who doesn’t necessarily lacks those English traits but has them in a Canadian friendly dose. In 10 years I’ve found 2....I’m screwed.

Anyways my dears I’m heading to bed to dream about a Chicken Man that’s still in this country or a Mr. X that is dateable.

Nighty Night

The Honest Bitch
