Showing posts with label Hockey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hockey. Show all posts

Monday 14 January 2013

Valentine’s Day

I’m already sick of hearing “Valentine’s Day is coming up!” and before you say anything, no, my dislike towards Valentine’s Day has nothing to do with the fact I’m single. Even when I’m in a relationship I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day it’s just not my sort of holiday.

“Yucky, yucky mushy shit” (as I’ve been known to call it) has never been my thing, mainly because I don’t have a romantic bone in my body. I love to watch romance in my guilty rom-com pleasure but in reality I wouldn’t be wooed by a candlelight dinner and moonlight dance. That just doesn’t tickle my peach.

Romance is meant to give you an excited feeling, the normal Valentine’s Day protocol give me....a chance to brush up on my faking skills and there is nothing romantic about faking.

I don’t even understand why guys try the normal Valentine’s Day romance act on me. Anybody who knows me knows my love for the colour pink (in everything expect clothing) is the only thing girly about me. So why do they think all that changes just because the calendar reads February 14th?

You know what my idea of a perfect Valentine’s Day is? Pizza, beer and my beloved Leafs managing to actually win a fucking game! And if by some act of god they do manage to win, an orgasm to finish off the evening.

Before you say it, yes I know I’m weird but you wouldn’t be reading my blog if I was normal now would you? Since I told you about my ideal Valentine’s Day what’s yours? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Thursday 7 June 2012

Gossip Pleasure

I thought I’d give something new a try today. As most of you know tabloids and celebrity gossip sites are my guilty pleasure. And there have been a few stories this week I can’t help but rant about. So I thought I’d rant here and let you guys weigh in on the topics.

I’ll link to each story in the headline and as always when dealing with celebrity gossip and gossip sites, how true it is, is always up for debate.

So let’s get started:

Shocking how this story comes out while she’s promoting her new show. Also explains why she waited 2 years after breaking up with Jim to say anything. It actually says in the interview she hasn’t reached out to him directly. So.....He’s a mind reader apparently. I don’t understand how she can go on the record bashing him over her decisions. She broke up with him after all.  Plus it’s not even his kid.

Really Dude, you’re John Mayer. (That’s all I have to say on that one).

The story itself doesn’t interest me at all but I do look forward to the cheating scandals and divorce.

I am Canadian, therefore I’m a hockey fan and nothing annoys me more than people jumping on the bandwagon when a team is doing well, and celebrities doing it annoys me even more.

Since the LA Kings are most likely going to win the Stanley Cup this year every celebrity and the tabloid that covers them is on their bandwagon. It ridiculous! Next thing you know a Kardashian will be dating one.

It’s so stupid if I can support the Leafs and all there suckdom surely they can tweet regular season games.

If you haven’t seen this video, don’t, you’ll end up with the over whelming urge to punch a 14 year old in the face.

The misinformed teenager in the video not only talks about the President encouraging people to gay but also says “a person isn’t born that way, no matter what Lady Gaga says, it is a decision.”

Let’s start with the fact none of my gay friends chose to bullied in school, chose to be called names they didn’t choose to be that way, they just are. But you know what is a choice? Homophobia, and religion for that matter.

That brings me to the other annoying part of this video. This little boy tries to push his religious beliefs on others.

I was raised going to church every Sunday and I may not agree with all their teaching now but they did get a few things right. A big thing in my church was the teaching that people have the right to pick and practice whatever religion they want or none at all. And they’re free to do that without having other people’s opinions pushed a pun them. Religion is between the individual and god and that’s it. Smart teaching and personally the way I think it should be.

This kid fucks me off on so many levels its unreal. I’d be all for GLAAD hire a hitman to deal with this hate spewing idiot and the people who thoughts he's parroting.

Anyways my dears that’s my rant or rants on this weeks big gossip site stories. What do you guys think? And are there any big stories I missed? Let me know in the comment box below.

As always my dears stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Thursday 8 December 2011

Wish List

Everyone seems to be doing their Christmas wish lists. Basically it’s a list of things that want in an ideal partner. So I thought I’d get in on the act with my own list. Not just because I have a massive headache and this takes little to no brain power but because it actually looks like fun. 

Let’s start.

First of all I want a guy who understands Canada is my home and if I’m going to settle down anywhere it’s going to be there. In the land of -40 winters and blowing hot summers.

I want a guy who understands I have loved the Leafs longer than him. And if given the choice I’d much rather watch the Leafs beat the Habs then have mind blowing sex with him.

I want a guy who understands I’m a soccer free zone. You can love it all you want but I don’t want to see or hear it. Soccer can be your dirty little secret.

I want a guy who can make me laugh. I’m the sort of person who can make a joke out of anything. I can be mad as hell on minute and then on the floor the laughing the next. Yes, I am crazy.

I want someone who understands the importance of alone time. I’m an only child so I’m very use to being alone and I like it that way. I’m sure that sounds horrible but I don’t care.

I need a guy who can put me in my place when I’m being a bitch. I’m a strong personality and because of that a lot of guys just “yes dear” me and I hate it. I want a guy who can look at me a say “you’re being a diva, stop!” Not sure I’d listen but it’s worth a try.

I want a guy who can do the above without being a dick.

Most importantly I need a guy who understands my blogging and that it will continue and he may be written about. He needs to just shut up and take it like a man.

Like most people I don’t think my list is asking too much. I think it’s just the right amount of crazy. So come on guys tell me what is on your wish list?

As always stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch 

P.S Be sure to go check out Jimmy's Low- maintenance girl wishlist 
Also check out Joel's wish list  so I missed you the first time around 

Saturday 1 October 2011


This isn’t something I wouldn’t normally write about but it’s bugging me and it’s my blog so I’m going to write about it.

GLAAD is demanding that NHL take action against Philadelphia Flyer Wayne Simmonds for allegedly calling New York Ranger Sean Avery a faggot during a game last week.  

I have a lot of problems with this. I normally respect GLAAD and the work they do but in this case they can’t win and instead of passing on a good messages to NHL fans they’re just pissing off the fans who now don’t care what their message is and just see GLAAD as a pest.

The first problem with this case is Wayne Simmonds in a game earlier that week had a banana thrown at him. It was a blatant racist attack...if you believe the news. I personally think that might be all the guy had to hand but that’s beside the point. It didn’t make anywhere near as big of a news story as this.

The second part of this problem is Sean Avery in the same game where he was allegedly called a faggot, was picked up on a microphone threatening to kill Claude Giroux. There is no allegedly in that story he clear as day said it.

So the problem NHL fans are having with GLAAD is who are they to say their issue is more important than racism or a death threat. Other things happened in that game and for them to make a fuss over something nobody else heard when Avery himself said horrible things in that game makes them look pity.

The other issue of course is Sean Avery. He’s not what you call well liked. Actually I don’t know a hockey fan that has a nice thing to say about him. So even before GLAAD opened their mouth they were on thin ice. If you’re going to try and make a stand, logic would dictate you do it off a respectable player. Something Avery is not.

Maybe this is because I live in England now where they eat faggots and smoke fags but I feel GLAAD is being a little sensitive. Things get said in the heat of the moment during sports and what they say may not be pc it’s not a crime. They’re not saying these words to hurt or offend, they’re saying it to get under each other’s skin and clearly since Avery cried to the media it worked.

I personally take offence to claims that the NHL and their fans are homophobic. Give me a break. Hockey players talk shit that's their job, it's part of the game. What they say may not be politically correct or even fit for TV but that doesn’t make them or their fans who understand this homophobic.

I’m willing to bet this wouldn’t even be news if Avery hadn’t been over heard threatening to kill Claude Giroux. He didn’t want the shit storm, so instead he throw Simmonds under the bus. Classy.

I’m a big believer in what happens on the ice should stay on the ice and if Avery had a problem with what was said he should dealt with it on the ice instead of crying to the media like a over grown baby.

I’m a Leafs fan so I kind of feel dirty supporting a Flyer but I had to unleash my rant. I'm not saying what was said is right I'm just saying the sky isn't falling. Anyways my dears, I’m off for the evening as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Monday 4 July 2011

Forgive and Forget

Hey Guys,

Let me start by apologizing for my whininess in my last post. Writing a blog post with a 102 degree fever wasn’t my smartest move but I promised a post and I wasn’t about to let anyone down.

However I’m feeling much better now and I have an absurd concept I’d like to talk about.

“Forgive and forget”

The whole idea of forgiving and forgetting is completely bonkers to me. I’m not against forgiving people so don’t get me wrong. It’s the forgetting part I have a problem with. It’s like that old saying “Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.”

You're never going to learn from anything if you constantly forgetting. It’s the recipe to becoming a doormat. “Oh he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget --> “he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget --> “he cheated on me” --> forgive and forget! On what planet does that make any sense? It’s the merry-go-round ride to hell.

My common sense would tell me after the first time I had to forgive someone that may this person is trouble and it’s time to find a new friend or boyfriend or whatever. I sure as hell wouldn’t get on the “forgive and forget” marry-go-round.

While writing this I can across something that said forgiving and forgetting can improve your health. But what about your quality of life? Actually a better question is why would you be around that many people who you constantly need to forgive?

I understand once in a blue moon something happens and you need to forgive or not forgive someone. But how many idiots do you have to have around you for it to impact your health. If you have that many fuck-wits around you, you deserve all the health problems you get. Use your brain. Stupid deserves stupid.

Maybe I’m wrong but in my opinion. Forgiving and forgetting is a sure fire way to become a doormat. You need to use your brain and not blindly follow some poorly thought out saying.

I’m heading back to bed. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 6 January 2011

Turning a negative into a positive

Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan I was born with thick thin. We are the most chirped and hated team in the NHL and because of this, we learn from a young age to have a sense of humour about things. We know we suck and half the chirping you hear about the Leafs are from other Leafs fan. And might I say our chirps are more original and funny then ones by other teams. The Maple Leafs last won Lord Stanley’s cup in 1967. That was before man walk on the moon. Here’s one for you that was before the 911 emergency service started. Hell Canada wasn’t even a hundred years old yet. Because of these horrible facts Leafs fans are experts in turning negatives into positives. Whether it just a joke that makes people smile (throwing waffles) or just enjoy the little victory like a good hit or great fight.

This is one of those hockey lessons that translates well into your day to day life, things may suck but there‘s still something positive you can take from it.

I’m not a positive person in general, my mind set isn’t “it’s raining....well the flowers will get watered”. My mind set is more “fuck my jeans are going to get wet.” However when it comes to relationships or work I like to forget the feelings and the tears and just hold on to the lessons. There is no use beating yourself up about things you can’t change but if you learned a lesson and are able to successfully apply that lesson in the future. It’s been worth it.

You may have gotten hurt once, but the lesson you learned from it will prevent you getting hurt again. So if 1 heartache can prevents 5 more....I think the lesson paid for its self. You may completely hate someone for what they’ve done, that my dear friend is motivation. Hate isn’t a negative thing if you do positive with it.

I’m heading off guys. I hope your 2011 has started off well. Remember 2011 it’s not rocket science.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 12 December 2010

I don’t care, my blogs aren’t going anywhere.

The last time my blog was found, I ended but relocating it but not this time. I’ve had over 100 hits since I posted my last blog on Friday and I’m not going to screw my readers around. My blog is here to stay and anyone who has a problem with it can fuck off.

I’m not going to change anything or edit the way I write. I write how I’m feeling at the time and yeah sometimes people’s feelings may get hurt but it’s my point of view. Here’s an idea, don’t be an ass and give me things to write about. I won’t say sorry for how I feel. I’m not called a bitch for nothing.

Now that that’s done I’m going to go watch the Leafs kick so Habs ass.

Love always

The Honest Bitch


P.s Thank you Mr. X for being almost human tonight. You made a lot sense and appreciate that.

Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

Good Evening,

Happy Halloween! October 31 – November 1st is said to the point at which the sprits are closet and able to communicate most easily the living. Not many people know this but it’s actually November 1st that’s the hunted day. The history is that people use to dress up on All Hallows' Eve to ward off any harmful sprits from visiting them on All saints day (November 1s) when the sprits are said to be able to reach through from the other world.

I’m not sure if I truly believe in ghosts but for one night a year it’s fun to pretend and just be scared. What other time of year can you be whoever you want to be? Hunted house are my favourite part of Halloween. Sadly England doesn’t really understand how to them. There is nothing like being scared out of skin and running away from a man with a chainsaw. I have some awesome memories from hunted houses over the years.

In other news, my op has been moved forward to November 2nd and my mother operation is now on the 9th. I’m not really worried about my operation I’ve had the same thing done a lot of times now. But I am freaking out about my mom’s, I think she’s going to die. It was a close call last time she was in, ok this is different but I’m really worried. I don’t want to think too much about of I’ll end up crying.

I just wanted to take a chance to thank two very cool people, Jason and Neal. Jason is someone that always knows just what to say to make me feel better and I’m very thankful to have someone that cares for me that much, Even if he hits on me a lot. The other person is Neal and well Neal may be the funniest guy around. He always managed to make me smile, he’s always there to talk to or just listen. He’s also a fellow Leafs fan so that’s always a bonus

Speaking of The Leafs, we lost two shutouts in a round. It has been122 minutes and 24 seconds of game time since the Leafs last scored a goal. The Leafs started this season strong but now they’re sitting in 18th place in the NHL. This season is early put I’m starting to worry that 30th place has own name written all over it.

Did you see Colton Orr’s pink skates tonight? I’m going to post a picture for you. He sported them for Hockey Fights Cancer and you can’t help but feel respect for this tough guy. He may be a fight on the ice but tonight he showed us he’s a good guy.

Anyways it’s now 5am or actually 6 because they clocks went back. Enjoy your extra hours in bed UK people.

Love you

The Honest Bitch


Monday 18 October 2010

Leafs are number 1 (I just like saying that)

Good Morning,

Let’s start this blog with the awesome news that the Toronto Maple Leafs have gone 4 – 0 to start the season. That’s right the29th team in the league last year are currently undefeated. Just to rub salt in the wound they’re actually number 1 in the league right now. They play the Islanders tonight so we’ll see if they can make it 5 – 0.

I’ve started chatting to guys again. I’m still off guys but maybe if the right guy pops up I’ll change my mind. I’ve had so much bad luck with guys in the past year; no one can blame me of taking some me time.

My back has been really bad the past few weeks so I’m being forced to take things easy. It’s killing me; I’m the sort of person that will push through the pain until I can’t do it anymore. I’m at that stage now and I just have to take painkillers and flake out. I’m at the hospital in a few days and with a bit of luck this new doctor will be able to sort it out.

Anyways guys I’m off to catch up on some gossip.

Stay safe guys.

Queen Bee xx

Tuesday 12 October 2010


I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and there wasn’t too much drama we all know what being forced to spend time with your family can be like.

Personally I don’t have a lot to talk about, my back as been playing up so I haven’t really been able to do much. That needs to change though. I miss having a guy around. I miss cuddles but more than anything I miss sex.

I spent years having meaningless one nightstands and short term relationships. This is the first time in 9 years I haven’t been getting fucked regularly. I guess if I want to get fucked I really need to start putting myself out there again. I’ll change my mind after the first weirdo but until then I’m out there.

In none sex related news, the Leafs seem to have a hockey team. They started the season 2 – 0, they have goaltending, they have speed and they seem to have talent. If they keep playing this way they may see that playoff this season.

Love Always

Queen Bee
