I thought I’d
finish up this month’s blog posts (anyone else impressed I managed to get all 8
up) with a bit of catch up, since I’ve left a lot of post open-ended recently.
Let’s start
with the reason I was drunk for most of the first week of January. I ended my
2014 work year with a shiny disciplinary. A disciplinary I didn’t deserve I
might add. I’m no angel, and I probably deserved a disciplinary for a few
things, however, the one I received was complete and utter bullshit.

The next
update comes in the form of Mr. Block , he’s gone to the light-side, making him
as good as dead to me. However, many of you will be pleased to know replacing
him on the dark-side is Hank. I know many of you were rooting for him.
obligatory Mr. X update is simple, he’s still a cock.
The internet
dating is going horribly, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die alone with 700 cats,
but given the other options, I’m good with that.
My New Year’s
resolutions are still going strong, I managed to get all 8 blog posts up… just
and my Facebook questions are still going strong, be it with a little cheating
on my part. The less quick to anger resolution, however, is dead. What can I say,
I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.
Anyways, I
think that you guys all caught up now, and I’m off to cause a little bit of
trouble…. ok, maybe a lot of trouble. But before I go, I shall leave you with
this question; how are you getting on with your New Year’s resolutions? Let me
know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.
The Honest