Showing posts with label No-no. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No-no. Show all posts

Monday, 19 January 2015

Top 5 Dating Site Profile Picture No-nos

As I said in my previous blog, I’ve decided to give Internet dating another go and over the past few weeks I’ve come to notice that men are utterly clueless when it comes to knowing what women are looking for when they look at a profile picture.

So for the sake of women everywhere I thought I’d list my top 5 dating site profile picture no-no’s and who knows, I may throw in a few things you should do as well just for good measure.

No-no #1 - The drunk picture: Nobody wants to date a man who clearly can’t hold his alcohol. I understand why you’re posting it, you’re going for that fun loving vibe, however, that’s not the vibe you’re giving off. You’re giving off more of the party every night, going nowhere in life, kind of vibe.

No-no #2 – The topless picture: I don’t have an issue with a topless picture being somewhere in your gallery; I do, however, have a problem with it being your main picture, especially if your face isn’t even in the picture. Forgetting the fact it’s sending out a strong “I’m only here to get laid” message. If you’re looking for more than that, you’re not going to be happy with the sort of woman a picture like that attracts, so just don’t do it.

No-no #3 – The surround by women picture: When I come across a picture of a guy who is surrounded by women, whether they’re real women or clearly model’s I always click no my reasoning is simple, drama. Men with lot of female friends in my experience come with a lot drama, and who wants that in a guy they haven't met yet?

No-no #4 – The hotter friend picture: This one should go without saying, but when you post a picture to a dating site you should be the hottest person in the picture. You don’t want to start a relationship with a woman fantasizing about your best friend.

No-no #5 – The slob picture: If you look like you haven’t moved off the couch in 2 weeks don’t be surprised if nobody is giving you any attention. There is a big difference between looking chilled and relaxed in a picture and looking like you’re afraid of the shower.

And just so this post is completely negative here are two things that women like to see in a dating site profile picture.

#1 – A suit: As cliché as it sounds, there is nothing more attractive than a man in a suit. It gives the appearance that the man is put together and knows what he wants in life. Appearances can be deceptive, but by the time she figures that out you’ll have hopefully won her over with your charm.

#2 – Your adorable dog: I can’t explain this one, it’s just one of those facts of life. A cute dog makes you better looking and more appealing. I’ve noticed it myself, guys I’d normally instantly pass on get a second look because their dog is gorgeous….and I’m not even a dog person.

Anyways, that’s just my thoughts on the matter, but I’d love to hear yours. What advice would you give men when it comes to picking their profile picture? Let me know in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 