Friday, 9 February 2018

Stressed For No Reason

Can someone explain to me why I feel so stressed and run down?

It’s not been a bad start to 2018; I started the year with a pay raise, I’ve finally been allowed to order my company car and I’ve only worked 5 sets of 4 so far this year, hell I only have 2 more sets before I’m off again. So, what the hell is up with me?

Ok, they are trying to screw with my contract which is a little stressful, but at least at the minute, they are not pushing it so that shouldn’t account for it. My mom has a surgery pending, but that’s still some ways off. I just don’t get why I’m feeling this way.

 I’m starting to wonder if operation be a less shitty human is the reason. I mean it takes a lot to not snap at idiots. And it takes even more to try to swallow the bullshit they feed you. And listen to them whine and moan. Being a nice human it way more work than one would think, and I suck at it and it’s still draining me.

Anyways, I am going to go and rest up before I head back to work to face another week. But before I go, I have this question for you; How do you keep your calm when dealing with assholes? Let me know in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday, 2 February 2018


I’m not sure why, but 2018 so far seems to be the year of being unmotivated. I just have no go, no drive, no want and clearly that’s a problem. That said It’s not that I’m being unproductive; my “to do” list gets done, I’m not failing anything, I’m just dragging my heels and leaving it all to the last minute and not doing things to my normal standards.

This blog is the prefect example. I am writing this at 6am on the day of my first night shift back. Why? I’ve just had 4 days off. I’ve not done anything major during those 4 days off so why am I now giving up sleep to do something I could and should have already done? What the hell is wrong with me?

I like to end these posts with answers, but I have none. This is one of those posts I write hoping by getting the thought out of my brain something will come to me and if it does I’ll let you know.  But I’ll pass the question on to you lovely people. What do you do to get motivated? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch