Friday 30 August 2019

Am I Really Angry?

Since my last work review where I was once again told I am emotional and angry, I’ve decided to work on that. I have read a few books, watched a few videos and I’m starting to believe I am not the problem…at least not the main one.

I will hold my hands up I am sarcastic and more of a realist, however, those traits don’t make me an angry person. What makes me an angry person is other people being stupid. I think me being a bitch is just my body’s way of dealing with stupid… it’s like an allergic reaction almost. I have tried a lot of techniques over the past month or so and they’ve all resulted in me feeling angry. Unlike before, where I would verbalise my displeasure and I never actually felt angry. Now I feel angry.

You could see this on my Fitbit as well; my mouth sounds pissed; however, my heart rate is normal. When I was trying CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) it was the opposite, my mouth sounded fine, but my heart rate was up, and I felt mad.

It’s all very strange and leading me to believe I don’t have an anger problem. It is possible for what I’ve been reading I may have “chronic irritation” but, I work with idiots whom leave me chronically irritated so seems fair.

I have become more aware of my triggers from this little self-help journey and they say knowledge is power, so maybe that will help. Personally, I think I need to go back to acting lessons as even when my mouth is shut, my face is loud, and I can’t seem to shut it up these days. You’ve heard of resting bitch face. I have murderous you are a fucktard face.

Anyways, I am off to drink because work last week was a test of my will power to not go to jail. Good job I don’t have angry issues or I’m positive I would have lost that battle. I’ll leave that as the question of the blog; how do you stay calm when surrounded by idiots? Let me know in the comments below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 23 August 2019

Tyler Joins Team Tyler

The Gay Husband made a comment, that several of you have echoed regarding Tyler possible joining “Team Tyler”. First of all; I am not sure he’s allowed to join that team. It seems very egotistical to join your own fan club.  And second, why are we assuming this suddenly?

The gay husband seems to believe since I now have the “work wife” title, it means Tyler likes me. I argue I have had this title many times in the past and it means nothing of the sort. It means we get along and bicker like stereotypical married people.

I love the gay husband’s optimism, but as usual he’s wrong. Just plain wrong. Tyler isn’t Team Tyler, he’s just nice and sweet. And everyone else is batshit crazy.

Anyways, I am off to bed, but before I go, I will leave you with this question; Do you have a work spouse? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 16 August 2019

New Title?

It’s been a few weeks since our nightshift meet up, and I was a little worried how meeting people in person would affect our relationships on nights. My fears weren’t founded at all, if anything, it’s brought us all closer together, so much so we’re planning a night out in September to get more of us together.

The funny thing is since meeting, Tyler has given in and has started calling me his work wife. I’ve joked for month about us being married, if you ever listen to us sort issues out, you’d understand. We work fantastic together, but to anyone from the outside is sounds like an old married couple. He’s always fought that title; he’s now embracing it. Along with his new favorite saying, “happy work wife, happy life.” I’m not loving that one.

But, it’s nice to see we don’t hate each other now that we’ve met. Anyways, I just wanted to fill you guys in my new title and make the most of being stuck in bed… I hurt my neck and get a blog written. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 9 August 2019

Nights Meet Up

Last weekend I finally had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Tyler in person. Tyler, myself and another co-worker took advantage of Tyler being temporarily relocated and arranged a nightshift meet up.

It was nice to finally put faces to names. Tyler and I got there first and grabbed a drink and hung out for around an hour before our other co-worker showed up. I hate to break your little dreamer hearts, but there were no sparks there. But it was strange, I wasn’t nervous at all to meet him. I am not super social these days, so normally I get a little nervous… not at all with him. On the other hand, with my other co-worker I definitely was.

I guess since I spend at least 8 hours a night talking to Tyler on the phone, there was nothing to be worried about. If you can chat for that long and it not be awkward, a few hours at the pub is nothing.

It was a good afternoon. It’s nice to know the team is as lovely in person as they seem on the phone. I’m sure we will do it again and hopefully the rest of the A team will be able to join us.

Anyways, my dears, I am off to enjoy what remains of my day off. However, before I go I have this question for you; do you get on with your co-workers? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 2 August 2019

My Mouth Gets Me in Trouble…Again

I really am starting to long for the days when I had patience. I have always had a smart-ass mouth, that’s nothing new, but back in the day I use to have the patience and will to hold it back. Nowadays, it just runs wild, like an angry Canadian goose.

Recently my mouth has gotten me in trouble at work. I may or may not have sent an email that I shouldn’t have. I blame Tyler for this. He’s recently been away being groomed for management, so he hasn’t been on the end of the phone. Normally he would have talked some sense into me, however, this time I was left to my own devices… which never ends well.

 I did manage to talk my way out of more serious consequences, but prevention is better than cure and had Tyler been around I am sure I wouldn’t have found myself in that situation.

Tyler is fantastic at balancing me. None of that he’s the yin to my yang bull. It’s more he’s so laid back; he borrows some of my “grr” and leaves me more “purr”.

I spent years saying I like my men to have a little “grr” to them. After being single for… sometime, I’ve developed that grr myself. It might even be possible I’ve over developed it. But, hey, better over than under, I guess.

Anyways, I am off to have a pamper night, since I’m planning on meeting the lovely Tyler in person tomorrow. I’d like to look almost human. But before I go, I will leave you with this question when was the last night your mouth got you in trouble? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch