This might be the first time in a long time I’ve blogged
because I’ve needed to blog rather than blogging because I want to, and am trying
to get back into the habit because I miss you guys. At the end of the day we’re
one big dysfunctional family here and crazy needs crazy.
Uncertainty is the theme of this blog as I’m sure you can
tell since… can read; and there seems to be a lot of it in my life right
now. And I’ll let you in on a little secret, I don’t like it. Inside my head is crazy
enough, I don’t need the thing around me to follow suit, that’s too much crazy…nobody
needs that much crazy.
Uncertainty number 1 is my job; it was announced Monday
that the site I work at is being closed down and presumably relocated. I say presumably
because nothing has been announced, but truck driver’s gossip more than teenage
girls and we’ve been aware of new site in the works for several months.

Problem 2 is I crazy ex-girlfriend stalked my company
online and I can’t find an application for an operator’s licence for the alleged
new site anywhere. Which is worrying me…. A lot. No licence, no job, it’s as
simple as that.
I am a little reassured by the fact that if there is a
new site, my supervisor is leaning towards going. I don’t want to work under
someone else, (that sounded a little wrong) I’m finally in a position where I can
build on my knowledge and possibly move up. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’m
working with the best person to help me. I may wholeheartedly disagree with
his decisions at times (which is how I know it’s time to think about moving up) but
I’m not going to find anyone better suited to teach me. ……Shhhh if you listen
carefully you can hear his ego growing.
I do have the advantage of not being tied to my current
location, but A) There has to be another site for that to work and B) my pay
would have to go up to match the standard of pay at that location.
The other major uncertainty is the “not boyfriend” as I
call him. Barney and I have been dating nearly 4 months at this point and we’re…well…uncertain.
We’re not boyfriend/girlfriend, we’re not seeing each other enough to get to
that point…yet the desire on both parts to get to that point is there, but it’s
not going to happen anytime soon and by soon I mean this side of 2014.
Part of me thinks my best bet is to cut my losses and run and
the other part is brainwashed by a man I never get to see but really wants to.
I don’t know what it is with this guy, I’m immune to guy bullshit normally;
even with Mr X I was able to call him out of his bullshit. This guy’s bullshit
has mutated for the pure purpose of slipping past my defenses and it’s driving
me crazy!

I don’t like uncertainty, I like to know where I stand
and right now it feels like I’m standing on quicksand reaching for a one
armed monkey swinging from a tree.
Anyways, that’s enough of…whatever that was. I need to go
get dressed and go vote because if you don’t vote you have no right to bitch and
we all know I like to bitch. So I shall leave you with this question; what don’t
you know that you wish you did? Let me know your answer to that and any
thoughts you have on my mess in the comment box below and as always my dears,
stay and play safe.
The Honest Bitch