Thursday 17 July 2014


Oh, how a week can change things. The supervisor or the ex-supervisor or the cunt as I’ve been calling him
this past week (a word a never use, which is just a sign of how fucked off I really am), got himself signed off and didn’t tell me, got himself signed off again… didn’t tell me and is about to hand his notice in which he did tell me but by that point… I didn’t fucking care.

Don’t get me wrong, he has the right to do what the fuck he wants, but he did it in a weasel like way and played me for a fool in the process and I don’t take kindly to that. I don’t even have the words to describe how mad I actually am.

The problem I’m having is I’m mad, I know it’s not all because him, but I’m not in a place right now where I can sort out what’s what. He’s taking the brunt of it, deservedly so or not. I can’t filter my angry right now it’s too raw.

Logically, I know it’s not all his fault, but logic and angry don’t really mix. I know at some point when I don’t want to test the theory that I’ve watched enough murder show I could easily get away with it, I’ll sort through it all and be able to begin to figure out how much of an asshole he truly is or was but right now I am just mad.

So until I am no longer mad I shall try and bite my tongue, channel that angry into something productive and attempt not to kill anyonebut no promises.

I guess that brings me to the question of the blog, what do you do when you’re mad? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday 13 July 2014

The Supervisor

Some of you have asked about my relationship with the Supervisor and since I’m struggling to fall asleep I
thought I’d oblige.

The Supervisor and I have a strange relationship, despite what you might think there is absolutely no sexual tension between us. That spark you’d expect when we swap looks across the desk is completely AWOL. It just doesn’t exist.

That spark however does exist with a few other men at work but sadly nothing act-on-able. But it’s always nice to have a little something to play off of.

But back to the Supervisor; I hear the questions already; no sexual tension, no spark, so what's the interest?

It’s simple; I think he’d be a good lay.

I hear heads spinning, let me explain; a sexual spark makes sex good, no matter the sex. If the sex is already good the sexual spark isn’t necessary. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a plus but it’s not needed. That pesky spark is the reason feeling develop, meet someone without that spark and you have a first class fuck-friend on your hands.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do have feelings for the Supervisor, just not I want to have his baby feelings. It’s more of a we’ve been married for 30 years and are trying to run a household and raising 60 toddlers together sort of feeling.

We’re a team, and one hell of a team at that. We just have a way of bringing out the best in each other and because of that things just work better when we’re together. We may not have a sexual spark, but we still have a special bond60 toddlers have a way of doing that to you.

Anyways you’ve asked, I’ve answered and now I’m going to bed. So sweet dreams my lovelies and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Oh, and PS; what do you do when you can’t sleep?  

Friday 11 July 2014

Feeling Single

I’ve been single for just over a month now and until recently I hadn’t really noticed. I know that sounds crazy, but given mine and Barney’s relationship it’s understandable. I didn’t see the man very often and towards the end of our relationship, our conversations weren’t very boyfriend/girlfriend like. Breaking up wasn’t any great loss…hell it wasn’t even a moderate loss.

That said, the other day for the first time in a very long time I truly felt single. What was the catalyst for this feeling you ask? 


       Well, in actual fact, this.  

Leave it to Ikea to make a girl feel all alone. I’m not an overly girly girl and going into the whole flat pack thing I felt confident. Then I opened the box and quickly realised why women get married.

Now don’t get me wrong this girl is no quitter and I did get it built, it may have taken 12 hours but I got it done. But even afterwards that all alone feeling lingered. There was nobody there to share in my flat pack triumph.

It was weird, I’m not someone to worry about my relationship status. I couldn’t care less whether I’m single or in a relationship. As long as I’m happy within myself anything else is a bonus.  

The way I see it is I spend all day around men and if I’m going to put up with one without being paid he better be something special. I get my fill of jerks and fuck-wits at work. Admittedly, I do get some sweethearts and real gems at work too, but for the most part…..I spend 90% of my night wondering how on earth most of these men are married and whether their women are being held captive King Kong style.

I really should be thankful that some of them are so repulsive, it was the thing that managed to pull me out of my “being single” funk. It’s hard to long after something when you’re wondering if soap and water are just a little too complicated for their species.

I have to admit there are a few men there that make being in a relationship seem tempting. I work with some absolutely lovely guys that would do anything for me and that often prove that not all men are bad. However, all that loveliness is quickly balanced out by a grown men having a temper-tantrums……the joys of the transport industry, eh?

Anyways, my dears, I am off to that lovely place I call bed to dream about doing very unladylike things to my Supervisor….what? Just because I’m content being single doesn’t mean this girl doesn’t have needs. Anyways, before I go I shall leave you with this question; what snaps you out of your “being single sucks” moods? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Thursday 10 July 2014

Too Well Oiled Of A Machine

I’ve always said the Supervisor and I have an extraordinary working relationship despite only working together since April we’ve quickly found our staid and became a well-oiled machine.  Possibly too well-oiled.

I know personally I hate not working with the Supervisor, things just work better when our team is in, we know what each other is thinking and doing without having to ask. He doesn’t have to chase me and I don’t have to chase him everything just gets done.

The downside to this relationship is I hate to let him down and he’s the same with me. I know I should be focused on finding a new job right now, but I keep putting it off because I don’t want to leave him on his own. I have an interview next week for a fantastic job that pays £6,000 a year, more than I’m currently on and I feel horrible about it. I don’t want to go and leave him, but the choice isn’t mine.

He’s proofing right now it’s a two way street, his doctor wants him off work due to stress, but he doesn’t want it off because he doesn’t want to leave me in on my own. I’m having to do the right thing despite really not wanting to and push him to look after himself. Admittedly the thought of being in on my own next week is about enough to get me signed off with stress, but I have to do the right thing and put his health first…. Doing the right thing sucks.

I think it might suck a little more because if I do get this job, this could be our last set of 4. Which is almost enough to make me cry. I’m having one of those “I’m not ready to be an adult” moments but I guess I don’t really have a choice.

Anyways, that’s enough of me having emotions I need to go and be a cold heartless bitch and balance the universe back out. Before I go I shall leave you with this question; what is your favourite thing about your current job? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 2 July 2014

I Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists

This seems to be a trend lately whether it’s Barney and his emotional manipulation or the drivers at work with their blatant refusal to keep operations running. I feel like I’m constantly negotiating with terrorists.

Call me naive, but when I stopped working a customer facing role I thought my days of terrorist negotiation was over… how wrong was I. If anything drivers are a million times worse than any customer I’ve ever dealt with.

In customer service you have the power, at the end of the day, yes, you want the customer to be happy, but they want something from you so the end game is ultimately yours.

In transport the power lies with the driver, they have the class 1 license you want them to use said license to deliver your goods so the power is theirs, and my god do they know it. It feels like you’re trying to negate the release of a chocolate bar a toddler is determined to eat. You’re never going to win at least part of that chocolate is getting eaten.

As much as I keep telling myself I don’t negate with terrorist….I do. I’m just kidding myself if I say otherwise. My job title may as well be "terrorist negotiator" at this point. The odd part is until recently I actually enjoyed my job. I enjoyed going in and defusing bombs and against all odds making everything work. But lately it’s just been a lot of work and with everything so up in the air, it’s a lot of work I’m not sure that even worth doing.

Anyways, my lovelies, I’m going to go and relax and make the most of my precious time off. I guess I’ll leave you with this question; what is your favorite way to distress after a long week at work? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Did You Try?

When I've talked about my “relationship” with Barney ending, a couple of friends have asked me the same question; did I try? And I find this question incredibly offensive.

Why is my duty to chase a grown ass man? I messaged him, he failed to message me back, in my book I tried. Did I try hard….no but why should I? If I’m not a priority to him why would I want to chase him?

I hate that emphasis is placed on the woman, like somehow it’s our job to corral men and beat the asshole out of them; while training them in the art of common courtesy and communication. I’m sorry, but I didn’t sign up for that. There are only 2 things in this life worth chase and neither of them are men. They’re alcohol and dreams and I recommend one more then the other.

Given the men I date, it’s a no brainer chase alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol J

Anyways, my lovelies, that’s my rant over with. I am off to make the most of my last night off, cocktails, chick flick and a face mask are just what the doctor ordered. I suppose before I go I should leave you guys with a question; have you ever chased anyone and was it worth it? Let me know in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Work Killed Barney

Hmmmm.where to start…… well Barney is dead or as good as.

What happened is his inability to work a phone continued and I was joking with him and told him about my supervisor even joking about his caveman like phone skills and Barney lost his shit. I quickly defused his temper-tantrum, but it was a big warning sign. Then he went radio silent again for 5 or 6 days, so when he finally reappeared, I told him I was bored of him and that was that.

I’m sure it’s not normal to choose your supervisor over a boyfriend, but the way I see it is if he’s going to snap over a joke, it’s only a matter of time before he snaps at me and add that to him not texting and vanishing for weeks at a time….3 strikes and you’re out buddy.

Next up is work; they sent me an email with the ad for my job telling me if I want it, apply for it. I sent one back saying ha ha ha try again and they changed their mind so it appears I have a job. But sadly my supervisor isn’t going which I find strangely upsetting.

Forgetting the flirting and the cum strained boss’s desk; we’re a team and my teammate is abandoning me. Don’t me wrong, I completely understand why he’s going and I don’t blame him, but I don’t have to like it.

We work well together; it’s very yin and yang. He’s laid back and deal with things as they come, I am more proactive and like to get things done before anybody has even thought about them. It just works well for us. There is no, he’s higher up the food chain than me, we work as equals and when there is a problem to be solved, we bounce ideas off each other and come to a solution sometimes he’s right and sometimes I’m right. There’s no dictatorship with him. When you have a good working relationship with someone and you manage to have a laugh while doing it you can’t blame a girl for not wanting to lose that.

Plus, I still kind of want to fuck himnot really sure why, just do.

Anyways I have to go I can hear a pint of beer calling my name and I’d hate to disappoint it. So let me leave you with this question; what caused you to end your last relationship? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch