I am not sure if being “neuro-spicy”, makes this more difficult
for me, or if it’s simply because I’ve blogged for 15 years, I am used to doing these
black box reports that it just jumps out at me more than that the average
This time, credit the guy, the date itself was fine. We went
for drinks and had a laugh, I was my usual closed-off self, but still, we were able to
have a laugh and get to know each other. This guy had some red flags against him
going into the date, however, newly single after 8 months, I needed to dip my
toe back in. Mainly because I believed and still do, my ex moved on in less than
4 days. At the end of the night, we went our separate ways, I went home, and he
went to his hotel, with the agreement we’d meet for breakfast.
It didn’t play out like that; the second he was back in his room;
he became a sex pest. And that wasn’t happening. The guy had a kid, and we all
know my rule regarding safe sex, say it with me, “birth control, condoms, and responsible
chance the guy I’m sleeping with is shooting blanks.” I was willing to try and overlook
this, but it was going to take time. Time, he wasn’t interested in giving me,
it turns out.
This is where the lack of being stupid comes into it; I was drunk
and thinking about it. But I hopped on the dating site where we met as I wanted
to see just how long we had been talking. He was very keen to push things
forward, so the date was quicker than I would have liked it to be. While I was
checking things, I noticed his location had changed to where the hotel was. So,
dude, while trying to get in my pants, he was still on actively on the site. I had
done the girl, joking “you must have a lot of girls lined up for dates”. And he
responded with, no, it’s only you I am interested in” …. dude couldn’t even
make it 8 hours, or at least be smart enough to turn you’re tracking off. Hard
Needless to say, breakfast didn’t happen, and I haven’t heard
from him since. I suspect he found a source to dampen his dick as when I looked
before writing this post, he is no longer a premium member; however, his
account is still open, so take from that what you will.
Anyways, let that be a lesson to you; either turn off your location
tracking or don’t be a prick, which lesson you take is up to you.
I am off to try and get some sleep before work, let me know
your most recent dating nightmares in the comment section below. And as always,
stay and play safe.