I was venting to my Enigma writing partner (we really need
to bring that back) Joel about the whole being lied to thing despite our conversation
I just couldn’t shake the rage, I was in an absolutely foul mood.
It was getting late, so before I went to bed, like I do
every night, I hopped on the computer to check my blog, and that’s when my bad
mood instantly lifted. I spotted that my view were way up. And any blogger will
tell you, you just can’t be in a bad mood when your views are up. Plus the more
people who are reading my blog, the more people who are finding out he’s a tool
so it’s kind of a win, win for me.
Then last night my 2nd Facebook account asked me
if I knew the guy that blocked me and it sent me into a rage. Once again. It’s
the whole being lied to thing I find infuriating. I was doing so well at acting
like I didn’t care, but that pushed me over the edge and psycho bitch came out
to play for a while.
Then out of the blue I got an email telling me my .com was available.
So despite it being incredibly late, I set it all up. Once it all went live the
excitement completely wiped out my angry. I mean thehonestbitch.com is a thing
now, how can I be angry?

Which brings me back nicely to how something so minor can
have such a huge impact on your mood. I’ve been in a fantastic mood all day, don’t
get me wrong, I’m still irritated, but in the grand scheme of things it’s
Anyways, my dears, I am off to celebrate thehonestbitch.com
being a real thing. If that’s not a good reason to a have drink, I don’t know
what is. But before I go I shall leave you with this question; what little
thing changes your mood? Let me know in the comment box below and as always,
stay and play safe.
The Honest Bitch