My last blog was nice and sweet; this one however is back to
business as usual.
My first night off this week, I was woken up by a message
from a girl I use to work with, as you can imagine the following conversation
both quickly woke me up and enraged me.
Kate - “Did u shag Barney??????????”
Me – “What lol”
Kate – “I heard u shagged Barney in a hotel”
Me - “Who from”
Kate – “Barney said to girls on days an they told me lol”
Me- “Lol that's the sort of message you like to wake up to”
Kate – “Just thought I would ask lol, and CM????”
Let me start by saying I’m not mad at Kate as far as I’m concerned
she did the right thing. She did what many wouldn’t do and she asked me, far
play to her. Barney on the other hand is a dead man.
We went our separate ways 6 months ago when he proved himself
to be part psycho. As far as I’m concerned at this point there is absolutely no
reason for my name to be leaving his mouth and the fact that it is, has only
proven that I was right to get rid of him in the first place. However, that satisfaction
of being right hasn’t eased my anger any.
When you’re a female in a male dominated industry you have
to be very careful to protect your reputation and given the fact truck drivers
gossip more than teenage girls, crap like this could affect my ability to get
work in the future. Nobody cares that I didn’t get involved with him until long
after he left the company, or that it wasn’t a one night stand type thing; all
they hear is she slept with one of her drivers.

And what pissed me off even more is the bastard won’t
reply to me. I sent him a message asking why I was being asked if I slept with
him and he hasn’t even had the balls to reply to me.
This gossip is going through my old place like a wild fire
and minus being pissed off I find it kind of funny, I mean I left over a year
ago, if I’m all they have to gossip about, I feel like kind of sorry for them. Plus, I must have left an impression on them, if they remember who I am after all
this time. I almost feel bad the story isn’t a little juicier for them.
Anyways, my dears, I’m off to plot a murder, but before I do, I
guess I should leave you with a question or maybe two. Question 1: How do you
deal with being gossiped about? And question 2: What makes someone gossip about
an ex 6 months on? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and
play safe.
The Honest Bitch