Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

Friday, 17 May 2019

Happy Birthday To Me

“Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to me.”

It’s my birthday today, and a good sign I am old is my birthday fell on a Friday and I’m spending it at home, in bed, just chilling all by myself. And I can’t think of a better way to spend the day. Although I’m not sure if that’s my age or just the fact I hate 99% of people.

 I’m sure I should be stressed about life, and about being a scary age and having to make some life decisions, but I’ve decided to take the day off stressing. Those worries will all be there tomorrow, today is just about relaxing and being.

I am off to enjoy a birthday drink and play the Sims. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday, 5 April 2019

Taking Control Update

On January 1St I wrote a post about taking control; understanding there are many things that are going to happen this year that are out of my hands and I can’t do anything to control that. However, there are many things I can control, and I need to take ownership on that. That post went live January 11Th, it is now coming up to April 11Th, so I thought I’d give you an update 4 months on.

The first thing I wanted to take control of was my blog. So far so good. I am yet to miss a Friday, which is a lot better than I managed in 2018, I think I made it to February before I missed a post. I’d love to step up my social media game, get that back to where it used to be. But I am happy with the small steps.

I also wanted to take control of my health and build some healthy habits. They say it takes 3 full months to build a habit; I think it may take longer, as none of it is second nature yet. That said, I haven’t missed a day on my treadmill. I’ve slowly built up the time. I do a minimum of 20 minutes every day. I’m feeling better for it. I’ve also cut back on takeout. I only allow myself to indulge once a week and I’m actually in credit with that. Weight loss needs to follow suit soon, however, I’m not ready for that just yet. I have, however, loss 5lbs just making the small changes I have.

The last thing I wanted to take control of was my job. I’ve not done much with this yet. I’m holding out until our July reviews to see what information I can get and how it goes. I don’t dislike my job. I am struggling at the moment with the people part of my job, but I am struggling with people in life, so I don’t want to jump to any conclusions. I need to look at this and sort a long-term plan, but I am not in the mindset to do that yet.

That’s where we are so far. It was actually nice to write this. I hadn’t realised how much progress I had made. I’m feeling slightly less hopeless now. Before I disappear, I have this question for you; what process have you made this year? Let me know in the comments below. And, as always, make sure you stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday, 12 January 2018

Slow going

Any dream I had of 2018 finally being the year I get life organised is being quickly dashed. This is the second Friday of the year and the seconds Friday I’m writing and posting on the same day. But, I am writing so I guess it’s only a half fail; although I’m not writing the post I planned so maybe a 2/3 fail…. Is that a thing? I guess it is now.

Operation be a less shitty human is going fairly well. I worked with a less favorite colleague last night and I didn’t lose my temper or break a toe or anything. That said, I’m starting think road rage is completely involuntary. It’s as bad as ever and I’m not sure how to stop it without taking up murdering all the idiots on the road.

The plan to get healthy is….. a plan. Progress and changes are happening, however baby steps and until I have a little time off work, it’s going to have to be that way. Change takes time and effort and my work days are too long to really focus and build good habits.

Anyways, I’m going to go and probably get some more sleep. I’m struggling to keep eyes open. But before I go I have this question for you, how do you calm down your road rage? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday, 5 January 2018

A New Year A New Me

A new year, a new me… or maybe not. I don’t really buy into the whole fresh start January BS because let be honest January 1st isn’t the ideal time to make giant life chances. Most people started the new year with a hungover, so productivity and exercise are not happening. Most people started the new year with large amounts of junk food still in their house from New Year’s Eve or Christmas so healthy eating isn’t going to happen either.  The whole new year, new you mentality is very flawed.

That said, self-improvement isn’t a bad thing as long as you’re not setting yourself up for failure. That is why I choose to hold off setting goals until life went back to normal after the holiday madness.

After some thought, I decided my main focus for the year would be on being a less shitty human being. I’ll be the first to admit over the last few years I have become almost mean. I have no patience, I have a very short fuse for most things and I have lost a lot of my ability to see the good in people. That needs to change, I’m not sure how, but I’m sure it’s doable.

I also plan on focusing on getting my weight under control, however, I’m not quite ready for that goal yet. That’ll be a gradual work in progress. When head is in the game. I need to work on my attitude first.

Anyway, it’s been nice talking to you strangers again. Hopefully I’ll be better at keeping my Friday schedule this year, but no promises. Before I go I have this question for you; What is your goal for 2018? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  

Friday, 1 January 2016

New Year, New Plan

Happy New Year you gorgeous people. How the hell have you been?

I’ll be honest, I took a longer break than I originally planned. I planned to take December off and revamp things here for 2016. However, I kind of got sick and busy in November and my hiatus grew a little…. Ok, a lot. Hopefully with the changes I have planned for this year, that won’t happen again.
The first and biggest change being I'm going from 8 posts a month, to one post a week. The thought behind that being it’ll free me up to do more collaborative work and have more fun with my writing again. I’m aiming to have a new post up every Friday, however, as long as there’s one up a week I’ll be happy.

The other change being I’m not planning on dating in 2016. I want to spend the year getting my ducks in a row, working on myself and focusing mainly on my career, both writing and transport. I want all that to be solid before I introduce any possible source of drama into my life.

On the working on myself side of things, I’ve been tasked with the mission of being more positive. Which is hard for me. I’m not negative like my boss seems to think. I’m just sarcastic, and dry humored. Which is fantastic for my writing, improv, and the stand-up I’m starting to tinker in, but apparently puts character doubts in my boss’s head that will hold me back from promotion. So, I need to work on it or at least work on hiding the real me while I’m working. 

Anyways, you sexy beasts, I’m going to go, but before I do I have this question for you; what is your New Year’s resolution? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Larry Silence

Apparently inquiring minds would like to know what happened with Larry. It’s been over a month since his name was even uttered here and evidently you’d like to know the why and what happened.

As you may be recalled, because of the way my shifts fell I got a Larrycation, I didn’t see or speak to him for about 2 weeks. During that time I sat down with a drink and pad of paper and wrote everything out and by the end, as bad as this may sound, I concluded I deserve better. And almost instantly with that realization his magically hold over me was broken.

This was aided by the fact when he came back to work he was kind of a cunt to me. It’s a well-known fact I don’t like that word, but I can’t think of a more accurate way to describe him. He was snappy, rude and generally unappealing. Which in all fairness, I’m grateful for, it validated what my decision.

Now, I will say this, he was going through some stuff, and we all get bitchy and evil at times when our head isn’t right. I’m the perfect example of that. But his timing on this one was impeccable.

It’s actually why I waited to write this post, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he came around. Which he did, we’re alright now. But had I wrote this post my last 4 off like I planned, it would have had a completely different feel.

Anyways, I am going to go and try to make the most of my 4 days off, but before I go I shall leave you with this question; are you quick to forgive? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Faking OK

I’m sure we’ve all been there; you let thing after thing build up until inevitably you crack, probably because some considerate jerk asks you if you’re ok. And inevitably instead of explaining what is actually wrong; you go with the most obvious or least complicated answer. This inevitably leads to you having to pretend to be ok, when you’re probably not, in order to keep up the illusion that all that was wrong was that uncomplicated, super obvious thing. When in reality nothing feels alright and all you want to do is curl up in a ball and cry.

That about sums things up with me right now. I’m faking ok, I’m fighting to be ok, but in reality everything kind of feels awkward and forced.

I kind of lost it at work yesterday; a little thing here, a little thing there and then a not so little thing followed by a minor thing and then that inevitable question and I broke. Now, because we’re all friends here we know it was that "not so little thing" I was reacting to. But that was/ is complicated and not even straight in my own head at this point so clearly when asked I went for the simple answer.

That was all well and good until I had to go into work last night and pretend life is all rainbows and unicorns and pretend all my problems were solved. When in reality I’m going to have to sit here writing for 12 hours to even begin to wrap my head around the issue…. Or at least to figure out what to do with the issue; I know what the issue is. Or at least I think I do.

To try and keep up the illusion, I found myself repeatedly asking myself the question “what would I be doing” and forcing myself to go do those things; Feeling incredibly awkward and unnatural in the process.

Now I’m kind of at a lost on what to do? Do I fess up to what was really bothering. Even though I haven’t worked through all the details myself. Do I keep pretending until everything feels right again? Will it feel right again?

I’m in a one of the those loops where I just need to write and see what answers my brain comes up with, that said, I don’t even feel safe in doing that right now because I have a co-worker on the hunt for this blog and…. Talk about complicated.

Anyways, you gorgeous people I am going to go, and well, edit and post this since I’ve been AWOL for far too long, I promise to explain that at some point too but before I go I must leave you with a question. How do you fake being ok? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday, 14 May 2015

An Email At Last

So today I got an email, at last, with the date for my second interview and I’m super excited and maybe a little nervous.  The interview is Thursday, which I think will be the day you’re reading this. I’m writing on the Monday before I head back into work tomorrow to start my 4 on. Which leads me to the problem, the interview falls on my 3rd day… at 10 am.

This puts me in a bit of a bind, I don’t want to let anyone down at work, but that said, I want to be fresh, and give myself the best possible chance for the interview. However, I don’t want to fuck up my current job in case I don’t get that new job.

All that being said, I hate my current job and taking a day or two off doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The down side being after this 4 I’m off 12 days to celebrate my birthday, so it might look a little weird going in for 1 having 2 off, back in for 1 and then being off for 12. Although I’m not sure I care how it looks.

I guess it’s kind of nice, to have this petty stuff to worry about, it’s taking my mind off the interview, and how much of a big deal this is. I mean, I really want this job.

Anyways, I’m going to go and try and get some sleep, but before I go I will leave the question with you, what should I do about work? Have 1 day off or 2 or none at all? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Bad, Bad, Blogger

I have been a horrible blogger and I need to start by saying sorry and then by expressing my appreciation for those of you that have taken time to message me, just make sure I was ok.

I am perfectly fine, I’ve just been trying to stay out of my own head and live life, and it turns out that may have been a horrible idea (that blog, is to come).

I’ve been so unhappy with work lately, the last thing I’ve waited to do is sit down on my days off and write or even think about everything going on. My logic being if I didn’t focus on these negative things I’d be happier. When in reality, if I don’t use my outlets to release that negative tension, I turn into a crazy person whom I don’t really like.

However, I just wanted to thank you guys who have stuck around, and let you know I am going to try and post a couple more things this week and slowly get back into the swing of things and with a little luck, become slightly less of an evil bitch.

But before I go I must leave you with a question, because, that’s what we do here. How do you relieve stress? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Valentine's Day

Seeing as we’re are now firmly in February, I’m sure this is the time where I should be writing a Valentine’s Day blog, about love and blow jobs or whatever people write about this time of the year.

However, I dislike Valentine’s Day, and no, that’s not the single bitterness coming out, I just don’t go all gaga for romance. And like I’ve said here before romance actually makes me uncomfortable. So a day dedicated to it is kind of my idea of hell.

Normally I’d spend it getting drunk with friends because anti-Valentine’s Day is way more fun than the real thing. Yes, you have to buy your own drinks but at least when you pass out drunk fully clothed there is nobody to judge you.

This year, however, I’m spending it at work. Which in theory sounds great, single girl, 50 menhowever, it’s not. I’d actually rather spend Valentine’s on a real date, then spend it with 50 over sexed, under washed men. But sadly, I have no damn choice in the matter. So I shall bake cookies, put on a smile and hope to god none or all but one don’t try and touch me.

Anyways, that’s that my anti-Valentine’s Day rant, I’m not going to go and messaged someone I shouldn’t, but hey, good decisions rarely lead to entertaining blogs. But, before I go I shall leave you with this question; how are you spending your Valentine’s Day? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday, 5 February 2015

That Pesky Line

I posted a blog last week, about the delicate line when flirting and in the post I talked about how one of the drivers at work was pushing that line, well he officially crossed it.

Funny enough, it was probably the day that post went live, I was at work and as normal there was a little harmless flirting going on, he came around the desk and to make a cup of coffee and gave me a hug. While he was around my side of the desk, he made some comment, which sadly can’t remember, and I snapped back with “now that paints one hell of a picture.” Without missing a beat, he said “you’d love to see a picture.” Me being me, without thinking I said “damn straight I would.” …. I should have known better.

When he grabbed his phone I knew I was in trouble, however, when he was looking through his phone and said he didn’t think he had any pictures, I thought I was safe and then I tempted fate with the comment “you’re such a let-down.”…. That was a mistake.  
He came over and showed me a picture, which I haven’t managed to get out of my head since. It was a picture he took in the mirror of himself, in his underwear with a rather impressive hard on. I believe the only appropriate words, for that is, damn.      

There is an image that comes to mind when you think of a truck driver and let me just say he breaks all those stereotypes. If it wasn’t for the whole him not being single thing, that man would be naked in my bed right now. I had no idea what his clothes were hiding.

Anyways, I’m going to go and try and take my mind off the many, many, many dirty thoughts that are running through my mind right now, but before I go I shall leave you with this question; do you ever feel like you’re playing with fire when you flirt? Let me know in the comment below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Saturday, 31 January 2015

January Update

I thought I’d finish up this month’s blog posts (anyone else impressed I managed to get all 8 up) with a bit of catch up, since I’ve left a lot of post open-ended recently.

Let’s start with the reason I was drunk for most of the first week of January. I ended my 2014 work year with a shiny disciplinary. A disciplinary I didn’t deserve I might add. I’m no angel, and I probably deserved a disciplinary for a few things, however, the one I received was complete and utter bullshit.

Sticking with the utter work bullshit, I also got pulled into a meeting at head office not long after that disciplinary because I was accused of recruiting. To which my official reply was “given everything that has happened over the past few weeks, I don’t want to work for this company so why the hell would I tell anyone else to?”.I was found to be innocent.

The next update comes in the form of Mr. Block, he’s gone to the light-side, making him as good as dead to me. However, many of you will be pleased to know replacing him on the dark-side is Hank. I know many of you were rooting for him.

Your obligatory Mr. X update is simple, he’s still a cock.

The internet dating is going horribly, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die alone with 700 cats, but given the other options, I’m good with that.

My New Year’s resolutions are still going strong, I managed to get all 8 blog posts up… just and my Facebook questions are still going strong, be it with a little cheating on my part. The less quick to anger resolution, however, is dead. What can I say, I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Anyways, I think that you guys all caught up now, and I’m off to cause a little bit of trouble….ok, maybe a lot of trouble. But before I go, I shall leave you with this question; how are you getting on with your New Year’s resolutions? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Lord Of The C*nts

“It’s been 5 years feel free to get over it” – Mr. X

I have never wanted to punch Mr. X so much in my whole life. I’m not sure if that’s his way of show guilt or he’s just a flat out c*nt but I’m not impressed one little bit right now.

So my let me start by saying the events themselves I’m over, I forgive him completely, that’s why I’m able to talk to him and joke with him, I have no ill will (minus today) for him. We were young and stupid and I get that and I’m at peace with everything.

The problem is despite being at peace with everything, I’m fucked up, I’m scarred and despite forgiving him, those scars are still there, whether he or I likes it or not. I’m emotionally disfigured and I’m working on it, but that’s just how it is.

My goal for 2015 is to work on it, and that was going to be this blog before the lord of the c*nts upset me, but it’s going to take time to break down the walls I’ve created. That’s the problem, or scar if you will, that he’s left me with. I get the same complaint repeatitedly; the sex is fantastic, but I don’t let anyone in, so it’s impossible to have a real relationship with me. Like I said, I’m working on it, but those walls were built by an expert and will take a lot of time and dedicated effort to destroy.  

And in the meantime being told how to feel by some egotistical dick isn’t helping matters. I will get there, I just need to do it on my own terms and not to force it, because every time I’ve forced it in the past those walls have just gotten higher and thicker. And that’s kind of the opposite of what I’m going for here.

Anyways, I hope this post clarifies a few things, I know it’s made me feel better. I’ll fill you in on my plans to get over all this in my upcoming blogs, but in the meantime I shall leave you with this question; what scars have past relationships left you with and how have you overcome them? Let me know your thoughts and stories in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday, 28 November 2014

A Repeat Lesson

I think it’s that time of year again, where we have a conversation we’ve had many times before. Yet it seems to repeatedly fall on deaf ears or blind eyes as the case may be.

The message is a simple one; just because something is written, it does not mean the author still feels the same way.

Emotions are an amazing thing, an ever changing thing and when you write the way I and many other bloggers write, you’re capturing a moment when those emotions existed. The problem being the length of time those moments existed varies wildly.

There have been times I’ve written a blog and by the time I’ve proofread it, I no longer feel the same way. But I still post those blogs. I need to in order for the larger story to make sense in the long run. If you start omitting pieces of the story, it has a way of becoming disingenuous and that’s the last thing I want.

However, because I’m posted things I may have felt only briefly, I get incredibly irritated when people I know start questioning me about things that happened weeks, if not months ago. It’s the reason I don’t give out my URL (yet somehow people still manage to find it). I write what I feel at the time, you can hear it in some of my blog that as I’m writing, I’m working through it so there is no point in questioning me about the top of the blog if by the bottom I’m a sane person again.

People always claim they understand this, but when it comes down it they don’t. I understand it’s just human nature, but just let things play out rather than tamper with it after the fact.

Anyways, my dears, that is my, what feels like, yearly rant on the matter. Let me know in the comment box below if you have the same problem. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday, 1 November 2014

A Message Not To Wake Up By

My last blog was nice and sweet; this one however is back to business as usual.

My first night off this week, I was woken up by a message from a girl I use to work with, as you can imagine the following conversation both quickly woke me up and enraged me.

Kate - “Did u shag Barney??????????”
Me – “What lol”
Kate – “I heard u shagged Barney in a hotel”
Me - “Who from”
Kate – “Barney said to girls on days an they told me lol”
Me- “Lol that's the sort of message you like to wake up to”
Kate – “Just thought I would ask lol, and CM????”

Let me start by saying I’m not mad at Kate as far as I’m concerned she did the right thing. She did what many wouldn’t do and she asked me, far play to her. Barney on the other hand is a dead man.

We went our separate ways 6 months ago when he proved himself to be part psycho. As far as I’m concerned at this point there is absolutely no reason for my name to be leaving his mouth and the fact that it is, has only proven that I was right to get rid of him in the first place. However, that satisfaction of being right hasn’t eased my anger any.

When you’re a female in a male dominated industry you have to be very careful to protect your reputation and given the fact truck drivers gossip more than teenage girls, crap like this could affect my ability to get work in the future. Nobody cares that I didn’t get involved with him until long after he left the company, or that it wasn’t a one night stand type thing; all they hear is she slept with one of her drivers.

And what pissed me off even more is the bastard won’t reply to me. I sent him a message asking why I was being asked if I slept with him and he hasn’t even had the balls to reply to me.

This gossip is going through my old place like a wild fire and minus being pissed off I find it kind of funny, I mean I left over a year ago, if I’m all they have to gossip about, I feel like kind of sorry for them. Plus, I must have left an impression on them, if they remember who I am after all this time. I almost feel bad the story isn’t a little juicier for them.

Anyways, my dears, I’m off to plot a murder, but before I do, I guess I should leave you with a question or maybe two. Question 1: How do you deal with being gossiped about? And question 2: What makes someone gossip about an ex 6 months on? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Work Anxiety

I don’t normally write on work days but my anxiety is high and I can’t sleep so I thought I’d channel that into something creative rather than staring at the ceiling for another 2 hours.

I finished my application form and have it in my work bag ready to hand in. I’m still really unsure if it’s the right move, but like I’ve said before, it’s the hand I’ve been dealt. I’m not sure what I’m so worried about if I don’t get the job, nothing changes… actually maybe that’s the problem. I need a change and if I don’t get it, I’m back to square one.

The other thing playing on my mind is I always said if I got promoted I wanted to earn it, unlike some others who were handed their jobs because there was nobody else. Yes, I’m applying for it so at least in theory I’ve beaten outside candidate, but in actual fact, I know the job hasn’t been advertised so… that theory is a little flawed.

My poor head is all over the place and I’d dreading going into work tonight, I just need a simple, straight forward week and I know that’s not about to happen. You know how I know that; remember the guy whose girlfriend/ baby mama’s twin sister messaged me because I didn’t know they existed and somehow that’s my fault. No, you don’t remember, I’m not surprised, it happened years ago, like 2010 years ago, but he messaged me last night….. That can’t be a good sign.

Why can’t past crazy just stay in the past, if I wanted present crazy, I’d just date someone, I don’t need to watch the repeats. Anyways, on that note I shall go get ready for work, but before I do I have to ask, when was the last time your crazy past made an appearance? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Departure Of Hank

So Hank has been returned to his natural habitat and I’m actually a little sad about it. I may have even shed a tear or two on the way home, which is completely ridiculous given the fact I didn’t even cry when the supervisor left. But for whatever reason I’m genuinely saddened by his departure.

Part of it is selfish, with him gone, my development fundamentally ceases and that’s horrifying to me. Part of the reason I love my job is the challenge and without the ability to grow to meet the challenges, what’s the point. I may as well just stay in bed.

The other part of it is I really like Hank, he is the grumpiest, sharped tongue asshole you’ll meet. But he’s genuine. Don’t get me wrong, he’s also sweet, super funny and a lot of fun to be around, but what I respect most is there’s nothing fake about him. He’s just unashamedly him and that’s awesome. He’s the sort of person I like to spend my time with in the real world. So it was nice to have someone like that in my work life too, it made work seem less flying knifey.  

I’m pretty sure the gay husband is going to miss him too. He was on a one man mission to marry us off. He wholeheartedly believes Hank may be the only man on the planet that has the ability to deal with me at my worse. I take a little offense to that, but I can’t disagree that Hank seemed to manage my moods effortlessly. That poor boy saw me at the worse I’ve been in years and came off completely unscathed. There are many that wouldn’t believe that to be possible.

I like to give credit where credit is due and that man is definitely special, but I hate to pop the gay husband’s bubble but I can’t foresee anything happening there. First of all, I’m not his type, second, I’ve never dated anybody younger than me and third of all, I occasionally enjoy sex and his penis is currently an investment banker.

And on that note, I shall leave you wonderful people with this question; why do people in relationships try to marry off their single friends? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday, 17 August 2014

The Honest Sick Bitch

I’m baaaack! I’m sorry I’ve been missing for so long, but I’ve so sick it’s unreal. I haven’t been to work in 3 weeks due to this stupid bug and I’m still not completely over it.

For the first week of this bug my fever was unreal, without medication it was contently over 40c. At its highest it was 40.9c for my American friends that’s 105.6. I actually hallucinated that aliens that were trying to cook me, my temperate was so high.

The second week a chest infection joined the party, so not only was incredibly unwell with flu like symptoms, but my chest was full of crap and since I’m asthmatic that’s never fun.

Week 3 has been easier, the original bug is pretty much gone, and I’m just dealing with what’s left of the chest infection and the fatigue. I lost 20lbs throw the illness some of which was due to dehydration so I’m also having to make an effort to rehydrate and stay that way because I’m still occasionally ill thanks to my stupid cough.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so ill. I wasn’t even this bad when I had Mono and I was off school 3 months with that. I’m just happy I’m starting to feel better, and things can start getting back to normal.

So I guess I should leave you with a question, what do you do to make yourself feel better when you’re sick. Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday, 13 July 2014

The Supervisor

Some of you have asked about my relationship with the Supervisor and since I’m struggling to fall asleep I
thought I’d oblige.

The Supervisor and I have a strange relationship, despite what you might think there is absolutely no sexual tension between us. That spark you’d expect when we swap looks across the desk is completely AWOL. It just doesn’t exist.

That spark however does exist with a few other men at work but sadly nothing act-on-able. But it’s always nice to have a little something to play off of.

But back to the Supervisor; I hear the questions already; no sexual tension, no spark, so what's the interest?

It’s simple; I think he’d be a good lay.

I hear heads spinning, let me explain; a sexual spark makes sex good, no matter the sex. If the sex is already good the sexual spark isn’t necessary. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a plus but it’s not needed. That pesky spark is the reason feeling develop, meet someone without that spark and you have a first class fuck-friend on your hands.

Now don’t get me wrong, I do have feelings for the Supervisor, just not I want to have his baby feelings. It’s more of a we’ve been married for 30 years and are trying to run a household and raising 60 toddlers together sort of feeling.

We’re a team, and one hell of a team at that. We just have a way of bringing out the best in each other and because of that things just work better when we’re together. We may not have a sexual spark, but we still have a special bond60 toddlers have a way of doing that to you.

Anyways you’ve asked, I’ve answered and now I’m going to bed. So sweet dreams my lovelies and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Oh, and PS; what do you do when you can’t sleep?  

Monday, 19 May 2014

A Surprisingly Nice Birthday

Despite my fears that my birthday was going to follow its normal trend and be horrible; it was actually very nice.

Because of a coworker's sudden “sickness” I ended up spending the first 6 or so hours of my birthday at work which oddly enough wasn’t so bad. The drivers were quick to stop moaning when they found out (which, if you’ve ever worked with truck drivers you’ll know is a miracle in its self”. Most wished me a happy birthday and gave me a hug…. Admittedly, there were a few wondering hands, but who can blame them.

My supervisor was a sweetheart and got some non-alcoholic beers in so the shunter and the two of us had a drink to celebrate the start of my birthday. He also got me some Turkish delight and shortbreads which I may or may not be eating now for breakfast right now at 9pm. I give credit where credit is due and the man was a total sweetheart and actually made working on my birthday almost pleasurable.

I got home from about quarter past 7 had a mojito and snuggled up in bed to watch a little TV. About a half hour later I heard my phone go off and when I had a look it was a message from Barney saying “Happy birthday princess, hope you have a wonderful day x” I was more than a little shocked, I’ve made it more than a little clear to you all I really wasn’t expecting to hear from him at all. We had a little chat and then I went to bed.

I woke up about noon to message from Barney asking if I wanted to meet up for a drink later in the day, which nearly gave me a heart attack. Didn’t see that one coming, but of course I agreed. So at about 5pm I went to meet him at the pub for a few hours. It was lovely to get to see him. It was a much needed reminder of why I put up with everything I do.

After seeing Barney I came home and had a few drinks, dinner and of course I enjoyed my birthday cake. Then the gay husband came around and we got ready to go out for a few drinks with some friends.

The night out was entertaining, we drank, we danced, we gossiped and I had to explain the bruise on my boob to a room full men and dirty minded women, that weren’t believing the truth about how I actually got a bruise so I had a lot fun making up stories. If you want to know a giant penis did it from the inside out.

I got home about 4am, very drunk, had another drink, crawled into bed and slept until 19:00 today…. Impressive I know. However, thanks to my sleeping binge, I managed to wake up without any sign of a hangover so as birthday presents go that might be the best one I received.

Anyways, I’m back at work tomorrow, so I need to make myself look human and get some more sleep. So I guess I should leave you with a question, what was your favorite birthday surprise? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch
