Thursday, 14 May 2015

An Email At Last

So today I got an email, at last, with the date for my second interview and I’m super excited and maybe a little nervous.  The interview is Thursday, which I think will be the day you’re reading this. I’m writing on the Monday before I head back into work tomorrow to start my 4 on. Which leads me to the problem, the interview falls on my 3rd day… at 10 am.

This puts me in a bit of a bind, I don’t want to let anyone down at work, but that said, I want to be fresh, and give myself the best possible chance for the interview. However, I don’t want to fuck up my current job in case I don’t get that new job.

All that being said, I hate my current job and taking a day or two off doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The down side being after this 4 I’m off 12 days to celebrate my birthday, so it might look a little weird going in for 1 having 2 off, back in for 1 and then being off for 12. Although I’m not sure I care how it looks.

I guess it’s kind of nice, to have this petty stuff to worry about, it’s taking my mind off the interview, and how much of a big deal this is. I mean, I really want this job.

Anyways, I’m going to go and try and get some sleep, but before I go I will leave the question with you, what should I do about work? Have 1 day off or 2 or none at all? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

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