The Supervisor and I have a strange relationship, despite
what you might think there is absolutely no sexual tension between us. That
spark you’d expect when we swap looks across the desk is completely AWOL. It
just doesn’t exist.
That spark however does exist with a few other men at work
but sadly nothing act-on-able. But it’s always nice to have a little something
to play off of.
But back to the Supervisor; I hear the questions already; no sexual tension, no spark,
so what's the interest?
I hear heads spinning, let me explain; a sexual spark makes
sex good, no matter the sex. If the sex is already good the sexual spark isn’t necessary.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a plus but it’s not needed. That pesky spark is the
reason feeling develop, meet someone without that spark and you have a first
class fuck-friend on your hands.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do have feelings for the
Supervisor, just not I want to have his baby feelings. It’s more of a we’ve
been married for 30 years and are trying to run a household and raising 60 toddlers
together sort of feeling.
We’re a team, and one hell of a team at that. We just have a
way of bringing out the best in each other and because of that things just work
better when we’re together. We may not have a sexual spark, but we still have a special bond…60 toddlers have a way of doing that to you.
Anyways you’ve asked, I’ve answered and now I’m going to
bed. So sweet dreams my lovelies and as always stay and play safe.
The Honest Bitch
Oh, and PS; what do you do when you can’t sleep?
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