Wednesday 25 June 2014

Did You Try?

When I've talked about my “relationship” with Barney ending, a couple of friends have asked me the same question; did I try? And I find this question incredibly offensive.

Why is my duty to chase a grown ass man? I messaged him, he failed to message me back, in my book I tried. Did I try hard….no but why should I? If I’m not a priority to him why would I want to chase him?

I hate that emphasis is placed on the woman, like somehow it’s our job to corral men and beat the asshole out of them; while training them in the art of common courtesy and communication. I’m sorry, but I didn’t sign up for that. There are only 2 things in this life worth chase and neither of them are men. They’re alcohol and dreams and I recommend one more then the other.

Given the men I date, it’s a no brainer chase alcohol, lots and lots of alcohol J

Anyways, my lovelies, that’s my rant over with. I am off to make the most of my last night off, cocktails, chick flick and a face mask are just what the doctor ordered. I suppose before I go I should leave you guys with a question; have you ever chased anyone and was it worth it? Let me know in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 


  1. Chase, no. I go with that saying of never make someone who views you as a convenience a priority. While C and I did have a minor back tle for the upper hand in the start of our relationship there was at least some effort there on both sides. Otherwise what is the point?

  2. in the words of one of the wisest people i know... id rather shit in my hands and clap
