Showing posts with label Tyler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tyler. Show all posts

Friday 10 July 2020

The Obligatory Tyler Update

I’ve been out of the blogosphere for roughly 3 months, so I know you guys would like a Tyler update, since it was my most popular request before I vanished.

Not a whole lot to catch you up on really. He is still a sweetie and the best work husband a girl could ask for. He is still one of the only reason I make it through some shifts without completely snapping. Definitely still the only voice of reason I listen to… most of the time.

However, that’s it. He is not interested. And I hate to put this out there, but I’ve been questioning for a while whether he may be asexual. Please, don’t for a second think this is an ego thing. It’s not his lack of interest in me that is making me question, it’s his lack of interest in anyone. When we talk, he often mentions not getting married or having a family or any relationship at all. He says he fine dying alone. He never comments that a girl is pretty or hot, or guys for that matter. When you ask him about celebrity crushes, he changes the subject. I don’t really know the story, but it makes me wonder.

Anyways, now that I have broken your hearts, I am off, to hopefully write 2 more blog posts because I have a lot to say, this 3 months off has made me chatty. As always you lovely people, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


Friday 7 February 2020

I Miss Tyler

I hate to admit this, but I am missing Tyler. We haven’t been as chatty as normal, and I’m feeling the impact. He brings calm, light heartedness to most situations and without that, my people battery is going flat a lot quicker than I’m used to.

It pains me to admit I might actually need him, or any person for that matter, but it would appear that I do…I don’t like this.

Considering I hate most people and can barely tolerate the rest, I find it a horrible inconvenience that I might actually need another human. It’s not something I do. And, frankly, it feels wrong. But I guess it’s ok. I mean everyone needs someone sometimes?

Anyways, I am going to go and get some sleep, I need to flip back to night mode for work tomorrow. But before I do, I have this question for you. Does it bother you to need to lean on someone? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 17 January 2020

Mini Tyler Update

A lot of you have been requested a Tyler update and since I can’t think of anything to write about, now seems like a good time to give one.

This is going to be short; this is no update. Nothing has changed, all is the same. Heck, I should have written this post last week when I was running behind. I know Team Tyler is strong and full of hope, but I think you’re alone on that one.

Anyways you pretty people, I am going to go and try and get a little more studying done. But before I go I shall leave you with this question; how is your New Year going. Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 15 November 2019

I Miss Tyler

Okay, I have to admit something I really don’t want to. It pains me to say it, but I am actually missing Tyler. I’ve been on holiday for 12 days, Tyler was on holiday the 12 before that, so it’s been almost a month since we chatted, and I miss it.

As always, please don’t get any ideas… the dude isn’t into me and as a public service announcement that doesn’t make him a jerk or any of the other things he’s been called lately. He is a lovely human, most of the time, and that’s part of why I’ve missed him.

The other reason being he is the yin to my yang. Or in actual fact the yang to my yin. Yang is the positive masculine side, just in case you ever wondered which side was which. He is very good at balancing me out, actually, I, and others, feel we’re very good at balancing each other out. He is very calm and laid back and I am very “get shit done” and wound, it’s a good combination. And, as it gets busier that balance in needed or crazy happens.

The other reason I am really missing Tyler is we make each other laugh and when you’re laughing work goes so much quicker and it doesn’t feel like work. The week before I broke up, work was work and I missed having that little ability to giggle and make it feel a little better.

Anyways, I am off to enjoy my few remaining days off before I’m forced back to work. But before I go, I will leave you with this question; what makes your job more enjoyable? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 25 October 2019

Dating Rant

Another Thursday, another afternoon spent writing a post I should have written earlier in the week. Like I said, one of these days I will get all my shit together, but right now I’ll have to settle for having bits and pieces of my shit together.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about dating recently. And by a lot, I mean, it’s starting to verge on obvious. So, I thought I’s take this chance to answer your burning questions, and by questions burning questions, I mean, pushy opinions because, there’s no questions, just a lot of people telling whom I should date and or whose penis I should ride.

Tyler isn’t happening. He’s not into me. We are good friends, and I love having him around, but nope. As perfect as I believe having a boyfriend who is 300 miles away is, still nope. That might be a post for another day. For now, the answer is just no.

 Team Mr. X…. Do you hate me? Why are you still a thing? I did my time, it cost me my youth, I may well die alone because of that whole mess. Give it up. Like really, no. That damage was done, repaired, taught me a lot, and gave me strength I never knew I had, but no.

Will I date again? I assume so. I’m not against it. I just need to find a human I don’t hate and that is hard. People as a whole suck.

Anyways, I am going to go and chill out. I would leave a question of the blog, but I have had enough opinions for right now. So just stay safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 11 October 2019

"Special Bond?"

Recently, while working out of another depot a strange comment was made that caught me off guard. The girl I was working with made a comment about how Tyler and I should get together, because “we’re prefect for each other” and we balance each other out. And all I could think is I’ve heard this somewhere before, are my reader putting you up to this?

Clearly not, as she, like everyone else at work, has zero clue my blog is a thing. I just found it so strange how everyday comments from the blogosphere have followed me into real life. And even stranger still, one of the guys from another depot also made a similar comment recently and now I’m a wee bit freaked out.

I understand… short of, where they’re coming from. We do get on well, we can talk for hours on end and he is one of the few people on the planet that I’m yet to find “too peopley”. If you’re anything like me, you’ll understand that sentence, if not, there’s no explaining that one. That said, I’m not so sure about this alleged “special bond” we have, I think some people are grasping at straws.

Anyways, I’m going to leave this with you and let you chime in, “special bond” or just a person I don’t want to stab? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. And, as always, stay, and play, safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 6 September 2019

Drunken Blog Update

I think we’re overdue for a drunken blog, and not just because I have no clue what to write about, but because I want a valid excuse to get drunk. Normal drunken blog rules apply; I will both write and edit this post drunk and no alterations will be made once sober. So, let’s begin, shall we?
The burning question still seems to be what is going on with Tyler; So, I guess I’ll start there. Nothing, not a damn thing. Super easy question to answer. He is lovely and a complete sweetie, but that’s where that story ends. Sorry to disappoint.

The other question I’ve been getting a lot of is; what happened to Mr. Block? Once again, the answer is nothing. He could well be dead for all I know. We met and now I’m done, the fascination is over. He’s a prick, we knew that a long time ago and now he’s dead to me.

My dating life seems to be another hot topic at the moment, and I get it, this is after all a dating and relationship blog. There is nothing going on at the moment, that said, I am feeling a little more stable now, things have settled so this is something I’m more open to, then I was.

Work is the last topic I’ll touch on. I said in January, I think, I would review what I wanted to do in July. July has come and gone and I’m not there yet. I think it may well be time to move on, but for now my work family is keeping me there. I’ll review again in December, but I think I’m staying… I mean have CV’s out so maybe not but staying is the current plan. I am actually looking at doing my CPC so I may hold off leaving until I’ve done that. But I don’t really know.

Anyways, I am going to head to bed as that last fireball hit me way harder than it should have. Leave me your question down below I am looking at doing a Q&A soon. As always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 23 August 2019

Tyler Joins Team Tyler

The Gay Husband made a comment, that several of you have echoed regarding Tyler possible joining “Team Tyler”. First of all; I am not sure he’s allowed to join that team. It seems very egotistical to join your own fan club.  And second, why are we assuming this suddenly?

The gay husband seems to believe since I now have the “work wife” title, it means Tyler likes me. I argue I have had this title many times in the past and it means nothing of the sort. It means we get along and bicker like stereotypical married people.

I love the gay husband’s optimism, but as usual he’s wrong. Just plain wrong. Tyler isn’t Team Tyler, he’s just nice and sweet. And everyone else is batshit crazy.

Anyways, I am off to bed, but before I go, I will leave you with this question; Do you have a work spouse? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 16 August 2019

New Title?

It’s been a few weeks since our nightshift meet up, and I was a little worried how meeting people in person would affect our relationships on nights. My fears weren’t founded at all, if anything, it’s brought us all closer together, so much so we’re planning a night out in September to get more of us together.

The funny thing is since meeting, Tyler has given in and has started calling me his work wife. I’ve joked for month about us being married, if you ever listen to us sort issues out, you’d understand. We work fantastic together, but to anyone from the outside is sounds like an old married couple. He’s always fought that title; he’s now embracing it. Along with his new favorite saying, “happy work wife, happy life.” I’m not loving that one.

But, it’s nice to see we don’t hate each other now that we’ve met. Anyways, I just wanted to fill you guys in my new title and make the most of being stuck in bed… I hurt my neck and get a blog written. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 9 August 2019

Nights Meet Up

Last weekend I finally had the pleasure of meeting the lovely Tyler in person. Tyler, myself and another co-worker took advantage of Tyler being temporarily relocated and arranged a nightshift meet up.

It was nice to finally put faces to names. Tyler and I got there first and grabbed a drink and hung out for around an hour before our other co-worker showed up. I hate to break your little dreamer hearts, but there were no sparks there. But it was strange, I wasn’t nervous at all to meet him. I am not super social these days, so normally I get a little nervous… not at all with him. On the other hand, with my other co-worker I definitely was.

I guess since I spend at least 8 hours a night talking to Tyler on the phone, there was nothing to be worried about. If you can chat for that long and it not be awkward, a few hours at the pub is nothing.

It was a good afternoon. It’s nice to know the team is as lovely in person as they seem on the phone. I’m sure we will do it again and hopefully the rest of the A team will be able to join us.

Anyways, my dears, I am off to enjoy what remains of my day off. However, before I go I have this question for you; do you get on with your co-workers? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 2 August 2019

My Mouth Gets Me in Trouble…Again

I really am starting to long for the days when I had patience. I have always had a smart-ass mouth, that’s nothing new, but back in the day I use to have the patience and will to hold it back. Nowadays, it just runs wild, like an angry Canadian goose.

Recently my mouth has gotten me in trouble at work. I may or may not have sent an email that I shouldn’t have. I blame Tyler for this. He’s recently been away being groomed for management, so he hasn’t been on the end of the phone. Normally he would have talked some sense into me, however, this time I was left to my own devices… which never ends well.

 I did manage to talk my way out of more serious consequences, but prevention is better than cure and had Tyler been around I am sure I wouldn’t have found myself in that situation.

Tyler is fantastic at balancing me. None of that he’s the yin to my yang bull. It’s more he’s so laid back; he borrows some of my “grr” and leaves me more “purr”.

I spent years saying I like my men to have a little “grr” to them. After being single for… sometime, I’ve developed that grr myself. It might even be possible I’ve over developed it. But, hey, better over than under, I guess.

Anyways, I am off to have a pamper night, since I’m planning on meeting the lovely Tyler in person tomorrow. I’d like to look almost human. But before I go, I will leave you with this question when was the last night your mouth got you in trouble? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 12 July 2019

Weird Dream Freak Out

 I had a weird, weird dream last night and I think I might be done with the whole sleeping thing now. Science still doesn’t fully understand the function of dreaming; some say it’s your subconscious, some say it’s to help deal with emotions or decision making. I don’t care what the reason is I just think my dream system is drunk.

 The dream started off pleasant enough; a group of my work colleagues and I were out for a meal and drinks before a big meeting the following day. It was getting late and we had an early morning we all went back to our hotel rooms.

Tyler and I were sharing a room, we went to the room opened the door and there was a giant bed instead of the 2 bed there should have been. This wouldn't have phased me in reality and didn’t in the dream either. We are both adults and the bed was a super, massive, giant king that could have fit 15 people.

We got into our pjs and decided to order room service; I mean the company was paying so I think dream us did the right thing. It appeared we ordered popcorn, chocolate and sweets because clearly, we’re classy like that. We turn on a film and watched that, giggling and have a good time.

I can only assume we fell asleep at some point, because the dream continued with me waking up in the night to move a blanket slightly. At which point I noticed Tyler was cuddled up to me, all big spoon like. Nothing wrong with that, it was actually sweet. Also, please note, our pjs were still on and everything in this dream was 100% PG.

I snuggled back into him and fell asleep. I then wake up, in a different bed, Tyler was still the big spoon, I was still happily snuggled up… however, I was no longer the little spoon, I was the middle spoon and there was a baby asleep in my arms.

At which point I woke up in a complete panic, as if Freddy Krueger had just showed up. I was freaked out to a whole new level. I don't have these kinds of dreams. What the actual hell? There is no need for that dream. That dream has no purpose. What the hell brain? You have some explaining to do. And clearly some sobering up to do as well. Actually, don’t explain yourself, I don’t want to know… just don’t ever do it again.

Where the hell did the baby even come from? Did a stork bring it? Why was I co-sleeping? Since when do PG snuggles land you in an 18-year mini prison? So many questions.

Clearly, my dreams are out to get me, and sleep is a thing I need to quit with immediate effect. What is the strangest dream you’ve had? And do you think it meant anything? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And, as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 21 June 2019

Joining Team Tyler?

After my “date” with Mr. Block and some soul searching, I may be coming around to this whole Team Tyler way of thinking.

I’ve said it many times, Tyler is a lovely guy, I can’t fault him. I was thinking about this other night he actually reminds me a lot of my backup plan pact friends from school. You know the pact, if we’re not married by X age, we’ll marry each other. I had a couple of them and not surprisingly, they all got married. They were lovely guys. The ones your mother didn’t mind hanging out in your bedroom because they were nice boys.

I’m a little said they all got married off. I briefly dated one of them while we were in school, and I ended up breaking up with him because of peer pressure. He wasn’t cool enough. Not my brightest move, but he’s living his best life these days. Happily married with kids and is still a sweetheart. We still talk occasionally.

Tyler reminds a lot of that boy particularly. Something about being a voice of reason when my brain wants chaos. And his ability to actually make me listen. Which is rare; I can only think of a handful of people that can do that and even fewer that manage to do that without being a twatbag (Mr. X being the one that comes to mind with that description).

I don’t know, maybe you guys aren’t so crazy. Or maybe I’ve just had too much blue agave juice… nope, that sounded sound any better than tequila. It was worth a shot.

Anyways, I am off to enjoy my last few hours of freedom before work sucks all the life out of me. But before I go, I have this question for you; Are you Team Tyler? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always. Stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 31 May 2019

Team Tyler

A lot of you have been asking for an update on Tyler, and I don’t really have one; Nothing has changed. I know a lot of you think he’s “the one” or “he’s perfect for me”. I think you’ve all watched one too many rom coms.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Tyler to bits, he plays a very important role in my life; keeping me sane and stopping me falling to pieces. I’m very grateful to have him around. Somehow, he has found a way to bring out the non-evil bitch in me even though I was positive that side of me was dead. I wouldn’t trade him for the world.

That said, we share different wants in life. He doesn’t want kids, I… haven’t made that choice yet. He doesn’t see himself getting married. I do. He doesn’t want to relocate, I can’t. He is very extroverted, while I’d happily never leave my house again. People are very peopley and I just can’t these days. I understand the why your Team Tyler, he is a great guy, but I don’t see it happening and I'm positive he doesn’t see it happening either.

Love you guys, thanks for not writing off my love life just yet. I’ll leave you with this question; is “the one” an actual thing or are we all deluding ourselves? Let me know your thoughts in the comments down below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 15 March 2019

Mr Block Returns

It may be a brand-new year; however, it seems I’m still plagued by old ghosts. It appears after a silent few months Mr. Block has decided it is time to resume his hunting and unlucky for him my patience for his bull is at an all-time low.

On February 27Th he reappeared with a “Hello Stranger, have you missed me?” Without missing a beat, I replied “can’t say that I have.” However, he wasn’t phased and preceded to tell me he was sorry and how he’s grown up. He went one to tell me he was making it his mission to prove to me he’s changed. All my brain was thinking during all this was “yep, this is why I am going to die alone.”

After a few messages back and forth, his motive became clear to me. He explained that at the end of March he was moving to a place about 15 miles from me. He hasn’t come out and said anything, yet, but to me it would appear he’s after a dial-a-hoe, and my location makes me perfect in his eyes for that.

Now, I could be wrong. He may have changed or grown up, but that seems unlikely and I am far too old to deal with that shit. Having someone like Tyler around has reminded me that not all guys are twats and I shouldn’t have to put up with this crap. That said, part of me wants to meet him for a drink so at least I’ve gotten a drink out of this shit show. So… I don’t know.

Anyways, I am going to go and enjoy what remains of my night off, but before I go, I have this question for you; should I meet him for a drink or write him completely off? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 8 March 2019

Drinky Drinky Time

I think we’re overdue for a drunken blog, you guys have asked some question I think drunken me would be better suited to answer. Normal drunken blog rules apply; this will be both written and edited drunk and once sober, it will not be touched again. So, let’s get started, shall we?

A lot of you have asked my opinion on Tyler, and the truth is I don’t have one. I’m not looking at him in that way. I’ve said this before, I’m not dateable at the moment. I am damaged goods and wouldn’t be a good partner. It wouldn’t be fair to anyone to have to put up with me, when I have next to nothing to give. In knowing that, I’m not looking anyone at the minute.

That said, I will give you some of my thoughts. He is a lovely human being.  He is someone I can be myself with. I don’t feel like I get to do that often anymore. He reminds me of the gay husband or one of my drama geek friends, he gives off this warm familiar vibe, that I love. He is also hilarious, both deliberately and non-deliberately. He’s managed to bring a smile to my face when that seems impossible. He is also my favourite person to flirt with. And, no I’m not flirting with purpose, I’m flirting for humour. That poor guy doesn’t know what to do with himself and I find it beyond amusing. Actually, he doesn’t take any compliments well, which I can relate to, but it’s fun to torment him.  

And on that note, since he doesn’t take my flirting well, I think it may be safe to say he’s not into me. Sorry to ruin all of your big plans. I know that revelation may have broken a few hearts. I know the gay husband basically has me married off at this point. I just don’t think that’s on the cards my sweets.

The other thing you guys have been asking about is whether he’ll be doing a guest post. No. He’s not up for that nor am I for that matter. You guys are rough and asked questions I’d rather not know the answers to.

Anyways, it’s getting close to bed time. So, I shall leave this post here. But before I go, I have this question for you; Do you take compliments well or do they throw you off? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 15 February 2019

Sad Eyes

I’ve mentioned this before, but I am going to mention it again, I can’t stand “sad eye”. I’m under no disillusion, I understand my mom is dying and I’m an only child basically losing the only family I have, I get that, and I understand it’s sad. Trust me, I get it, I’ve cried it out many a night. But looking at me with pity sad filled eyes really doesn’t help. It in a lot of ways it makes things worse.

I am a lot less social than I use to be and a lot of that is down to “sad eyes”. I either feel like people feel sorry for me or are judging me. I don’t feel like I’m allowed to be me. To fair, I don’t feel like myself most of the time, but when I do remotely feel normal, I feel as if I can’t show it.

This is part of the reason why the husband loves Tyler so much. He sees that he brings out the silly, fun side of me that hasn’t been around in quite a while. A lot of that was, until very recently, Tyler didn’t know what was going on. I had lost it on the phone with him a couple times, around the time when my mom was having surgery, but never vocalized what was happening. So, it’s yet to be seen whether he’ll continue to bring that out in me or if he’ll be another sad eyes person.

I can tell you he’s back off on non-work days. It’s is not ideal for me, but is understandable. He was a good distraction, but new coping mechanisms are always there to be found.  He doesn’t owe that to me nor would I ask for it so, life ticks on.

Anyways, I am going to go and hit the treadmill because it’s really hard to over think things when you can’t breathe. I would leave you with a Valentine’s related question but… who care? Just leave your thoughts in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  

Friday 8 February 2019

Tyler Proves Me Wrong

I made the comment a few weeks ago that Tyler doesn’t flirt. To quote myself, what I actually said was, “Tyler doesn’t flirt, not a at all, not one teeny tiny bit.”. And it appears I have to admit I was wrong. It’s almost as if he read my blog and made a point of proving me wrong. However, he didn’t and even if he had the post in question wasn’t up yet so... witchcraft. That’s clearly how he did it.

It’s strange because I said previously, I didn’t know how to handle him because he didn’t flirt and shockingly him flirting threw me off way more. It was so out of the blue it took me back. I was equally shocked, that he actually could flirt, and proud because the line was good. I wanted to give him a gold star.

I can’t for the life of me remember what he said, but ever since then he’s been flirtier. Not my level flirty, but a vast improvement from what he was doing before and let’s be honest. Not many people are my level of flirty.

Don’t get any ideas in your pretty heads though, the gay husband is not now, nor has he ever been right. Yeah, I knew where your minds were headed. Let’s stop those thoughts right there. Ok?

Anyways, I am off to enjoy what I have remaining of my days off, but before I go, I will leave you with this question; are you a nature flirt? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 25 January 2019


Apparently, some of you lovely people have decided you required more information before siding with either myself of the gay husband on the whole Tyler thing and since it’s 4am and I can’t sleep I thought I’d humour you.

 Most of you wanted to know a little more about Tyler so here we go. Tyler is a few years younger than me, our birthdays are actually a month a part, making him an Aries and me a Taurus. And if you believe in any of that, you’ll know the stars don’t like that pairing. We both obviously work in the same field and work nights. He happens to like people more than me, I’ve grown a little introverted over the years. As I said before, we both enjoy cheesy films and musicals. He has a fixation for cars. I enjoy classic cars, not classic British cars though, I like hot-rods and muscle cars and if we’re pushing it, I enjoy monster trucks.

Like I said previously my relationship with Tyler very different than the one with Steve. The other night at work we spent 7+ hours on the phone to each other just talking. Work was dead, so we were playing Snapchat games and Words with Friends, and we were singing at each other. It was a lot of fun. However, you know what we didn’t do during that 7 hours? Flirt.

Tyler doesn’t flirt, not a at all, not one teeny tiny bit. I, on the other hand, flirt all the time. I don’t even know I’m doing most of the time. It’s like a second language. That said, it’s not just me. Everyone flirts, hell, I’ve heard the guys flirt with each other before now. Its transport; drinking, swearing, bitchy and flirty those are the languages of the industry. And he just doesn’t partake.

I don’t actually know what to do with him in that regard. I’m almost trained to make the dirty punch line quickly, before the guys can, it makes it less awkward. However, since he doesn’t bite, he just giggles when I make the jokes and it’s still a little awkward. I can’t really win.

And as previously mentioned, I am not sure how straight he is. My Gaydar doesn’t seem to even register him as human. I get no reading from him at all. Maybe I need to introduce him to the gay husband to find out for sure.

Anyways, I hope that fills you in on any information you felt you were missing and let me know whose side you’re on, mine or the gay husbands, in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 21 December 2018

The Gay Husband's Bright Idea

My lovely, dear, gay husband has had another one of his “bright idea” and I thought I’d let you in on his latest brain wave because personally it made me laugh.

The gay husband is over the whole Steve thing, he believes he’s all talk and while he served a purpose, that purpose has now been served. Fair enough, I guess. However, he believes I should replace Steve with, wait for it, his brother Tyler.

Now, if you’re anything like me, your reaction to that was “wait, what?”. The words just did not compute. He has his logic and some of it is understandable, but it still sounds crazy to me.

His logic is that Tyler is clearly someone I am comfortable with; he’s seen me without makeup, he’s seen many unflattering pictures of me, he’s someone I communicate with easily. We share a lot of the same interests (country music, musicals, crappy films), and we have a similar sense of humour. I don’t dispute any of that. However, the same could be said for most of my friends.

There also many other issues the gay husband is overlooking. Starting with his brother; now imagine for a second, he was right, and me Tyler started dating…. How messed up would have Thanksgiving be? Dating Tyler, sat across from his brother whom I use to sext? That’s not a thing.

Then you have the other issues, like he’s younger than me, I don’t date younger guys. You have the distance, you have secrets, he’s doesn’t know I blog, and he can’t find out for obvious reasons. And then you have the fact I am not ever sure he’s straight!

I am pretty sure the gay husband is way off on this one but let me know what you think in the comments below. I’d love to know your thoughts and the gay husband would love to find out if anyone is on his side. Anyways, as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch