Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream. Show all posts

Friday 12 July 2019

Weird Dream Freak Out

 I had a weird, weird dream last night and I think I might be done with the whole sleeping thing now. Science still doesn’t fully understand the function of dreaming; some say it’s your subconscious, some say it’s to help deal with emotions or decision making. I don’t care what the reason is I just think my dream system is drunk.

 The dream started off pleasant enough; a group of my work colleagues and I were out for a meal and drinks before a big meeting the following day. It was getting late and we had an early morning we all went back to our hotel rooms.

Tyler and I were sharing a room, we went to the room opened the door and there was a giant bed instead of the 2 bed there should have been. This wouldn't have phased me in reality and didn’t in the dream either. We are both adults and the bed was a super, massive, giant king that could have fit 15 people.

We got into our pjs and decided to order room service; I mean the company was paying so I think dream us did the right thing. It appeared we ordered popcorn, chocolate and sweets because clearly, we’re classy like that. We turn on a film and watched that, giggling and have a good time.

I can only assume we fell asleep at some point, because the dream continued with me waking up in the night to move a blanket slightly. At which point I noticed Tyler was cuddled up to me, all big spoon like. Nothing wrong with that, it was actually sweet. Also, please note, our pjs were still on and everything in this dream was 100% PG.

I snuggled back into him and fell asleep. I then wake up, in a different bed, Tyler was still the big spoon, I was still happily snuggled up… however, I was no longer the little spoon, I was the middle spoon and there was a baby asleep in my arms.

At which point I woke up in a complete panic, as if Freddy Krueger had just showed up. I was freaked out to a whole new level. I don't have these kinds of dreams. What the actual hell? There is no need for that dream. That dream has no purpose. What the hell brain? You have some explaining to do. And clearly some sobering up to do as well. Actually, don’t explain yourself, I don’t want to know… just don’t ever do it again.

Where the hell did the baby even come from? Did a stork bring it? Why was I co-sleeping? Since when do PG snuggles land you in an 18-year mini prison? So many questions.

Clearly, my dreams are out to get me, and sleep is a thing I need to quit with immediate effect. What is the strangest dream you’ve had? And do you think it meant anything? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And, as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 16 November 2012

Mr. Dexter

I’ve either been watching too much Dexter lately or my dreams are trying to tell me something. Last night I had a well and truly fucked up dream about Mr. X.

In season 7 of Dexter there is an episode called “Do the Wrong Thing”. In that episode Dexter takes Hannah McKay to a Christmas themed theme park and in a “shocking” turn of events it turns out Dexter has a kill room setup there. He prepares to kill her in his normal way but instead of stabbing her in the chest he cuts the plastic off and fucks her right there on his kill table. 

In my dream Mr. X takes me to an empty hockey arena (even in my dreams there’s a freaking lockout) and we’re skating around having a fun then everything goes black. When I come too I’m on a metal table in a room with a Zamboni and everything is covered in plastic. Mr. X is walking around the table with a large knife telling me whether I like it or not he has the control and it’s time our little game came to a permanent end. He’s lifts the knife up to plunge it in my chest and I say “If you really had the control we wouldn’t be here.” And give him a mischievous smile. Down comes the knife and slices the plastic off and we have sex right there on the table without saying a word. When we were done we were laying there with his arm under my head and he sits up a little and leans into me and says “you know this isn’t over right?” and with that I woke up.

The funny thing was when I woke up I wasn’t scared or anything I was actually laughing, it wasn’t till much later I started wondering whether my brain was trying to tell me something. I know Mr. X and I have a fucked up.....whatever the hell you want to call it but I’m pretty sure.......ok like 70% sure he isn’t trying to kill me.

So that begs the question have I been watching too much Dexter or is Mr. X in fact trying to kill me? Let me know in the comment box below and while you’re at it let me know what strange dreams you’ve had. As always my dears stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday 6 November 2011

Dream: Switching Off

I had a strange and disturbing dream last night and because a lot of you share those characteristics (Maxwell) I thought I’d share the dream with you.

The dream took place in a long, dark, museum like hallway with offset lighted pedestals lining either side.  

I was on this purple floating moving platform with Mr. X. He was the museum docent. On each of the lighted pedestals was a half naked gorgeous guy. As we pulled up to each of these gorgeous guys Mr. X would talk about them.

“This is Nick, he’s 28 from BC, he plays hockey and is hung like a horse.”  Then just as I was starting to drool over the guy, Mr. X would say something like “Yes, hung horse but he could never measure up to my personality. Then the light on the pedestal would go black and we’d move on to the next one.

“This Scott, he’s 29 from New York, he’s the lead singer in an up and coming band.” “He can sing but he’ll never have my sense of humour.” Then the light would go off.

And this kept going on and on and on, “this is Jeremy he looks perfect doesn’t he?” “Wrong! He lacks my ability to tell it how it is.” There were about 50 different guys and one after another the lights would turn off. Until I just couldn’t take anymore. I ended up jumping off this moving platform and running for the museum exit (not easy in the dark).

I ended up waking up before I manage to find my way out of there. The dream was so weird and disturbing, I struggled to fall back to sleep after it.

I have no idea what the meaning behind that dream was and I have a feeling I don’t want to know. The female mind is a scary place at the best of times. Have any of you ever had a dream like that?

I’m heading off for the night and fingers cross this doesn’t become a reoccurring dream. Stay safe guys.


The Honest Bitch 