Thursday 6 January 2011

Turning a negative into a positive

Being a Toronto Maple Leafs fan I was born with thick thin. We are the most chirped and hated team in the NHL and because of this, we learn from a young age to have a sense of humour about things. We know we suck and half the chirping you hear about the Leafs are from other Leafs fan. And might I say our chirps are more original and funny then ones by other teams. The Maple Leafs last won Lord Stanley’s cup in 1967. That was before man walk on the moon. Here’s one for you that was before the 911 emergency service started. Hell Canada wasn’t even a hundred years old yet. Because of these horrible facts Leafs fans are experts in turning negatives into positives. Whether it just a joke that makes people smile (throwing waffles) or just enjoy the little victory like a good hit or great fight.

This is one of those hockey lessons that translates well into your day to day life, things may suck but there‘s still something positive you can take from it.

I’m not a positive person in general, my mind set isn’t “it’s raining....well the flowers will get watered”. My mind set is more “fuck my jeans are going to get wet.” However when it comes to relationships or work I like to forget the feelings and the tears and just hold on to the lessons. There is no use beating yourself up about things you can’t change but if you learned a lesson and are able to successfully apply that lesson in the future. It’s been worth it.

You may have gotten hurt once, but the lesson you learned from it will prevent you getting hurt again. So if 1 heartache can prevents 5 more....I think the lesson paid for its self. You may completely hate someone for what they’ve done, that my dear friend is motivation. Hate isn’t a negative thing if you do positive with it.

I’m heading off guys. I hope your 2011 has started off well. Remember 2011 it’s not rocket science.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

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