I was looking back at some of the reasons I decided to take a break from dating and I just randomly started laughing at something that was so horrific at the time but is kind of funny now. I thought you guys might get a kick out of the story.
It was about 3 years ago I think. I meet a guy online and we started chatting. After a few months of chatting and texting we decided to meet up. We got along great and went out 5 or 6 more time. Nothing more than just a good night kiss ever happened between us. Which I thought was odd but didn’t read much into it.
About 3 days after our last date, I was sat on my bed checking my Facebook and I noticed this guy updated his relationship status. As you do when a guy you’re dating updates his relationship status I checked it out.
It had him as “in a relationship” with some dude so I figured it was guys fucking around and didn’t think anymore of it.
....until about 5 minutes later when I saw he uploaded some pictures.
These picture were of this guy full on making out with the guy he changed to “in a relationship” with.
I was in shock. I just sat there on my bed not moving, with my mouth wide open. I don’t even remember blinking. I just sat there like a statue for a good 5 – 10 minutes. When I finally did move, I didn’t break eye contract with the screen. I just moved my right hand to pick up my phone and dialled my best friend at the time.
I remember the conversation like it was yesterday. It went something like this.
Me- “hmmmmm, hi.......do you remember that guy I was seeing?”
K – “Yeah, what’s wrong”
Me “hmmm, hmmm"
K –“You’re not pregnant are you?”
Me – “God no”
K – “Then?”
Me – “Facebook”
K- “I need more”
Me- “He changed his status”
K - “To?”
Me - “Fucking some dude”
K – “What!?”
Me - “He’s in a relationship with a guy”
K – “He’s joking”
Me – “No, no, no, there are pictures”
K – “Pictures?”
Me – “Yeah..... Crystal clear, colour photos”
K – “Oh”
Me - “Yeah”
K – “I’ll be right over”
When she got here I was still sat glaring at my netbook. She closed it and looked at me. And we both started to laugh because what else can you do. She then asked to see the pictures, which lead to the most horrified look on her face I've ever seen, It was so funny, my sides hurt thinking about it. That girl is far too innocent.
We then went out the pub for a drink and then......I don’t really remember much. Oh, I lie, I do remember getting a beer for free because we told the bartender I turned a guy gay.
I never did confront the guy because I don’t think the words for conversation exist. That’s why Hallmark doesn’t make greeting card for it. So once I was over the shock, I just laughed it off. I figure when they make the movie of my life that scene would keep people talking and make me more money.
Sometimes in life you just got to laugh....even if it’s because you turned a guy gay. How many people can say that eh? Lol
Stay safe guys,
Love you,
The Honest Bitch