Monday morning I have
an appointment at the hospital with another pain management specialist. All was
well and good until I got the letter, inside the envelope was a yet another HADS questionnaire. This is the 5th one I’ve had to fill out in a
In case you don’t
know HADS stands for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. I’m insulted by
having to fill out yet another one. It’s like they’re saying “Oh you’re not
depressed well you should be.”
The worst part is the
way it’s worded everyone sounds depressed but my biggest problem is it says to
give your immediate reaction to each statement and oddly enough, my immediate
reaction isn’t coved in their options.
“I feel as if I am
slowed down” – Of course I do, because I’m actually slowed down!
“I feel restless as if
I have to be on the move” – Duh, I have stuff to do and I’m physically slowed
down. I feel like I need to be on the move to make up the time I'm losing.
“I get a sort of
frightened feeling like “butterflies” in the stomach” – Do you not read my blog?
Mr. X killed the butterflies.
“I feel cheerful” –
Once again, you don’t read my blog do you?
“I can laugh and see
the funny side of things” – Well, I’m mocking you in blog form so I’d say so.
The questions just go
on and on. It’s ridiculous. Then there is pain scale page which is stupid
because any doctor will tell you, the numbers don’t mean anything. But it did make
me laugh because there is a list of the “types of pain” you may be feeling, the
list includes; heavy, tiring-exhausting, fearful and punishing-cruel. I said
WTF more than once while reading it.

So that’s my rant
over with but what do you hate about hospitals? Let me know in the comment box
below. And as always, stay and play safe.
The Honest Bitch