Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gossip. Show all posts

Saturday 6 September 2014

Work Gossip

I thought I wouldn’t make you wait too long for the gossip on my job. As I’m sure you’re aware by now my job has relocated and in doing so things have changed and they’ve hired new people. All of which had great potential, however, things have fallen flat and where there was so much promise, it’s just more of the same old bullshit.

Out of the new permanent employees I like 1 of the 5, admittedly I haven’t met one of them yet, he doesn’t start until Monday but judging by the others I shant hold my breath.

I do however really like the temporary employee they’ve shipped in from Leeds. He reminds me a lot of the supervisor. He’s a lot of fun to work with but when it comes down to it, he knows his stuff. It takes a lot to impress me, but he truly has. It’s just a shame he’s only here temporarily. Like I said to him I’m going to try and make the most of having him around because he’s probably the only person on site I can learn anything from.  And so far he has managed to teach me a few things….. Is it just me or does that sounds dirty?

I think for blog's sake, I’m going to call him Hank. He kind of reminds me of Hank Green. He’s nerdy, but in a fun, playful sort of way. He’s sort of cute in an awkward he shouldn’t really be cute way. He’s just someone who is easy to be around.

Unlike the other night shift bloke who I want to murder slowly and painfully. That guy is the biggest whining, moaning bitch that transport has ever seen. I’m struggling to find a nice word to even say about him. He is such a drama queen it’s almost impossible to work with him. Which is a shame because at first he seemed really nice, but apparently first impressions can be completely wrong.

As for the rest of the office, it’s just very catty and bullshit heavy. You can feel that desperation among some to move up the ladder and it’s unnecessary. I’m a big believer in, if you put the work in, you’ll reap the rewards, but it appears I may be the only one that feels that way. Call me crazy, but I’d rather work my ass off and earn respect to get where I’m going then have it handed to me on a silver platter. That respect you earn along the way is worth more than a fancy over paid title.

Anyways, my lovelies, I am off for the evening, but before I go, let me leave you with this question, can you enjoy something, if you didn’t earn it? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 7 June 2012

Gossip Pleasure

I thought I’d give something new a try today. As most of you know tabloids and celebrity gossip sites are my guilty pleasure. And there have been a few stories this week I can’t help but rant about. So I thought I’d rant here and let you guys weigh in on the topics.

I’ll link to each story in the headline and as always when dealing with celebrity gossip and gossip sites, how true it is, is always up for debate.

So let’s get started:

Shocking how this story comes out while she’s promoting her new show. Also explains why she waited 2 years after breaking up with Jim to say anything. It actually says in the interview she hasn’t reached out to him directly. So.....He’s a mind reader apparently. I don’t understand how she can go on the record bashing him over her decisions. She broke up with him after all.  Plus it’s not even his kid.

Really Dude, you’re John Mayer. (That’s all I have to say on that one).

The story itself doesn’t interest me at all but I do look forward to the cheating scandals and divorce.

I am Canadian, therefore I’m a hockey fan and nothing annoys me more than people jumping on the bandwagon when a team is doing well, and celebrities doing it annoys me even more.

Since the LA Kings are most likely going to win the Stanley Cup this year every celebrity and the tabloid that covers them is on their bandwagon. It ridiculous! Next thing you know a Kardashian will be dating one.

It’s so stupid if I can support the Leafs and all there suckdom surely they can tweet regular season games.

If you haven’t seen this video, don’t, you’ll end up with the over whelming urge to punch a 14 year old in the face.

The misinformed teenager in the video not only talks about the President encouraging people to gay but also says “a person isn’t born that way, no matter what Lady Gaga says, it is a decision.”

Let’s start with the fact none of my gay friends chose to bullied in school, chose to be called names they didn’t choose to be that way, they just are. But you know what is a choice? Homophobia, and religion for that matter.

That brings me to the other annoying part of this video. This little boy tries to push his religious beliefs on others.

I was raised going to church every Sunday and I may not agree with all their teaching now but they did get a few things right. A big thing in my church was the teaching that people have the right to pick and practice whatever religion they want or none at all. And they’re free to do that without having other people’s opinions pushed a pun them. Religion is between the individual and god and that’s it. Smart teaching and personally the way I think it should be.

This kid fucks me off on so many levels its unreal. I’d be all for GLAAD hire a hitman to deal with this hate spewing idiot and the people who thoughts he's parroting.

Anyways my dears that’s my rant or rants on this weeks big gossip site stories. What do you guys think? And are there any big stories I missed? Let me know in the comment box below.

As always my dears stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 13 May 2012

The Straw That Broke the Olive Branch

A few days ago I was going through some email and decided to take a little break from the hate. I realized during that break I hadn't spoke to Evil Monkey in about a month. Thinking he may get a kicked out of some of my hate mail I decided to extend the olive branch and send him a message.  

I kind of figured his silence was because of a girl and his first message (“The issue is that you may have to fight another girl for me!”) confirmed that.

My first thought was “cute, he thinks I’m going to risk a broken nail for him”. I decided to keep my bitch side in check and do the polite thing and ask about his new girl. Instead of a nice conversation a game of dodge-ball ensued.

When I first asked he send me this message.

Evil Monkey: “Oh haha, I sent that to the wrong person”

Seeing as it fit the conversation perfectly, my bullshit detector went off and I wasn’t buying it. I then got.

Evil Monkey: “Haha what brings this up?”

I’m either dealing with an idiot or someone is dodging my questions. Since clearly he brought it up.

Evil Monkey: “I’ll give you a clue she’s female.”

At this point I crossed the line from irritated to pissed off. Then he sent this.

Evil Monkey: “What are you looking for?”

Well I can tell you what I’m not looking for, a game of dodge ball. I was looking for gossip. What else would I be looking for?

Evil Monkey “lol not what I expected”

That was the last message he sent before he vanished again leaving me to irritated and with my next blog.

What really pisses me off is the whole thing could have been avoided with a straight answer. I’m not a cop; I wasn’t asking if he murdered anyone. All I did was ask about a girl he brought up.

If for whatever reason he didn’t want to talk about it all he had to do was say “I don’t want to talk about it.” But instead he decided to play games.

I respect straight shooters and people like this are the catalyst for murder. It’s infuriating and I‘d know as a customer service rep I was trained in the question dodge. That’s also the reason I can tell you to fuck off in 4 different languages.

I know what I would have done in his place, but what would you have done? Tell me straight or play a game of dodge ball? And more importantly why do guys play these BS games?

As always my dears stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Sunday 6 May 2012


This weekend one of my best friends from school got married and despite the fact I’m not a big fan of marriage and even a smaller fan of weddings I’m actually really happy for her. She's one of the very few that have gotten married for the right reasons and not because she’s Snookie and got herself knocked up. Plus her and her now husband, are perfect for each other.

If you follow me on twitter you’ll know marriage has been a bit of a theme this week. Some gossip made its way to me that Mr. X was getting married. Admittedly he did contracted me later that day telling me that the gossip was untrue. But I still want bonus points for taking the news (although false) so well. I even surprised myself. I was actually more upset that someone took the time to message me with that gossip thinking I would care.

The reason I took it so well is up for debate I’m either well and truly over him or I’m a “vindictive bitch”.  I think that’s a little harsh, betting girl would be a better way to put it. It’s not my fault half of all marriages end in divorce. And the odds said divorce turns nasty and bitter is ¼. None of that’s vindictive, its math.....throwing a party would be vindictive.....3rd Saturday in June good for everyone :-)

Personally I think I took it so well because the idea of him getting married is kind of funny to me. I believe the devil is a wedding planner and him with a wedding planner and a Bridezilla just makes me smile.

I’m a bitch and I know it but you have to find the humour in these things and for whatever reason him getting married just makes me laugh. Do that make me strange?

What random things make you laugh? And if I’m wrong and the devil isn’t a wedding planning what do you think he does for a living?

I need to head to bed, as always my dears stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Thursday 29 March 2012

Questionable Penis

There is something that has baffled women for years and I have to ask, why do guys take pictures of their junk and send it to us?

On behalf of women everywhere “STOP”! I don’t know what response you’re hoping for but I can guarantee you’re not getting it.

When we receive these unsolicited pictures our first response is to laugh, men look funny naked, it’s just a fact of life. While we’re laughing we’re also scanning the picture for information. This may sound strange but women are nosey and by scanning a picture of this type I managed to find out the guy I was chatting to was married. See, not so strange, it’s smart.

After all the laughing subsides, we begin to wonder why any guy in their right mind would want to show that off. Guys in these pictures always look so proud and after seeing more then my fair share I can safely say they shouldn’t be. I don’t believe there is such a thing as a well hung picture flasher.

Picture flasher is the technical name my friends and I have come up with for this phenomenon. Unlike their flasher cousins these men don’t wear trench coats they’re just armed with digital cameras.

I’m sorry to tell you this guys but on the whole women just aren’t turned on by seeing a dick. There is actually scientific research to back me up on that statement.

Men are mainly turned on visually; they can see something and thier little friend pops up to play.

Women on the other hand are more turned on by sound. We like to hear the interaction and hear that everything is being enjoyed. So because of that fact women are never going to ravage you just because you held your camera up to your junk.

The other thing you may not be aware of is women talk. We also share picture and when we share these pictures nice things are never spoken. I would say for every 1 picture you send 3 women and a guy see it.

If I had my way all the unsolicited pictures would be posted online with a picture of the guys face next to it. That way all women could see it and judge and or laugh for themselves.

Also by sending us these pictures you’re just setting yourself up for failure. If we decided to see your manhood in person, you know what we’re thinking. We’re thinking it’s a lot smaller than in the picture both in length and girth. Keeping in mind we probably didn’t think it was that big to begin with. That’s what you call double disappointment.

And double disappointment is the number one cause of faked orgasms.

Play safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch