Showing posts with label BS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BS. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 May 2012

The Straw That Broke the Olive Branch

A few days ago I was going through some email and decided to take a little break from the hate. I realized during that break I hadn't spoke to Evil Monkey in about a month. Thinking he may get a kicked out of some of my hate mail I decided to extend the olive branch and send him a message.  

I kind of figured his silence was because of a girl and his first message (“The issue is that you may have to fight another girl for me!”) confirmed that.

My first thought was “cute, he thinks I’m going to risk a broken nail for him”. I decided to keep my bitch side in check and do the polite thing and ask about his new girl. Instead of a nice conversation a game of dodge-ball ensued.

When I first asked he send me this message.

Evil Monkey: “Oh haha, I sent that to the wrong person”

Seeing as it fit the conversation perfectly, my bullshit detector went off and I wasn’t buying it. I then got.

Evil Monkey: “Haha what brings this up?”

I’m either dealing with an idiot or someone is dodging my questions. Since clearly he brought it up.

Evil Monkey: “I’ll give you a clue she’s female.”

At this point I crossed the line from irritated to pissed off. Then he sent this.

Evil Monkey: “What are you looking for?”

Well I can tell you what I’m not looking for, a game of dodge ball. I was looking for gossip. What else would I be looking for?

Evil Monkey “lol not what I expected”

That was the last message he sent before he vanished again leaving me to irritated and with my next blog.

What really pisses me off is the whole thing could have been avoided with a straight answer. I’m not a cop; I wasn’t asking if he murdered anyone. All I did was ask about a girl he brought up.

If for whatever reason he didn’t want to talk about it all he had to do was say “I don’t want to talk about it.” But instead he decided to play games.

I respect straight shooters and people like this are the catalyst for murder. It’s infuriating and I‘d know as a customer service rep I was trained in the question dodge. That’s also the reason I can tell you to fuck off in 4 different languages.

I know what I would have done in his place, but what would you have done? Tell me straight or play a game of dodge ball? And more importantly why do guys play these BS games?

As always my dears stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday, 9 February 2012

Nice Weakness

I'm starting to wonder if I've dealt with so many asshole men that I've lost my ability to deal with sweet guys.

It sounds crazy but over the years and many boyfriends I've become a pro at dealing with jerk man. I've become so good at it normally I can even determine the intent of the jackassness.

Guys act like assholes for many reasons, some complex and some because they are assholes. It takes a lot of experience to work out the cause and more importantly whether it's worth dealing with are not. The answer is normally not.

All that jerkiness I can deal with without batting an eyelash, hell I'm almost good at it but I've recently discovered the not so good at dealing with non-jackass men. My quick wittedness and ability to think on my feet is powerless against them.

Jon sent me a message last night saying “you're a girl that every guy should treasure J”. What am I meant to do with that? There is no quick-witted comeback for that. My only defence is to blush and bury my face. I'm just not used to that.

Normally when a guy says those sorts of things, they do it when they think they have a shot of getting in my pants. I can see through that BS and reply accordingly. I'm really not used to a guy saying those things because he means them.

It takes a lot shake me, I work customer service for many years, you name it I've heard it, and it doesn't faze me, but apparently my weakness is niceness. I just don't know what to do with it. I’m The Honest Bitch not The Honest Sweetheart.

Am I alone in this? Do you find it easier or more comfortable to deal with assholes? Or am I just weird?

As always stay and play safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Stop Knocking Up Chavs

Lately it seems instead of ending up with nice, sweet, respectable girls all my guys friends are ending up with the first chav they knock up.

It’s starting to drive me crazy. Forgetting the fact I have to be nice to these “women”, I just think almost all of my guy friends can do better and I hate to see them throw away their life’s over misplaced sperm.

I’m not even sure who I’m madder at, the women who trap these guys or my guy friends who are falling for this BS.

There are many ways not to get pregnant, birth control, condoms, vibrator or just keeping your fucking legs shut. They are all very effective so how all these women are catching pregnancy like it’s a disease is beyond me.

Then I have my guy friends who decide since she’s having their baby they have to be with her. Are you stupid? That’s not the way it works! The only person you are responsible for is that child.

It always amazes me how these guys will repeatedly slag off these women and then the second they find out she’s having a baby they’re magically in love. What a load of shit.

You’re not in love, you’re in trouble. Feelings don’t magically appear in the snap of a finger. I'm not sure who’s worse in all of this, the women who aren’t responsible enough to take birth control or the guys go fall for this BS. Grow a back bone already.

Call me old fashion but I thought the idea was to fall in love and get married not to fall in sperm and settle.

Anyway that’s my rant on the matter. Let me know what you think. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

72 Hours Marriage Rant

I don’t normally blog about celebrity gossip, but this story is on my nerves and ranting is the only known cure for that. Before I start the ranting let me say allegedly and facts may or may not be true.... you know those Hollywood types they like to sue when they get cranky.  

Let the ranting begin....

It is one thing to get divorced after 72 days of marriage but it’s quite another to bullshit to the media for that length of time, then expect the people you lied to, to have your back.

The chick has balls I’ll give her that.

The thing that annoys me about this story is she’s taking no blame. Her and her pimp (manager) are just spinning the story and for once the media isn’t buying it. (Well done tabloid journalists)  

How hard is it to release a statement that says “I fucked up!” Screw this, his parents didn’t like me, I made no money, I was in love BS and just admit you screwed up. Don’t continue to lie to the media, which is why the world has turned on you in the first place.

Her and her family spinning of this story makes me want to scream. The story started she didn’t want to move so that’s why it ended. Then it was he wanted fame, then she had doubts, them his family hates her and that’s why it ended. Give it a week and she’ll be claiming he hit her or some other BS like that.

Give the world a break and stop talking. You’re making it worse. It’s clear the media and a lot of your fans have turned on you that should be your sign that you messed up. So stop blaming everyone else and admit your screw up.

The next annoying thing....

“She didn’t make a dime off her wedding”. Really? Is she the stupidest celebrity on the planet or just failed first grade math? Anyone who is anyone makes money on their wedding. They sell pictures, make magazine deals, use someone products. It's common to make money from your wedding when you’re famous so why lie about it. Most people aren’t stupid, and just because you keep saying it doesn’t make it true.

I’d also like to add love doesn’t evaporate, if you actually loved him you still would. You just wanted the money and the attention from the wedding, you know it, I know it, the world knows it, so just admit it so the world can move on to whether Justin is a daddy and if jail orange makes Lindsay look fat.

Stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch