Showing posts with label Jerk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jerk. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 April 2012

No Patience

It’s my birthday in a matter of weeks and at this point in my life I’m so over guys playing games. I really don’t have the patience for it anymore.

It’s actually reached the point where it’s a massive turn off. I’m a straight shooter who has no problem telling anyone what I think and having a guy around who is wishy-washy or hot and cold just isn’t a good fit. I like my men to men and there is nothing manly about a guy hemming and hawing, it actually kind of pathetic.

I also like the men in my life to think they wear the pants in the relationship. We all know that’ll never be the case but he has to think it. There’s something very sexy about a man who thinks he’s in control. (A man who’s actually in control infuriates me.)

Saying that, I want a man who can be manly and forceful without being a jerk, you know the type, a big scary grizzly bear but when he’s home cuddling he’s a teddy bear, kind of like most hockey players, just not Sidney Crosby that guys a pussy. A well paid, pretty pussy but a pussy nonetheless.

I just wish I could understand what causes men to be so indecisive when it comes to relationships. Men who are otherwise steadfast become complete morons when it comes to dealing with relationships or potential relationships.

It makes no sense and I really can’t be bothered to deal with this BS anymore. I need a guy with no baggage and no emotional issues or whatever else causes them to be relationship morons.

Anyway my dears I have things I need to get on with. Let me know what you think, what turns men into relationship morons?  Have a good evening and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Nice Weakness

I'm starting to wonder if I've dealt with so many asshole men that I've lost my ability to deal with sweet guys.

It sounds crazy but over the years and many boyfriends I've become a pro at dealing with jerk man. I've become so good at it normally I can even determine the intent of the jackassness.

Guys act like assholes for many reasons, some complex and some because they are assholes. It takes a lot of experience to work out the cause and more importantly whether it's worth dealing with are not. The answer is normally not.

All that jerkiness I can deal with without batting an eyelash, hell I'm almost good at it but I've recently discovered the not so good at dealing with non-jackass men. My quick wittedness and ability to think on my feet is powerless against them.

Jon sent me a message last night saying “you're a girl that every guy should treasure J”. What am I meant to do with that? There is no quick-witted comeback for that. My only defence is to blush and bury my face. I'm just not used to that.

Normally when a guy says those sorts of things, they do it when they think they have a shot of getting in my pants. I can see through that BS and reply accordingly. I'm really not used to a guy saying those things because he means them.

It takes a lot shake me, I work customer service for many years, you name it I've heard it, and it doesn't faze me, but apparently my weakness is niceness. I just don't know what to do with it. I’m The Honest Bitch not The Honest Sweetheart.

Am I alone in this? Do you find it easier or more comfortable to deal with assholes? Or am I just weird?

As always stay and play safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Monday, 30 January 2012

Old Habits Die Hard

In recent months I've been flirting with a new guy, let's call him Jon. He's not my normal type. For starters he doesn't have any ego issues and he's younger than I am. Normally that would be grounds enough for me to write him off but since he's such a sweetheart I decided despite his age to give him a chance and see what happens.

It's not like the older guy thing has been working out so well for me anyways.

Despite him being a sweetheart a few weeks ago he started blowing hot and cold on me and instead of asking Jon what was up, I decided to fall back on an old habit.

I contacted Mr. X. He's what you'd call a safety net. If things turn bad I can always fall back on him. Sounds horrible I know, but he does the same thing to me. We flirt for a few hours or days (depending how bad the damage is), and once our confidence is fully restored we go on about our lives.

This time was different though, instead of trying and failing to separate him from his clothing, I decided to treat him like a failed science experiment and see what I could learn from him.

Despite the fact I want to strangle him a lot of the time, he's helpful in his own twisted way. He took the time to explain to me why guys blow hot and cold. He wasn't so useful in explaining how to fix the problem though. He suggested murder but blood makes me queasy so that idea went out the window.

I managed to sort the issue without following his bloody advice. I did what I should've done in the start and confronted the guy. But Mr. X gave me a lot to think about. Despite being an ass I'm grateful for his advice and ability to lighten the mood. He may be a jerk but he's proven himself a good ally.

As always stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

PS Just for future reference how would you handle a guy (or girl) that was blowing hot and cold?

Monday, 12 December 2011

Girls and Jackasses

Guys seem to always be asking; ok bitching about how girls seem to go for guys who are assholes. Despite what my “relationship” with Mr. X may lead you to believe I don’t fall into that category.

My attraction to him isn’t based on his jerk like tendencies. I like him because he’s not afraid of me. If he has something to say he’ll say it. He’ll go toe to toe with me if need be. I’m a strong personality and I need someone like that to deal with me.

Saying that doesn’t mean I don’t want a nice guy. I just want a nice guy with a pair of balls. I’m sure I’m not alone in that.

I’m not sure girls actually are going for jackasses. I think some of it goes back to the old days when the guy was the head of the household. It’s not about wanting an ass. It’s about wanting a leader, someone who is strong, decisive and powerful also known as “grrr”.

Grrr is a very important quality, not just bedroom but in a relationship. A female may be strong and independent but she still wants a guy with some grrr. I mean nobody likes a doormat.

They say confidence is sexy. And they’re right. It’s not just confidence about the way you look but confidence in the things you do. The trick is doing it without becoming a jackass.

As always stay safe guys, love,

The Honest Bitch 