This isn’t something
I wouldn’t normally write about but it’s bugging me and it’s my blog so I’m
going to write about it.

I have a lot of
problems with this. I normally respect GLAAD and the work they do but in this
case they can’t win and instead of passing on a good messages to NHL fans they’re
just pissing off the fans who now don’t care what their message is and just see
GLAAD as a pest.
The first problem with this
case is Wayne Simmonds in a game earlier that week had a banana thrown at him. It was a blatant racist attack...if you believe the news. I
personally think that might be all the guy had to hand but that’s beside the
point. It didn’t make anywhere near as big of a news story as this.
The second part of
this problem is Sean Avery in the same game where he was allegedly called a
faggot, was picked up on a microphone threatening to kill Claude Giroux. There
is no allegedly in that story he clear as day said it.
So the problem NHL
fans are having with GLAAD is who are they to say their issue is more
important than racism or a death threat. Other things happened in that game and
for them to make a fuss over something nobody else heard when Avery himself said
horrible things in that game makes them look pity.
The other issue of
course is Sean Avery. He’s not what you call well liked. Actually I don’t know
a hockey fan that has a nice thing to say about him. So even before GLAAD
opened their mouth they were on thin ice. If you’re going to try and make a
stand, logic would dictate you do it off a respectable player. Something Avery
is not.
Maybe this is because
I live in England now where they eat faggots and smoke fags but I feel GLAAD is
being a little sensitive. Things get said in the heat of the moment during
sports and what they say may not be pc it’s not a crime. They’re not saying
these words to hurt or offend, they’re saying it to get under each other’s skin
and clearly since Avery cried to the media it worked.
I personally take offence
to claims that the NHL and their fans are homophobic. Give me a break. Hockey
players talk shit that's their job, it's part of the game. What they say may
not be politically correct or even fit for TV but that doesn’t make them or
their fans who understand this homophobic.
I’m willing to bet
this wouldn’t even be news if Avery hadn’t been over heard threatening to kill Claude
Giroux. He didn’t want the shit storm, so instead he throw Simmonds under the
bus. Classy.
I’m a big believer in
what happens on the ice should stay on the ice and if Avery had a problem with
what was said he should dealt with it on the ice instead of crying to the media
like a over grown baby.
I’m a Leafs fan so I
kind of feel dirty supporting a Flyer but I had to unleash my rant. I'm not saying what was said is right I'm just saying the sky isn't falling. Anyways my
dears, I’m off for the evening as always stay safe.
The Honest Bitch