Wednesday 25 January 2012

Red vs Blue

My brain is currently locked in a battle over two competing concepts and there's only one possible way to resolve this dilemma. So...

Standing on my red shoulder standing 5'11" tall representing all things good and honest. The one... The only... NTB

And fighting from my blue shoulder, stand being 6'2" tall, representing all things misleading and game like, Jimmy “The Ego” Jacob

Let's get ready to rumble! Ding, ding, ding

and with the first blow its NTB and his belief that you don't need to play games to be happy in a relationship, quickly followed up by his unwavering belief that a good relationship is based on total honesty.

Landing a shot of his own Jimmy with his belief that guys want what they can't have, followed up by his valid point that social networks turn females crazy.

NTB lands another punch with his point that not playing games makes relationships a lot easier.

Jimmy just misses with his idea that guys hate being compared to anyone. Because we all know guys only hate being compared to people that are better than them.

NTB misses with a punch of his own, the idea that all games are pointless. That is simply untrue. You need some teasing and playing hard to get in a relationship or you’d die of boredom.

But not one to stay down, NTB lands a huge hit with his straightforwardness because we all know men can't read between the lines to save their life.

Not one to be outdone Jimmy fires back with give the guy some space, if he likes you, he'll swallow his pride and make the first move. And he follows that up with a sweet little titbit, if in doubt start dating. Playing on a guy’s built-in jealousy and give him a taste of his own medicine.

In the dying seconds of the last and final round NTB lands a big punch of his own with “treat people how you would want to be treated”.

Ding, ding, ding, this is it, it's all over, it's all comes down to a judge's decision.

Judge 1 gives it to..... Jimmy

Judge 2 gives it to....NTB

And the third and final judge.... Has no freaking clue

While I replay this fight over and over in my head, let me know what you think. Are games in a relationship such a bad thing? Do you need those games to help feel each other out? Or is being totally straightforward from the start the best way to handle things?

Or is purple the answer, a bit from the red shoulder and a bit from the blue?

As always guys, stay safe, love,

The Honest Bitch

Saturday 21 January 2012

Predictable Pig

In my last blog I was telling you about the predictable response to one of my Facebook statuses and there being more to the story, so here it is.

After sending me a bunch of Facebook messages he asked if he could text me. I said ok. He's known me for years and already had my number so it's not like I could stop him if I wanted to. Plus I wanted to see if I could get him to admit he had a girlfriend.

So he started sending me text messages. They started off harmless enough asking about how I was and talking about hockey, then it turned a little flirty. I didn't have a problem with a little harmless flirting.

Then it took a turn crossing that line of things you can't say or text when you're in a relationship. He was aiming for sexting and I wasn't playing that game. I have dealt with my fair share of crazy girlfriends, and I'm not looking to add another one to that list.

He eventually moved back to the harmless side of the line and we said good night and that was that… or so I thought.

For the next few days he would send me messages like “good morning, have a good day :-) x” and “Good morning sexy xx”. This struck me as strange...really strange.

I've dealt with more than my fair share of slimy guys and normally they cover their asses and don't leave a text trail for their girlfriend to find. Side note: beware of guys, who don't have any messages on their phones, they're normally trouble.

This left me wondering if he and his girlfriend broke up or if something happened because that's just not normal behaviour. Plus, part of me really didn't want to believe he was a jerk. He's the first fellow hockey fan I met here, and he comes off as such a sweet guy.

So I went into detective mode and searched his Facebook wall for answers. I didn't find any recent messages from the girlfriend however her display picture was a picture of both of them together but it crossed my mind that she may not have changed it yet, so I continued looking.  Then I saw a message with a name that jumped out at me, it wasn't his girlfriend's name but it was the same surname.

It turned out to be the girlfriend’s mother, and she was joking with him the morning after he messaged me. I can’t be sure but I don't think you'd joke with your daughter's ex-boyfriend on a public Facebook wall if they had just broken up.

So it has left me to conclude that apparently nice guy or not, he is a creep and depending on your definition of cheating, a cheater too.

I guess that only leaves two questions, is sexting classifed as cheating? And does it take two to sext?

Stay safe guys, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Predictable Pigs

I was checking my Facebook the other night when I came across the above image. It kind of me laugh so I thought I'd share the humour. I didn't really think about it and went back to chatting.

When I looked back a few minutes later only guys has commented on it and they were all doing the same thing, trying to guess my bra size. My boobs are flattered but I was a little miffed. I have no problems with my boobs being a topic of conversation but I do have an issue with the fact none of the guys were single.

If I were their girlfriends I wouldn't be pleased. It just not an appropriate conversation. It's one thing if their girlfriends were in on the conversation but to randomly start guessing a female bra size, that's not cool.

After I commented trying to blow their comments off as “boys will be boys” they continue to try and guess. I knew what was coming next. I was so sure I even made a comment to my friend Jon that I was waiting for the inevitable inbox message.

And right on schedule there was an inbox message from one of the guys. It was a really sweet message but at the end of the day he has a girlfriend and he shouldn't be hitting on me. Not only does he have a girlfriend but said girlfriend is listed on his Facebook page. I'm not sure why but that makes it worse in my books.

It's just so slimy and not just slimy, predictably slimy.

There's nothing wrong with flirting, it actually has many health benefits but there is a line you need to watch when you're not single. When someone goes to the effort of moving a chat from somewhere public (e.g. Facebook wall) to somewhere private (e.g. inbox) you know his intentions aren't pure.

My biggest problem with the whole thing is how predictable it was. Would it kill someone to be original? Honesty would help too but that's as likely as Pinocchio's penis being longer than his nose. So I'll just settle for original.

Anyways my dears, that's all for now, although there is more to come. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 5 January 2012

Dating Horror Story: Perfect Liar

Happy New Year my dears. I was reading about a fellow blogger’s rom-com like holiday (Personal Facts) and it got me thinking about a dating nightmare of my own. It’s also a great reason why Internet dating is a bad idea.

It must have been about three or four years ago and I can't even remember where online we met, but we did and really seemed to hit it off. He sounded like a real catch. He was a cute primary school teacher, who played rugby on the weekends. He was also in a band. He sounded perfect, hell, he still sounds perfect.

We chatted online for about three months pretty much every day. Then we moved to text messages. He would text during classes and before bed. We got a long great and he was super funny. After about six months of chatting, we finally decided it would be a good idea to meet each other. He knew I was having an operation and suggested he come up and look after me afterwards. How sweet is that? Spoiler alert….. It never happened.

About a week before he was planning on coming up, we got a little flirty and he sent me a picture, I won't tell you what the picture was, but in the corner of the image. I thought I spotted something.

Since dating is part detective work. I took the image and zoom in on the thing that caught my eye. Lo and behold, I was right. On his left hand there was a shiny gold wedding ring. So much for perfect…. Eh?

I decided before I lost my temper I would give him a chance to explain himself. But instead of manning up or saying something logical he told me it wasn't a wedding ring. It was just a ring, he wore on that finger.

Do I look dumb? Out of all the things a person could say, that was his story. I have very low bullshit tolerance, so I quickly told him what I thought about him using many four lettered words then proceeded to delete his lying ass.

It's crazy. How on earth did he not think I'd catch on? If you’re stupid enough to send a picture of yourself in a wedding ring, you deserve to be punched in the nuts. Not only is that a low life move to make. It's disrespectful to your wife.

Anyways, my dears, that's yet another of my dating nightmares. If that doesn't make you feel better about your relationship nothing will. Stay safe guys.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday 31 December 2011

New Year's Eve

Going to start by apologizing to Nathan, apparently, he isn't the only one who thinks I'm currently dating Mr. X. Let me set the record straight for those of you who are confused, I'm not currently nor do I ever plan on dating him.

We have a love/hate relationship and currently I'm in hate with that love/hate relationship. It actually has nothing to do with him for a change. I'm just bored with it all. It's time for a new challenge, preferably one that isn't such a time waster.

Since this is my last post of the year. What I'd normally do is hash out all the many mistakes of the past year in a bid to stop you from following in my footsteps. But this year I feel oddly at peace with everything.

Yeah, some things didn't go my way but in the big picture I played my cards right. It's that life lesson “you can play your hand perfectly, and still lose”. I don't think I have lost anything important, besides, maybe my mind.

I don't do New Year’s resolutions, I think the whole concept is stupid, but I do like to take a deep breath and release all the bullshit from the previous year. I know this time in 12 months it will be a whole new list of bullshit bugging me and nothing that's happening now will be important.

I wouldn't call New Year's a fresh start, because we all know it's not but it’s a fresh perspective on everything. Realizing given a little time, most things fade in importance.

As always, stays safe my dears, and have a great New Year’s Eve and fingers crossed your hangovers aren’t too bad.


The Honest Bitch


Wednesday 21 December 2011

The Honest Grinch

Let me start by saying sorry and bear with me over the next week or so in regards to my blogging schedule. My computer is dying a slow and painful death making blogging a nightmare.

Plus it is Christmas which means I’m my mother’s slave labour. She’s a baker which means we’re always busy this time of year making far too many cookies, cakes and chocolates.

Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas but I like it on December 1st before all the madness starts. I put on some Christmas music, dance around like a fool putting up the tree. I’m normally done all my Christmas shopping by then so I’ll wrap it all up. I love that part of Christmas....when it’s still fun.

Then around the second week of December I morph into The Honest Grinch. The Christmas music starts driving me crazy. Everyone seems to have me wrapping gifts. Which really pisses me off, since mine is already done.

Then around the 10th of December my job as a cookie wench starts. For the next two weeks I shape, roll, cut and bake around 40 dozen cookies. The oven timer controls my every movement during this time. As if that isn’t enough I also help make and cover more chocolates then I care to count. I’m pretty sure everything I own is now covered in flour, icing sugar and or chocolate.
It’s now December 21st and I’m so over Christmas it isn’t funny. I can’t wait for this all to be over. My back hurts, as much as I love Rockapella their new Christmas album is on my last nerve and if one more person puts a Christmas card through my door I may scream.

I’m also not what you call child friend. So all these screaming, hyper little kids looking forward to seeing Santa gives me the over whelming urge to shake them like a rag doll and tell them they’ve been horrible, loud mouthed little brats all year and Santa cuts up children like that to power his sleigh.

Yes, I’m aware that makes me a horrible person, but at least I’m honest about it.

Despite everything, I don’t hate Christmas. I love a lot of the things that go into it. I just can’t stand this much Christmas. I’m suffering from Christmas burnout. And who can blame anyone for that. Stores start putting their Christmas rubbish out before Halloween. Nobody can deal with that much Christmas.

There is a reason advent calendars only have a maximum of 30 days on it. That’s all of the Christmas spirit one person can take. The stores starting that 30 day clock early ensure more and more people hate Christmas. It’s not special or magical when the stupid thing last for 3 months. By the time it actually gets here even kids are bored of it.

Anyways I have to go get some sleep. I have 12 dozen cookies that need baking and 6 Christmas cakes to ice in the morning......Is it over yet?


The Honest Grinch..... I mean Bitch 

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Cloud

Before I start my rant let me give you a little information because a little research goes along way (Yes, I mean you people commenting on TMZ’s image”. The above picture is of The Cloud. It HASN’T been built yet. It’s due to start construction in 2013 in Seoul, South Korea.

Now that you have a little information let’s start the ranting.

Americans are up in arms over this design and I can understand why but at the same time I don’t care if they’re up in arms. Let me explain before you start sharpening your pitch forks.

It would be one thing if The Cloud was being built on US soil but it’s not. It’s being built half way around the world. It’s not exactly rubbing it in anyone’s face; most Americans will never even see the building. Also keep in mind the drawing for this building have been floating around Europe for a few months now and nobody made the connection until the images were released in the states.

I’ll admit when I first saw the above image I was a little shocked. But who wouldn’t be with TMZ’s headline “Intentional or unfortunate mistake?” But after I did a little research about the concept and saw ALL the images available my opinion quickly changed.

I actually really like the design now. In my opinion architecture is like great art, it should make you feel something. After all the comments it’s clear this building makes a lot of people feel a lot of things.

Forgetting the design for a second. I love the concept behind the building it’s meant to be two building connected by clouds. On top of “the clouds” is green space which is a perfect for such a busy city where space is at a premium.

Now back to my rant. I have an issue with some people’s stance on the cloud tower. And it’s an issue that spreads further then just this topic. That issue is...The world doesn’t revolve around America.

Yes, it was a horrible day in your history, and it effected the people of many nations, you have made it  “your history”. It doesn’t bring up the same emotions in other nationalities as it does in your own. I live in England if I say 7/7 would you even know what I was talking about? (The day London was attacked by suicide bomber on public transport)

Different people have different perspectives. Take the White House for example. American’s fill with pride when they see it. I’m Canadian when I see it, I think of it on fire in the war of 1812. Different perspectives and everyone is entitled to their own.

Personally I hope the architect doesn’t change the design. He designed it with something totally different in mind. So get over yourself. Your constitution gives you freedom of speech and ideas. The architect should have the freedom of expressionism. And you’re free to feel about it however you want and I’m free to rant about the little things that tick me off. Like the US media choosing the most Twin Town like image to show. Slow news day?

As always stay safe and keep your pitch fork sharpened.


The Honest Bitch 