Showing posts with label Opinions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Opinions. Show all posts

Friday, 17 February 2017

Different Views

Work is becoming very interesting; a lot of the truck drivers are ex-forces and with that tends to come a more conservative view. I, on the other hand, am very liberal in my views. I am pro-choice, I’m for the legalization of marijuana and I’m even for the legalization of prostitution.  

So, it’s very strange being in an office where people agree with Trump. I live in England so our views and options on the matter are pretty much worthless anyways, but, it makes me see people in a different light.

I can’t figure out whether some of my colleagues are ill-informed, trolls, stupid or just plain old racist. They’re applauding Trumps ban on muslins. I have no issue with a country controlling its borders, that’s part of why I voted to leave the EU. I do have an issue with a ban that’s based solely on a religion. I wouldn’t want to be judged based on the actions of the Westboro Baptist church or the KKK, so why judge another country solely on their whack jobs.

I believe Trump to be mentally ill, it’s the only way I can fathom a president sending out his press secretary to attack a retail store. The alleged leader of the free world basically called Nordstrom a terrorist, I hope he’s mentally ill or that’s some scary shit. And equally as scary is the special breed of person that seem to find this ok.

I’m not sure how to deal with these people. I’ve always tried to live by the phrase “you can’t argue with stupid.” And I try not to, but it’s hard to let some of it go over my head. I swear some of it is so stupid it almost hurts.

Anyways, I am going to go and try and get another post sorted before I head back to work, but before I go, I have this question for you; How do you deal with people who have different views than you? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Cloud

Before I start my rant let me give you a little information because a little research goes along way (Yes, I mean you people commenting on TMZ’s image”. The above picture is of The Cloud. It HASN’T been built yet. It’s due to start construction in 2013 in Seoul, South Korea.

Now that you have a little information let’s start the ranting.

Americans are up in arms over this design and I can understand why but at the same time I don’t care if they’re up in arms. Let me explain before you start sharpening your pitch forks.

It would be one thing if The Cloud was being built on US soil but it’s not. It’s being built half way around the world. It’s not exactly rubbing it in anyone’s face; most Americans will never even see the building. Also keep in mind the drawing for this building have been floating around Europe for a few months now and nobody made the connection until the images were released in the states.

I’ll admit when I first saw the above image I was a little shocked. But who wouldn’t be with TMZ’s headline “Intentional or unfortunate mistake?” But after I did a little research about the concept and saw ALL the images available my opinion quickly changed.

I actually really like the design now. In my opinion architecture is like great art, it should make you feel something. After all the comments it’s clear this building makes a lot of people feel a lot of things.

Forgetting the design for a second. I love the concept behind the building it’s meant to be two building connected by clouds. On top of “the clouds” is green space which is a perfect for such a busy city where space is at a premium.

Now back to my rant. I have an issue with some people’s stance on the cloud tower. And it’s an issue that spreads further then just this topic. That issue is...The world doesn’t revolve around America.

Yes, it was a horrible day in your history, and it effected the people of many nations, you have made it  “your history”. It doesn’t bring up the same emotions in other nationalities as it does in your own. I live in England if I say 7/7 would you even know what I was talking about? (The day London was attacked by suicide bomber on public transport)

Different people have different perspectives. Take the White House for example. American’s fill with pride when they see it. I’m Canadian when I see it, I think of it on fire in the war of 1812. Different perspectives and everyone is entitled to their own.

Personally I hope the architect doesn’t change the design. He designed it with something totally different in mind. So get over yourself. Your constitution gives you freedom of speech and ideas. The architect should have the freedom of expressionism. And you’re free to feel about it however you want and I’m free to rant about the little things that tick me off. Like the US media choosing the most Twin Town like image to show. Slow news day?

As always stay safe and keep your pitch fork sharpened.


The Honest Bitch 

Thursday, 10 November 2011

20 and Counting

“20 kids and counting, Michelle Duggar is pregnant......Again”

Really!?! Will someone please tell that women it’s a vagina not a clown car.

Unlike a lot of people I don’t actually hate the Duggan’s. I don’t agree with them on most things but I don’t hate them. There isn’t much to hate really, they don’t keep the money made from their show, they don’t take government handouts and they do a lot to help others. But I still can’t help but think they’re crazy.

Baby 19 nearly died and Michelle could have easy died too. Now surely almost dying should be seen as a message from god that your baby making days are numbered. I understand that they see babies as a blessing but surely life is also a blessing that should be cherished and not unnecessarily be put at risk. I mean you have 19 happy, healthy kids; it’s time to quit while you’re ahead.

The only real problem I have with the Duggar's is the way the older girls pretty much raise all the children. Sure it keeps them out of trouble and teaches them responsibility but you’re only young once. They’re just setting these kids up for midlife crises later in life.

You never see the older kids out having fun with friends. They’ve pretty much assumed the role of live in maids. Maybe that’s just the perk to having kids aged 23 years to 23 months but it just doesn’t seem right to rob these older kids of their childhood and teenage years.

Who knows maybe all this 16 and parenting will change these girls minds on birth control. I mean who in their right mind could live with 20 kids and then decided they want to pop out 20 of their own.

Anyways my dears that’s my rant on the matter, what do you guys think? As always stay and play safe or you may start off your own collection of kids.


The Honest Bitch

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Too Few

I’ve been having this conversation for many years now and after getting into last night with someone I even posted it as my question of the day. The question is.

Does a guy who has only slept with a few people (1 or 2) set off warning flags in your mind?

In my mind it does set off warning bells. My logic is guys are horn-dogs, and it’s not like they’re going to say no. So there must be something wrong with him because clearly no one else wanted to sleep with him.

I mean it’s all in the math, the average person loses their virginity at 17, so if they’ve only slept with 2 people by the age of 30 that’s one person every 6.5 years. If you can only convince someone to sleep with you every half a decade there is something clearly not right there.

Some people have brought up the point that maybe the guy has always been in serious relationships and that’s why his number is so low. I can understand that thinking but then that sends out a whole different set of warning signs to me and many questions.

Why did the relationships end after so long? How long does he take to rebound? Is he clingy? Did he cheat? A women’s mind is a scary place. Also remember you’re talking about 2 relationships that lasted 4, 5 or 6 years. Or maybe one 10 year relationship and a rebound shag. It leaves a lot questions that need an answer.

I think it’s only natural for women to want their man to be more experienced then themselves. I’m sure it goes back to caveman days. So when they find out the guy they like is lacking in experience it’s a little unnerving.

Don’t get me wrong by no means is it a deal breaker. It just makes the female mind start ticking over and fault finding. If you have nothing to hide and aren't a weirdo you should be ok....most of the time.

This is just my opinion on the matter and I’m sure you’ll share yours with me. I’m heading off for the night. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Double Standard

Why can’t women express their negative opinions about another woman without sounding like a catty bitch?

Men can say what they want about women, hell they can say whatever they want about other men and nobody bats an eyelash. But the second a women says something negative about anyone but particularly another women she’s a bitch or jealous or both. And the more she defends her opinion the worse she sounds.

I’m well aware I’m a bitch I don’t even try to hind that fact. But I’d like to be able to express an opinion about another female without people thinking that. I’m sure guys don’t know this because they’re blinded by the presents of boobs but sometimes females look a mess and because we don’t get boob blind we see what you don’t. That doesn’t make us catty, it makes us capable of seeing what is in front of us. It’s that same ability that lets us look at your penis and question the accuracy of the ruler you were using.

It always makes me laugh, guys have no issue listening to female talk about how good looking another female is. Hell most guys think it‘s hot but the second it turns negative we’re right back to catty bitch. You don’t see us calling guys catty bitches when they call another guy a douche bag do you?

It’s such a double standard and it drives me drives. Why can’t we just be honest about our opinions and not have to worry about how it’s being taken? I mean everyone has an opinion and everyone should be free to express it, not just the half of the population with a penis.

Anyways my dears I’m heading off for the evening. As always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch 