Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Somewhat Twisted Logic

This isn’t going to be one of my normal blogs, this is me trying to prove to some of my friends that my “lateral thinking” hasn’t taken a nose dive into nuts lands.

I’m not a typical girl, I hate high heels. I figure I’m 5”7 that’s tall enough and why on earth should my feet hurt for the sake of a couple more inches. So I live in flats.

Most of the year, I rock flip flops and when that’s not appropriate ballet pumps. When it gets too cold for that I love my chucks. The only issue I have is that I live in England and it rains all the freaking time. And as I’m sure you can imagine flip flops, ballet pumps and canvas shoes all have one common problem......they aren’t water proof.

Since I believe there is almost nothing worse than wet cold feet I’ve been on a mission to find some winter water proof boots, a mission that has lasted more than two years. Maybe it’s because I’m Canadian but I know there is a HUGE difference between water proof and water restraint, and I will not settle of water restraint.

Last week I decided my hunt was useless and gave up and bought a cute pink and white pair of chucks, using this....somewhat twisted logic to justify it.

Since I can’t find a nice pair of winter boots that will do the job, and it’s just going to be a fact of life that my feet will be wet most of the winter I decided I need a new pair of chucks so that while on pair dries my feet can be nice and dry in a  different pair and the more pairs I have the more dry my feet will be.

This makes perfect sense to me; my guy friends on the other hand can’t see the logic at all and think I’ve clearly lost my mind. So I bring the questions to you have I lost my mind or does my somewhat twisted logic make sense? Let me know in the comment box below.

As always my dears stay and play safe. I also posed the first part of The Enigma Project last weekend so be sure to check that out.


The Honest Bitch 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Normally I spend this holiday thinking about all my friends and family back home that I miss dearly and am very thankful to still have in my life. It’s a hard holiday to spend on the other side of the planet away from the people you care most about.

Despite that, I thought in the spirit of Thanksgiving I’d take a few minutes to think of some of the things I’m thankful for on this side of the planet.

I’m thankful for the experiences I’ve been able to have here which I wouldn’t have had back home. England is full of history and I’ve been able to learn and experience it here rather than reading about it in some book.

I’m thankful you finish school here at the age of 16. My learning style has always been more hands on, so I’ve always sucked at tests. I can’t tell you what I know but I can sure as hell show you. So I’m thankful to have gone to college here where my work was able to speak for itself.

I’m actually thankful for all the idiots who have crossed my path while I’ve been over here. They have made me stronger and more certain of where I stand of things, my beliefs, what’s right and wrong. Being here has given me the chance to figure these things out for myself.

The other reason I’m thankful for all those idiots is because without them I wouldn’t be sat here blogging now. And I would have missed out on chatting and getting to know some really awesome people.

I am also, of course, thankful for my readers. You guys bring a lot of perceptive to what I write about and reminder me there is some good left out there. Plus if it wasn’t for you guys, I’d just be some crazy person talking to herself.

So that's what I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving, what are you guys thankful for? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always have a great day and stay safe.

Happy Thanksgiving, Gobble, Gobble,


The Honest Bitch

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Count Down To Canada Day

Like years past I will be spending this July 1st in London celebrating Canada Day with my own kind and I can’t wait. I’m a little more excited this year because my favourite band is playing. But even without Hedley I love this event, Canadian food, Canadian beer, Canadian music and most importantly Canadian men!

I have a theory that Canada and England are separated by an ocean for a reason and because of that reason people from the two shouldn’t date. Since finding a fellow Canadian in this Brit pond is rare I’m planning on taking full advantage of Canada Day.

I’ve given British guys a fair chance; I’ve dated more than my fair share and time and time again they've proven my theory right. We’re just from two different worlds.

It’s not just the silly things like soccer and their inability to handle the cold; it’s our sense of humour and mannerisms. We’re just not on the same page.

English guys don’t get me, they can’t understand why I stay up till bird singing o’clock to watch hockey. And they really can’t understand why I watch when my team couldn’t score a goal even if the other team wasn’t in the building.

The other problem is they just don’t know how to take me; I’m definitely not the average girl here. I’m sharp tongued, I’m opinionated, I listen to punk and rock, I drink beer, play video games, poker and I know sports; MMA, boxing, hockey (of course) anything violent really. I mean I give as good as I get and that’s not really the norm here.

And since I have no desire to be the norm I get stuck dealing with random BS I shouldn’t have to and I’m sick of it. And since I’m not going to change the guys I date are going to have to.

Don’t get me wrong I know Canadian guys aren’t perfect, they can be just as bad if not worse but I just feel like I’m better equipped to deal with them.

Or maybe I’m just more willing to deal with them. But I think the fact we’d be starting off on a more even footing may help things. I don’t know if there’s any truth in that but something has to give before I snap and go on a killing spree. I probably shouldn’t joke about things like that or I may find myself on some government watch list.

Anyways we all know what I’m looking forward to this summer but what are you guys looking forward to? And do you think I’m right that there’s ocean between certain places for a reason or am I just crazy?

Let me know what you think in the comment box below and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The Cloud

Before I start my rant let me give you a little information because a little research goes along way (Yes, I mean you people commenting on TMZ’s image”. The above picture is of The Cloud. It HASN’T been built yet. It’s due to start construction in 2013 in Seoul, South Korea.

Now that you have a little information let’s start the ranting.

Americans are up in arms over this design and I can understand why but at the same time I don’t care if they’re up in arms. Let me explain before you start sharpening your pitch forks.

It would be one thing if The Cloud was being built on US soil but it’s not. It’s being built half way around the world. It’s not exactly rubbing it in anyone’s face; most Americans will never even see the building. Also keep in mind the drawing for this building have been floating around Europe for a few months now and nobody made the connection until the images were released in the states.

I’ll admit when I first saw the above image I was a little shocked. But who wouldn’t be with TMZ’s headline “Intentional or unfortunate mistake?” But after I did a little research about the concept and saw ALL the images available my opinion quickly changed.

I actually really like the design now. In my opinion architecture is like great art, it should make you feel something. After all the comments it’s clear this building makes a lot of people feel a lot of things.

Forgetting the design for a second. I love the concept behind the building it’s meant to be two building connected by clouds. On top of “the clouds” is green space which is a perfect for such a busy city where space is at a premium.

Now back to my rant. I have an issue with some people’s stance on the cloud tower. And it’s an issue that spreads further then just this topic. That issue is...The world doesn’t revolve around America.

Yes, it was a horrible day in your history, and it effected the people of many nations, you have made it  “your history”. It doesn’t bring up the same emotions in other nationalities as it does in your own. I live in England if I say 7/7 would you even know what I was talking about? (The day London was attacked by suicide bomber on public transport)

Different people have different perspectives. Take the White House for example. American’s fill with pride when they see it. I’m Canadian when I see it, I think of it on fire in the war of 1812. Different perspectives and everyone is entitled to their own.

Personally I hope the architect doesn’t change the design. He designed it with something totally different in mind. So get over yourself. Your constitution gives you freedom of speech and ideas. The architect should have the freedom of expressionism. And you’re free to feel about it however you want and I’m free to rant about the little things that tick me off. Like the US media choosing the most Twin Town like image to show. Slow news day?

As always stay safe and keep your pitch fork sharpened.


The Honest Bitch 