Showing posts with label Canada Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Day. Show all posts

Friday, 7 July 2017

Be Careful Who You Holiday With

Overall, my trip to London last week was wonderful; The hotel was stunning, the Book of Mormon was spectacular and Canada Day was a drunken street party and I couldn’t have asked for more. That said there was one little flaw with experience, and that was the person I went with.

I love my work wife to bits but, holy bananas we holiday differently. And that’s probably the best way to put it, we don’t holiday in the same way. And because of that I got cranky, and she’ll say without a doubt, she believes the issue was with me because I wasn’t going to start a fight and just bit my tongue, however cause and effect come to mind.

There were 3 main differences; how slept, how ate, and how we spent our free time…. Which is basically everything in the grand scheme of things.

Let start with how we slept; she is basically a toddler. She needs at least 1 nap, if not two a day and these last from 2 – 4 hours and if she doesn’t get them she becomes unbearable. I on the other hand, sleep at night… like an adult.

How we like to eat is up next. I like to explore when I’m somewhere new. Find hidden gems and try new food, eat things I can’t get at home. She on the other hand, likes fast food and sees no other options.

Last up, how we spend our free time; I like to spend as little time as possible in the room. I’m somewhere different I want to explore, shop and do things. She on the other hand is very content in the room and doesn't like to leave it. Being in the room drivers me crazy.

These are the 3 main issues; there were others, like she doesn’t tip and she comes across borderline rude when dealing with people… and the list goes on but those 3 bugged me the most.

I can hear you now asking how I had a good time, despite these little issues… I ditched her. After the shit show that was there first night; dragging her up from a nap and them dragging to a show she didn’t want to go to, but really enjoyed once I got her there. Then going to Macdonald’s for dinner…. I learned my lesson. My fun was up to me.

So, when she “needed” her nap on Canada Day I went back to the square alone. Made some new friends, met up with some old ones and partied like a Canadian and I had an awesome time doing so.

The trip back was a nightmare, but, that’s a story for another time. Anyways, I am back at work tomorrow, so I need to get my shit together. But before I go I have this question for you; what is your idea of the perfect holiday? Let me know if the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Monday, 1 July 2013

New Blogs Canada Day

Good Morning and Happy Canada Day! I hope everyone back home is making the most of the long weekend and by making the most I mean getting incredibly drunk. That happens to be my plan for Canada’s 146th birthday so I am writing this post in my garden Sunday afternoon, so I don't have to drunk blog Monday.

Normally this time for year I am super homesick but if you follow me on twitter (@TheHonestBitch) you’ll know I have no time to be homesick right now, as I am in the process of launching not 1 but 2 new blogs.

I forgot how much work it is to set up a new blog and get everything running smoothly and in this case gets it so everyone involved likes the look and direction of the new blogs. I’m just trying to keep each blog different enough that A. You guys won’t get bored and B. That I won’t be bored writing for them. Nothing worse than feeling like what you’re writing is a job you have to do....after all this is supposed to be fun...isn’t it?

Anyways hopefully by the end of July everything will be up and running smoothly and I’ll stop dreaming about font sizes and blog themes. Oh and the nightmare of blog names.

What is the name of a blog you’d want to read? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

P.S Since it's Canada Day enjoy this fantastic Gunnarolla song

Friday, 29 June 2012

Stop Telling Me What I Feel

I’m so sick of people telling me what I feel, between being told what I feel in matters of the heart and now what I feel physically; I’m about to snap and it’s not going to be pretty.

I’m a blogger and I ask for feedback and I love getting it but sometimes it lands in my inbox at precisely the wrong second and that’s what happened this time.

Jimmy over at Personal Facts, sent me a comment and it had some points and I can see where he’s coming from but because of something totally unrelated I beyond lost my cool. And found myself screaming...

“Will people stop telling how I fucking feel, they’re my feelings. I think if anyone should know how I’m feeling it’s me!”

 I flipped out like a small child and it had next to nothing to do with Jimmy and everything to go with physio #4.

I had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting physio #4 Tuesday morning and let’s just say I should really call her psycho not physio.

I was referred to her by physio #3 because his factuality only does evaluations. I saw him over 4 weeks and over that time he sorted out a treatment plan and he seemed to really understand what was happening with my back.

Then I meet with physio #4 and well she didn’t. Instead of doing the normal first time visit stuff she seemed to already have her mind made up on what she was going to do and it wasn’t the plan #3 had laid out. 

She basically said I was fine and it’s all my head, so instead of doing what #3 said, she wanted me to come in 3 days a week and work with the occupational therapy team to build my strength back up.

Needless to say I wasn’t impressed. I understand that pain can be partly metal but there is no way the amount of pain I’m in is in my head. There are days I’m in so much pain I physically throw up, that isn’t in my head. Plus I wouldn’t put myself through the pills and side effects. Hell I’m scared of hospitals I wouldn’t even go to the appointments if I didn’t think it would help.

The biggest proof that #4 is just an idiot is the fact #2 and #3 both said there is something not right with my back. They could feel something was off; they just couldn’t work out what it was. #3 actually used the words “it’s not in your head, something isn’t quite right.” The only reason #2 passed me on was because he wanted to rule out spinal problems because he noticed my spine was a little on the straight side. All things #4 would have worked out for herself is she had bothered to lay a hand on me.

Everything she said was so out of line with what pain management, spinal, #2, #3 and even what my GP has said. I was furious. Who the hell is she to tell me what I feel? It’s my fucking body; I know when something isn’t right. Don’t sit there and tell me I’m crazy, when you’re the one whose opinions don’t line up.

The whole thing had me stressed out because clearly I’m not going to be seeing her again, so I’m a person in pain without a plan or any idea what to do next. I have to give some love to NTB I was stressed for days and he sent me a short message and my tears stopped and I wasn’t nearly as stressed anymore. He’s such a star.

As you can imagine after dealing with #4 telling me I was crazy and that despite being in pain I wasn’t actually in any, Jimmy telling me how I felt about dipshit was; not so much the straw but more like the feather that broke the camel’s back. And I had a wee melt down and put a pretty hole in my door with my now very sore foot.

I’m not sure I was justified but it made me feel much better. We all have those moments we’re not proud of but damn they felt good at the time. The hole in my door was definitely on of those.

What temper tantrum moments have you had, that may have been silly in hindsight but at the time felt heavenly? Let me know in the comment box below (and I promise no melt downs when I read them this time).

I’m just trying to putting the whole thing out of my mind and am focusing on the countdown to Canada Day. I’m so excited just hope the weather and my back cooperates. Anyways as always my dears stay safe.


The Hones Bitch

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Count Down To Canada Day

Like years past I will be spending this July 1st in London celebrating Canada Day with my own kind and I can’t wait. I’m a little more excited this year because my favourite band is playing. But even without Hedley I love this event, Canadian food, Canadian beer, Canadian music and most importantly Canadian men!

I have a theory that Canada and England are separated by an ocean for a reason and because of that reason people from the two shouldn’t date. Since finding a fellow Canadian in this Brit pond is rare I’m planning on taking full advantage of Canada Day.

I’ve given British guys a fair chance; I’ve dated more than my fair share and time and time again they've proven my theory right. We’re just from two different worlds.

It’s not just the silly things like soccer and their inability to handle the cold; it’s our sense of humour and mannerisms. We’re just not on the same page.

English guys don’t get me, they can’t understand why I stay up till bird singing o’clock to watch hockey. And they really can’t understand why I watch when my team couldn’t score a goal even if the other team wasn’t in the building.

The other problem is they just don’t know how to take me; I’m definitely not the average girl here. I’m sharp tongued, I’m opinionated, I listen to punk and rock, I drink beer, play video games, poker and I know sports; MMA, boxing, hockey (of course) anything violent really. I mean I give as good as I get and that’s not really the norm here.

And since I have no desire to be the norm I get stuck dealing with random BS I shouldn’t have to and I’m sick of it. And since I’m not going to change the guys I date are going to have to.

Don’t get me wrong I know Canadian guys aren’t perfect, they can be just as bad if not worse but I just feel like I’m better equipped to deal with them.

Or maybe I’m just more willing to deal with them. But I think the fact we’d be starting off on a more even footing may help things. I don’t know if there’s any truth in that but something has to give before I snap and go on a killing spree. I probably shouldn’t joke about things like that or I may find myself on some government watch list.

Anyways we all know what I’m looking forward to this summer but what are you guys looking forward to? And do you think I’m right that there’s ocean between certain places for a reason or am I just crazy?

Let me know what you think in the comment box below and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch