Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationships. Show all posts

Sunday 9 December 2012

Troll Bitch Slap

I wrote a blog in July called “What Women Want”; this blog was not written as a guide to a happy, healthy relationship, hell it wasn’t even written with the intent that men would do everything on this list. It was written so men could pick one or two to try and stay in our good books since what we actually want is forever changing.

This week some troll, who clearly has women issues thought he would comment on my blog and now I’m going to put that little fucker in his place.

“What a crock of shit. This entire blog reeks of spoiled princess syndrome, what self-entitled bitch expects the man to do all this? Why should I? For your body? If I want just a body, I can pay for it, and probably get far better than what you're offering”

Let me start by saying I pity the dumb airhead that ends up with you. Also you don’t need to worry about anything on the list because any woman with half a brain would spray you with pepper spray before letting you get anywhere near their body.

“Be Generous - Why the fuck should I spend my hard earned cash for you? You know the idea of seeing someone is because you LIKE/LOVE them as a person. Not what they can provide for you. How about you get rid of spoiled princess syndrome? A man shouldn't need to buy your ass gifts to keep your slutty head focused on him.”

In the blog I do say be generous, nobody likes a tightwad however if you could read you’d know I also said it doesn't have to be anything big it’s the thought that counts. I also suggest picking her flowers. Being generous doesn’t mean spending money; you can also be generous with your time or your compliments. However in your case I’m pretty sure nobody wants any of your fucking time.

“Be Honest - A rule that a lot of women should follow instead of leading men on. Men are probably more inclined to be direct with a woman than a woman is to men. Ever had some bitch ignore you're phone calls or texts hoping you'll take the hint? That's because they don't have the balls to upright tell you. More women do this than me.”

Did your mommy not love you? Is that where all the hate comes from or are you naturally just a whiny cry baby who clearly needs a glass of man the fuck up? Have you ever considered that your attitude may be making these women have a “don’t call me I’ll call you” attitude. If it doesn’t change there will be millions more doing it to you..Guaranteed!

“Have Eyes For Only Her - I think most men will follow this rule once most females get rid of their fucking cling-on male guys that are "just friends" to boost your ego, you attention whore. We know exactly what you bitches are doing, we're not stupid. A mature person with high-confidence shouldn't NEED validation that they're good looking or a great person by having orbiters, it should come from THEMSELVES.”

Really, you’re not stupid that’s the argument you’re going for? Have you read what you’ve been writing, because you sound pretty damn stupid to me. Women and men can be just friends without their being any “ego boosting” a fact you’d know if you actually had any friends or if anyone wanted to be around you.  Aside from that what does men who window shop for other ladies while with a women have to do with “just friends”?

“Never Follow a Women - Nothing gets more annoying than some passive woman that refuses to take lead and expects to be spoonfed everything everywhere. You're an adult. Not a child. Why would I want a woman where I have to do all the decision making like I'm her father, instead of one that's a mature adult who contributes just as much as I do? MASSIVE turn off. I don't want to date a fucking child. I want to date an adult.”

You’re adult not child so start using your brain like one. What you’re saying about passive women was the exact same point I was making about passive men you dipshit!

“Staying on power - Stop with your petty games. Relationships shouldn't be about control. If you're a mature enough person, they should be about commitment, understanding and working together. Not power plays. Power plays is for people that have no fucking clue what a proper relationship is.”

You mean keep the power, a point I made about men not being lap dog, it had nothing to do with games and everything to do with men being men and not whiny little babies like you’re doing now.

If you took a second to read my blog you’d know nobody here is weak or child-like, all my readers and myself are strong women. And Strong women need strong men. Men who can handle us being us and as you so kindly pointed out most men can’t, they turn into sniffling little baby around women who know what they want.

If you have a problem with any of that get the fuck off my site and go find somewhere weak minded little men are welcome.

-The Honest Bitch

Friday 23 November 2012

Convincingly Fake An Orgasm

I love getting all your questions on Facebook, Twitter and by email I love the conversation we have and finding out what you guys want to read about. However once in a while I get asked a question that I don’t feel fully qualified to answer.

I received one of those questions last week. A female reader asked me “how do you convincingly fake an orgasm?". 

I want to start by saying I am by no means a professional sexpert. It’s a title I’d love to have one day but I’m not. But like most women I have a little experience in the faking realm and over the years I’ve learned a few tips that might help.

1. Keep your eyes closed – You can fake many things in bed but you can’t hide that “is it over yet?” look in your eyes.....Trust me on that.

2. Don’t over act – You are not in porno, keep your moaning and “oh gods” to applicable moments and don’t overdo it. Instead of focusing on moaning focus on your breathing patterns, inhale a few times, and followed it by a long staggered exhale. (Something I actually first learned in an acting class.)

3. Use your muscles – Arch your back, tense up and grab something (his hair, a pillow, or the sheets), curl your toes, and while you’re at it put those kegel exercises to good use. Men think women can’t fake the spasm of those muscles....They’re wrong.

I hope those few tips I’ve learned over the years help, but I’m going to say it again I’m not a sexpert so I’m going to ask you, my lovely readers to help this women out and leave her some tips in the comment box below and if you’re guy (apparently I do have some male readers) let us know what gives it away when a women is faking.

This has actually been a lot of fun to write as always I’m happy to try and help the best I can. So until next time my dears stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 19 October 2012

Lesson Learned

While researching an upcoming blog I came across a lot of ridiculous dating rules and my first response was “if you have to implement any special rules in a relationship, the relationship isn’t worth it.”

It seems completely logical, if you can’t make a relationship work with common decency, it’s just not meant to be, you shouldn’t need stupid little rules to make it work.

As logical as this seems to me now, this was one lesson I had to learn.

A few years back when I was dating The Grinch, I put in place the “teddy clause”.  This was a rule that stated every time he messed up and made me cry he had to buy me a teddy bear.

My thought behind it was if he had to send money and go to girly places to buy teddy bears every time he messed up he might change his attitude. Kind of like a swear jar with teddy bears.

The rule was pretty much completely ineffective. I ended up with a lot of lovely teddy bears and he ended up still being a dick.

Looking back now, it’s more than clear he didn’t give a flying fuck about how his actions were affecting me. What I should have done in hindsight is dump his sorry fuck-wit ass and moved on to bigger and better things.

Nobody needs people like that in their life’s, it’s not worth that headaches and stress. Life is too short to deal with assholes.

I like to try and take something positive from all my relationships even if it’s just a lesson learned and by me sharing these lessons with you guys hopefully you won’t make my mistakes. 

So what other relationship lessons have you guys learned? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Don't Wake This Bitch Up

The male brain or lack thereof astonishes me sometimes.

On what planet does calling someone who is already mad at you, in the middle of the night and waking them up, sound like a good idea?

I tell you on what planet, none! Nobody likes being woken up in the middle of the night, FACT! And when the jackass waking you up is someone you don’t want anything to do with it’s made a million times worse.

I know men can be a little inept when it comes to dealing with women but this isn’t so much a women thing as it is a logic thing.

You can’t make someone forgive you by pissing them off more. That’s not how the world works.

The amount of men who have pulled this bullshit on me is unreal and after someone tried this again on me last night I feel the need to let it be known this is unacceptable behavior  You aren’t going to win anyone back by being an inconsiderate asshole.

I actually make a point to blocking the numbers of guys who have done this to me. It’s just rude and pushy. Who are they to say they’re more important than my sleep? If you’re trying to get back in my good graces putting your needs above mine is a pretty shitting way of doing so.

 I’m sure I’m not alone in liking my communication with people I’m no longer care for to be done during business hours. When I’m already in the most people are idiots mindset. I don’t want that crap flittering into my down time. That’s my time to do what I wish with whoever I wish.

So you tell me am I over reacting or is waking someone up in the middle of the night for your own selfish reasons crossing the line? And how do you handle being woken up by idiots from your past. Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 


Thursday 27 September 2012

That Cures That

I don’t think of myself as a shallow person, I mean anyone whose taken one look at my exes could tell you that but once in a while something happens that makes me question that statement.

I had one of those moments yesterday when someone I use to have a HUGE crush on posted a recent picture of himself on Facebook. The second his picture hit my screen my immediate reaction was “well that cures that crush”.

Almost as soon as the words left my mouth I started to feel guilty for having such a shallow reaction. He is a lovely guy who any girl would be lucky to have, with that being said.... I’ll pass.

On the bright side even though my reaction makes me a horrible person at least it proves I had no real feelings for him. My love/sex life tends to follow the saying “love is blind but lust has 20/20 vision.”

In other words the guys I date tend to be descendants of Frankenstein and my meaningless fun has all been extremely drool worthy. Maybe I should work on swopping those two around.

But either way it appears I have discovered the cure for a long term crush. Who knew it would be as simple as an extremely unflattering Facebook picture (now if I can just get Mr. X to upload one I’d be set.)

So what crush cures do you guys have and what saying sums up your love/sex life? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay, and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 21 September 2012

Cautionary Tale

I’m sure you guys remember me telling you about my Internet spite dating which I’ve now decided to put on the back burner because, in all honestly if that’s what’s available, I’m glad I’m single.

The only non-weirdo on there was a guy named Mike I went to college with and I didn’t need a dating site to introduce me to someone I already knew. Also despite what the site had to say, we’re not a match. He’s a great guy but neither of us are interested.

Back to the internet dating, I told you guys about a lot of the guys on their however I didn’t tell you about one guy, I’m going to call Adam because well that’s his name.

He was a few years younger than me and didn’t live locally, however he was moving down here to go to university in just a few weeks. He said he was only on the dating site to try and met some people before he moved. He wasn’t my type at all but since he was looking for friends rather than a relationship I didn’t mind.

Everything started off fine, he came across a little overly keen but I didn’t really think too much of it. I should have. Because over the next 2 weeks Adam sent me a ridiculous amount of messages, I’m talking well over a thousand messages. He was becoming clingy and needy and if he saw I was online on the dating site, he turned into a PMSing little whiny ass girl and this was all before I had even met him in person.

Then he sent me this message, “Did you ever really want to meet me? Were you ever interested?”

That is what I call a “Game Over” message. That is the point where you’d have to lack any IQ at all not to walk away.

We had been chatting 3 weeks at the most when he sent that message. For most of that time we didn’t even live in the same city. You’d have to be stupid to meet a guy after that. This story has evening news written all over it.

And that’s like my only goal in life, not to end up on the evening news as one of those cautionary stories.

So what do you guys think am I over reacting or am I right to block and delete this weirdo, let me know in the comment box below. And while you’re at it, tell me you’re weirdo stories I’d love to hear them.

As always, stay and play safe, love,

The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday 19 September 2012


Joel and I have decided to team up to work on an experiment of sorts called “Enigma?”

Instead of me trying to explain the idea behind it, here’s a link that should bring you up to speed.

I think it’s going to be a lot of fun for us to write and hopefully just as much fun for you guys to read. 

But for this project to work, we’re going to need your help. We need you to send us some questions you’d love to have answered by the opposite sex. You can either leave them here, tweet me (@TheHonestBitch), Email me (, or if you’re feeling a little feisty tweet Joel (@sparkyjcs)

Let me know what you guys think, Love you,

The Honest Bitch 

Sunday 16 September 2012

Women and Porn

Someone sent me a question on twitter asking me if women watch porn, and if so why? Since he isn’t the first man to ask this question I thought I’d turn it into a blog. So let’s start with the first part of the question.

Do women watch porn? YES!! Yes, women do indeed watch porn.

Now on to part two of that question, why? There are a lot of reasons why....

Reason 1: Safety: The only thing you’re likely going to catch from porn is a computer virus, making it a lot safer than sex. I’m not just talking about STDs here, I’m also talking about physical safety; every time you invite a stranger into your house it comes with a risk.

Reason 2: its their Boyfriend’s: This is probably the second biggest reason women watch porn.  They come across it on their boyfriend’s computer and can’t help but check it out to see what kind of freaking stuff their boyfriend is into.

Reason 3: Education: A lot of women watch porn to learn new moves. Ever wonder where you’re girlfriend leaned that new move she used on your birthday? Porn.

Reason 4: Sex Buddies Have Lives Too: They aren’t always there when you need them and as I’m sure you know horny waits for no one.

Reason 5: To Explore Secret Fantasies: Women can be a little shy about these things and through watching these sorts of films they can explore that side of themselves.

Reason 6: To get in the Mood: Women unlike men need a build up; we can’t just snap our fingers and be ready to go. Porn helps with the build up and good job too because a lot men suck at foreplay.

Reason 7: A Lacking Partner: Some guys just can’t get the job done or Mother Nature wasn’t kind to them in the size department porn lets us to escape that reality.

Reason 8: We Need a Good Laugh: It’s not unheard of for women to get together and drink wine and laugh at porn. Some porn can be hot, yes. But a lot of it is ridiculous. No woman is into it that much.

 Reason 9: Curiosity: A lot of porn has a certain freak show quality about it, whether its boobs that can function as floatation devices or people doing things that science can’t explain. Sometimes you just have to look.

Reason 10: To Orgasm: This may come as a shock to some men but the number one reason why women watch porn is to get off; women get horny too, hence the whole Ann Summer’s being a thing. Plus who do you think is keeping all those battery companies in business? Sex toys are a billion dollars a year businesses and most of that comes from women. What did you think we were using those toys for, to make sandwiches?  Think again.

So hopefully that answered some of the questions my handful of male readers had and to my female readers, do you watch porn and why? Let me and them know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Good on Paper Guy

We’ve all been there, a lovely guy who is everything you should want in boyfriend, he is perfect on paper, but in reality you’d rather pull your eye lashes out one by one then actually date him.

Such was the case with my good on paper date a few weeks ago Kyle. He was a lovely guy, well mannered, hell the guy brought flowers, who does that anymore. But the date was less fun then a root canal.

He’s what I call a paint by numbers guy, everything had a place and time, was planned out and that isn’t me. I’m a goofball, I like to have fun and he, wasn’t. Thinking about it I don’t think I laughed at all during the date.

Guys always bitch that women say they want a guy that can make them laugh but we don’t. I’m here as living proof to tell you, that is what we want. This guy is not getting a second chance because he failed to make me laugh...and to be any fun at all.

I should have known better, I’ve never gone for the good on paper guys; they’re just not for me. That’s not to say I like bad boys because I don’t. For me the most important thing in a relationship is a spark. That spark is what makes you want to work on things or even put any effect in, in the first place. Without that spark you may as well be dating your brother,

So that’s just my opinion, what do you guys think? What is the most important thing to you, good on paper, good in bed, spark or something else, let me know in the comment box below.

As always my lovelies stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Thursday 30 August 2012

Spite Leads To Date

Who says spite is a bad thing? This spiteful bitch has a date Saturday night with a guy who......sounds good on paper.

For blogging sake I’m going to call him Kyle. According to his profile he is 6”3, has brown hair, blue eyes, non-smoker who has a bachelor’s degree and works in the health care profession. It also says he has no kids and no pets.

On paper he sounds good but there are two things on his profile I do not like.

The first one is it says his longest relationship is less than a year. That’s a bit of a worry. At 28 you’d expect a person to have had at least one serious relationship. And I think it’s safe to say if it lasted less than 12 months, it wasn’t serious. And if it was, the guy isn’t rational.

The other thing I don’t like is his interests or rather the sports he listed; Football (soccer), cricket and golf. Soccer is a girls sport played by drama queens that are in desperate need of an acting class. Cricket is just dull, I’d much rather watch paint dry. And golf, well it’s ok to play but watching it is the best sleeping pill around.

There is also the problem that I can’t decide whether he’s good looking or not. In some pictures he’s cute and in other’s I’ll pass so god only knows what I’ll get Saturday night.

We’ve been texting each other for about a week now and he seems like a really sweet guy, but I’m a twisted individual and sweet doesn’t really do it for me. I like my men to have a bit of fire in them and I’m not sure he has that.

I thought writing this post might help ease my nerves didn’t. Its actually made it worse. So I think I’m going to stop now.

So what first date advice do you guys have for me, let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest and very nervous Bitch

Saturday 25 August 2012

Zach The Breakable

Fact: The better looking the guy the more breakable he is.

I don’t know what causes this to happen but it’s happened so many times now I’m willing to call it a fact. If anyone out there has any insight to why this may be, please let me know. It’s one of those mysteries of life that is crying out for an answer.

So now let me explain the story behind the latest guy I broke.

So you know I’ve been on a dating site spite mission and it hasn’t been going to plan. All the site seems to be turning up is freaks and stalkers. With one exception, a gorgeous guy I use to work with about 5 or 6 years ago. For the sake of this blog I am going to call him Zach.

Zach worked on checkouts briefly before moving to another department. A man on checkout is almost unheard of, so when there is a guy around, the ladies turn into teenage girls talking about Justin Bieber. But sadly the guy normally turns out to be more Shrek then Prince Charming. So when I heard the girls swooning over Zach I didn’t think much of it.

Then I saw him, long blonde hair, cute smile, gave off the stoner crowd vibe not my type at all but even I’ll admit he was damn good looking. Then he opened his mouth and coherentness (yes that’s a word now) came out, I was impressed, gorgeous smile, nice down to earth guy, hot body, I wanted some. And so did most of the checkout girls, even some of the married ones had some very non –PG comments to say about him.

Minus a little flirting on my part nothing happen while we were working together. Then while dealing with a stalker type I saw his picture come up and I must admit when I saw his picture there wasn’t a pure thought in my head. I didn’t join the site for sex that was the last thing I was looking for but when it comes to him that’s a different story (one that is in the adult section of most book stores).

His message was about work and people we worked with all friendly non sexual stuff. I got the vibe he wasn’t into me that way. But to my pleasant surprise I was wrong. Boy was I wrong. Apparently he had noticed me and had some very nice things to say. Things that turned me an interesting shade of red, I was home, in bed alone and he had me actually coving my face with my arms trying to hide the blushing, from whom I don’t know. He’s definitely a smooth talker.

Things were on the verge of getting a little risqué when he sent me two pictures at which point my brain broke, and all I could think about was his hot naked body pressed against mine and his lips exploring my body. For a brief moment I think I got a glimpse into how it must be like inside the male mind. Sadly I can’t share the actual pictures with you guys but you can use your imaginations or any good porn site.

Once I regained some non-sexual thoughts in my head the conversation continued and then abruptly stalled. The reason it stalled was he wanted a picture of my ass. I don’t like my ass; it’s not my best feature. So getting a picture I'm willing to send to someone I want to fuck is impossible. You can’t just send crappy pictures you don’t like to a man you want in you....that story doesn’t have a happy ending (then again nor does this one).

Since he didn’t get a picture he ended our conversation there and hasn’t been heard from since, leaving me to officially declare him broken or maybe dead.

I know what you’re thinking if the guy couldn’t last 24 hours there’s no hope for a relationship, and I agree with you but I wasn’t looking for a relationship. I was looking for penis. The funny part is that night I had dream about him and me in bed, he was laying behind me with his strong arms warped around me kissing my neck, our naked bodies pressed against each other, his rock hard...... and I still didn’t get laid.

I couldn’t even get any in my dreams! How pathetic is that? Maybe its best I don’t sleep with him it might ruin the fantasy but given the chance we all know I would.

So I’ll leave the question with you, would you sleep with your fantasy or do you think it would ruin things? Let me know in the comment box below also if anyone knows why good looking guys are so breakable please tell me. As always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  

Sunday 29 July 2012

Relationship Killers

There is something very strange going on with my group of friends, we’re pretty much all single or on the road to singledom, which is unheard of. For the most part we’re always outnumbered by loved up couples; it kind of makes a nice change. Because of our group's singleness and the few that are about to make that relationship status change we got chatting about why relationships fail and because drunk conversations are always fun I thought I’d share our findings with you guys.

Lack of Sex Drive – You’d be right in guessing this was the biggest complaint/whine from my male friends. When asked how much sex is the right amount they said 4 times a my dear friends are going to die alone with your hand.

Friends/In-laws- This was one of the biggest issues my female friends had. The family issue was pretty minor, at least for my non-married friends. That issues gets a lot bigger once you say “I do” apparently. My female friends biggest problems was and I quote “his douche-bag friends”. My experience is douche-bags flock together if his friends are that way; he probably is too, so run!

Boredom – We’ve all been there, you get bored of dating the same person and doing the same things, kissing the same face. It just happens sometimes.

Jealousy – Being jealous was something my guy friends had a problem with. But since men are from Mars and women from Venus the girls in my group actually had a problem with their boyfriends not being jealous. Girls like to know that their boyfriends care and them showing a wee bit of jealousy can be kind of sweet. But apparently guys don’t see it that way.

Control Issues – There is a fine balance of give and take in a relationship and when that doesn’t happen, relationships end. Nobody likes being dominated in a relationship save that shit for the bedroom.

Time – Both too much and not enough can be a problem. People need some alone time but given too much of it, you may start to wonder why you’re even in a relationship.

Attachment – Be it my girl friends or guy friends nobody likes a clingy partner. And they also don’t like a clones, someone who is so attached to you they stop functioning like an individual. Doormats aren’t hot, be yourself.

Selfishness- This one speaks for itself. If you want someone to cater to your every whim, hire a maid.

Stubbornness – I’m guilty of this one; I blame it on me being a Taurus. This one goes back to give and take in a relationship. However I standby when I’m right, I’m right and I’m not going to back down when I know I’m right. (Yeah, I’m going to die alone with a million cats.)

Not Being Compatible – This is why you shouldn’t jump into relationships people. This is one of those bullshit problems that shouldn’t be an issue; if you’re not compatible with someone don’t enter a relationship with that person.

Cheating and Lies – Once you do something to lose the trust of the other person, the relationship is always doomed. No matter what you do you can’t rebuild it. Side note: we all agree (guys and girls) faking orgasms doesn’t count as lying and they don’t want to know you’re doing it (trust me).

Poor Communication Skills – Commutation consists of two basic things, listening and talking and you have to do both well to have a healthy relationship. You have to understand that your partner isn’t a mind reader and you need to voice things. On the other hand when your partner voices things you need to listen (actually listen don't just pretend you are).

Comfort Zone – When you get to the point where body functions are normal and you stop putting any effort into your looks. You stop shaving, doing your hair, wearing makeup, you’ve officially reached the point where romance is dead and a lot the time the relationship follows suit.

Lack of Appreciation – When you don’t appreciation what you have it goes away, just remember that.

Disillusionment – We always think the grass is greener on the other side, there is someone better looking, with more money out there. You begin to over think what a relationship should be, those are all very dangerous thoughts to have in a relationship

Fault Finding – Women are experts at this. And within my group of friends we’ve broken up with people, mainly guys, for some frankly pathetic reasons. Here’s a short list of some of my favorites. Too young, too short, strange eye twitch, his hands are like sandpaper and my favorite his dog has bad breath.

So that’s our list of relationship killers, what do you think? Did we miss anything? And what have been your past relationship killers? Let me know in the comment box below. As always my dears stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Relationship Zombies

I use to call the men from my past that periodically pop up without notice “ghosts of relationships past”, but after some thinking and some drinking I decided the proper term for these men are “relationship zombies”. Let me explain.

First of all I really like the mental image of instead of batting these men away like human whack-a-moles I get to blow their zombie heads off with a .44. (Like I said I was drinking when I came up with this theory.)

Second, it would explain why these men pop up in the first place. I go out of my way to burn bridges and hurt feelings when I break up with someone, it’s kind of my insurance policy against them popping up in the future. But it never seems to work. Why you ask? Because they’re zombies and everyone knows zombies don’t have feelings.

Everyone always warns you to be careful who you date and I always thought that was because you might find yourself dating a rapist or a murderer but no, I was wrong. They tell you to be careful because those failed relationship turn into flesh eating (or at least flesh sucking) zombies that can pop up at any time without notice.

Where the hell was that PSA growing up? “Kids make good choices or zombies are going to stalk you for the rest of your life.” Would have been useful to know!

Or at least would have given me a chance to stalk up on zombie survival gear. TV fails me again.

Anyways how would you characterize your past relationships? And what do you think I was drinking when I came up with this one? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay away from zombies.


The Honest Bitch 