Showing posts with label Work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Work. Show all posts

Friday 2 August 2019

My Mouth Gets Me in Trouble…Again

I really am starting to long for the days when I had patience. I have always had a smart-ass mouth, that’s nothing new, but back in the day I use to have the patience and will to hold it back. Nowadays, it just runs wild, like an angry Canadian goose.

Recently my mouth has gotten me in trouble at work. I may or may not have sent an email that I shouldn’t have. I blame Tyler for this. He’s recently been away being groomed for management, so he hasn’t been on the end of the phone. Normally he would have talked some sense into me, however, this time I was left to my own devices… which never ends well.

 I did manage to talk my way out of more serious consequences, but prevention is better than cure and had Tyler been around I am sure I wouldn’t have found myself in that situation.

Tyler is fantastic at balancing me. None of that he’s the yin to my yang bull. It’s more he’s so laid back; he borrows some of my “grr” and leaves me more “purr”.

I spent years saying I like my men to have a little “grr” to them. After being single for… sometime, I’ve developed that grr myself. It might even be possible I’ve over developed it. But, hey, better over than under, I guess.

Anyways, I am off to have a pamper night, since I’m planning on meeting the lovely Tyler in person tomorrow. I’d like to look almost human. But before I go, I will leave you with this question when was the last night your mouth got you in trouble? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 19 July 2019

Kicking Butt

Once in a while, it’s nice to be reminded that you are vastly more competent and able than you give yourself credit for. Once in a while, management shitting on, gives you a chance to shine. And despite the fact they won’t see that, it’s a good reminder to yourself that you do indeed kick ass.

Thanks to my company deciding that holiday cover and sick cover isn’t a thing they should concern themselves with, I got a reminder that I’m awesome. I’ve been with my company over 4 years now, my depot has been open just over 4 years and was one of the 1st to open. So, by default I am one of the longest serving night operators in the company. And for most of my shift I am the longest serving on shift. Thanks to that… I know things… Not things I’ve been training on necessarily, but I have picked up.

Last week, I was running not 1, not 2 but 3 depots, and these depots weren’t in the same location, they actually couldn’t have been farther apart. Plus, I was running one of our biggest contacts while doing tech support on a new system we recently launched. And I smashed it.

I did everything that should have been done, missed nothing and even got my paperwork done. I received zero thanks for it, but I don’t care. It’s nice to know, what I’m capable of.  Other operators always say I am good at my job, but I don’t see it or feel it anymore. It’s just second nature. That was a test, and it felt good. I don’t want to do every day, but I almost enjoyed it.

I am off to drink because that may have gone well, but my last shift didn’t. What was your last personal or professional victory? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 28 June 2019

Friends In Low Places

As much as I can find my job soul sucking and absolutely hate it at times, I also realise I am very lucky to work with the bunch of people I do. Night workers in general tend to have closer bonds. I think it has to do with having no management around and having to work together to make things work. But the group I currently have a special and just when you’re at your lowest they have a way of reminding of that.

Recently I was thrown to the sharks, made to cover 3 contracts with next to no training. Admittedly, I had done one of them before, however, that was 3 and half years ago, but my training on that was seriously outdated. My teammates around the country, knowing I was struggling, jumped in to save me. Nobody had to do anything, but without evening asking they happily helped.

I couldn’t be more thankful or grateful for the team of people I have around me. The job may suck, but the people are second to none. And, it just goes to show it’s good to have friends in low places.

Love ya,

The Honest Bitch

Friday 11 January 2019

Taking Control

While trying to sleep New Years day, something hit me, something I already knew, but my brain wasn’t in the place to hear it. I need to take control of what I can. This year is certainly not going to fun, but there are some things I have control over.

Starting with my blog, I can be constant this year. That is down to me and nobody else. The sky may fall, but my blog is mine and I need to make sure I am using it, not only to keep my views up, but for my sanity. I am a better human when I’m writing.

My health is another thing I have control over, kind of. Weight loss isn’t going to be the goal; I don’t have the mental strength for that right now. But I can build healthy habits. I have a treadmill there is no reason I shouldn’t be using it daily. I used to do it and then I got hurt and stopped. I need to build that back up.

The last thing is my job; I need to have a good look at things and see what I want. If I stay, I will likely be relocating sites this year, which may be what I need. I need to think about things. I am getting older, kids are looking more and more off the table, so I need to look harder at my career.

Anyways, that’s my current ramblings. What are your plans or thoughts for 2019 let me know in the comments below? And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 28 December 2018

The Christmas Party

This year’s work Christmas party has come and gone, and I’m pleased to report I survived. It wasn’t what I’d class as enjoyable, but I managed to put my best foot forward and shine, so it wasn’t a complete waste of my time.

Between the head of one of our biggest customers being out with us most of the night and the owner of our company’s son being with us all night getting stupidly drunk and letting loose seemed like a poor idea. It didn’t stop some, but I am too old to play dumb on that one. I actually got a compliment from my manager on how I handle the customer. High praise considering I am a night shift worker whom they normally keep locked away from important people.

My plan to fish for information and plant ideas didn’t go as well as I’d hope. This was mainly down to having a customer with us. Can’t really ask those import questions when you’re getting judged. But there is always next year.

Anyways, my dears, I am going to leave that here as I am writing this one Christmas Eve and I can hear the Christmas spirits calling me and they sound like tequila. Hope you had a lovely Christmas. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 14 December 2018

The Christmas Party Is Coming…

Next week, or tomorrow when you’re reading this, it’s our staff Christmas party and I am absolutely dreading it. Spending unpaid time with my colleagues isn’t exactly my idea of a good time. But it is, however, a good opportunity and because of that I’m going.

It’s no secret I am not my boss’s favourite; I’m over opinionated, vocal and I don’t back down. However, I’m damn good at my job, and he knows it. So, events like this are a good opportunity for me to plant ideas and watch them come back as theirs a few months later.

This year’s event is a little different which might work in my favour as well. Instead of going out drinking and having to hang with the boys. Side note; they normally say stay soberer than your boss at events. True, but in transport I’ve found you must do that while going drink for drink…. Not fun. Anyways, this year we’re going to a white-collar boxing event to watch one of the CSU’s get punched in the face in memory of our colleague that took his life. Hopefully, meaning we won’t be hitting the bar as much as past years. I swear I’m still hungover for the last time we all went out.

That is transport though. Every company I’ve worked for has been the same. You need to be able to hang to get ahead. I know, I said my boss isn’t my biggest fan and he isn’t. However, his boss, likes me. The higher the position I’ve found, the more my honesty is found “refreshing”. And events like this given me a chance to put my best foot forward. It may not be the easiest way to make it, but at least my lips don’t taste like ass.

Anyways, I am going to go and enjoy the rest of my 4 off. But before I go, I have this question for you; do you enjoy work events? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 7 December 2018


Happy December! Can you believe it’s already here and this horrible year is almost over? However, before we get to that finish line, we must make it make it through one last hell, and that hell is known as peak.

Working in transport, peak is a unique beast. It's not quite as bad as retail, but it’s close. However, in retail most the people you meet are somewhat in the Christmas spirit and a little more joyful and in transport you’re working with homicidal elves.

While dodging the wrath of the homicidal elves, during peak I am also forced to work with my opposite. My opposite is quite the character to say the least. He is a character I’d like to see repeatedly run a cliff, if I am being completely honest. Having to work with him and dealing with the evil elves means this time of year is very stressful and does not always bring in the best in me.

Luckily, I am blessed with some awesome co-workers based all over the country who do a fantastic job of keeping me sane… ish. I mean we all work nights so sane isn’t really a thing we do, but that may be why it works. We’re good at see the funny side of things  and luckily, most of us came play off each other and bring each other back when the doom and gloom creeps in.

Anyways, I am going to love you and leave you. But, before I go, I have this question for, what is the best part of your job? Let me know in the comments below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 26 October 2018

Different Friends For Different Seasons

Aristotle said there are 3 types of friendships; Friendships of utility, friendships of pleasure and friendships of the good. Personally, I’m not sure those are the titles I would have gone with, but there are definitely different type friendships, and each serves a purpose, and each has a time and place.

I’ve never classed or even thought about my friends in this way. However, I have noticed recently I’ve been pulling away from certain people. I’ve been slowly discovering with everything going on in my life, certain friends just aren’t a good fit for me right now. It’s not that we’ve fallen out or I dislike them or anything like that. It’s just they aren’t what I need in my life right now.

My work bestie up in Manchester is the best example of this. If we were going to classify the friendship it would fall under that “utility” category. We both serve a purpose to each other. However, right now, I don’t have it in me to serve that purpose. She phones me, and I know what I’m supposed to say, but I just don’t want to. I don’t want to play that part right now. It takes so much energy and I don’t get anything positive from it.

On the flip side of that, when I speak to Steve’s brother Tyler, who also works for the company, I get something positive from that. For the record, we have a very different relationship. Tyler reminds me of my drama geek friends. He is someone I can just be stupid with. We spend our evenings at work singing at each other down the phone or sending each other ridiculous Snapchat pictures. There is no worry about how I look or anything like that; it’s just fun and that’s what I need right now.

When it comes to Steve, that’s where things get complicated. When he’s himself, it’s all golden. I could happily spend hours just talking to him. However, recently he’s been prone to some bad moods. I’m not sure whether works is getting to him or what, but I can’t. They say bad moods are contagious and I’ve been very susceptible to them recently. If there is a hint of a mood around me, I seem to catch it. So, when he’s in a mood, for my own sanity I steer clear.

Then you have the gay husband, who at the moment I am avoiding. Once again, we haven’t fallen out or anything like that. The issue I am having with him is different than the others. The problem with him is the way he looks at me, he has what I call “sad eyes”. He’s treating me differently and questioning my choices. He’s just not being real with me; it’s as if he thinks I’m about to break at any moment. I understand he has my best interests at heart, but I don’t like the way he’s going about it. It’s not what I need and it's definitely not what I want. I don’t want to live in Candy-coated Sugar Land, I want people to be real with me, and if it gets too much, like Steve and his moods, I’ll back off. That’s on me. Fake has never been a thing I do or deal with and it’s sure as hell is not about to start now.

Anyways, my dears, I am going to go and enjoy what is left of my day off, but before I go I have this question for you; What do you do to look after yourself? Let me know in the comments below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 19 October 2018

Returning To Normality

I am a big believer in faking it until you make it and thanks to that technique I’m finally starting to feel like myself again. With a little effort to do what I “should do”, I’m finally starting to feel how I wish to.

A lot of it down to little things; like making myself shower, making sure I do some skin care, putting a bit of makeup on, going to improv class, forcing myself to smile. Not things I feel like doing, but all things I’d normally do.

The other part that helped was I was out of my routine at work; I was based at a different depot for most of September. I was working with my old trainee, which was well timed for both of us. We balance each other out well. I help him see the funny side of things, so he doesn’t get stressed and he acts as a sounding board for me, so I can remove my emotions from the equation and allow my logic to take over. We’ve always been a good team, and that was more than helpful in turning things around.

Team work helps, and my normal site doesn’t allow for that as we work on own  own. I do have some amazing colleagues at the end of the phone which is useful but not the same. Plus, their usefulness depends on their mood and one shitty mood can be contagious. Steve being the example of that; most of last month he had a stick firmly up his ass and it wasn’t just me that noticed it, everyone who spoke to him seemed to catch part of his mood, and it was just unpleasant for all.

Anyways, I am going to go and enjoy the remainder of my day off. I won’t leave you with a question of the blog but leave me yours in the comments below as I’m finally getting around to the Q&A I promised. As always my dears, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 12 October 2018

How Things Have Changed

A lot of you had concerns that once Steve returned from paternity leave things would change, are after him being back a week I can confirm your fears were well founded. Like you, I wasn’t surprised; I knew it was coming. What I didn’t see coming was how off he was. I am not sure how much of that was the stress of coming back and how much of that is change, I guess only time will tell on that one.

To be honest, I didn’t speak to him at all his first week back. I lost a lot of respect for him when he didn’t reach out when he knew/should have known I was struggling. I was a lot worse off than I will ever admit, and I hurt that someone I thought of as a friend, the only person I felt remotely safe enough to sort of reach out to, didn’t care. He didn’t even bother to pick up a phone when he came back to work. Knight in shining armour to loser in aluminium foil.

I did choose to extend an olive branch at the end of the week and dropped him a message. I didn’t want any hard feeling to fester as I do have to continue working with him. It was a waste of time at first. However, with a little persistence, we’re ok.

Only time will tell what has changed, what is fixable, what is a loss. At this point, I’m content to take the lessons learned and call leave it at that.

Anyways, I have improv this evening and I need to get off, but before I go I have this question for you; Can you earn respect back? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Monday 10 September 2018

Late Night Rabblings

Just a tiny disclaimer; I am posting this out of order. I need to sort my head out and this is the only healthy way I know how to do that. I could schedule this to post this later, but I’d rather get it done and gone.

When it comes to my work life, I thrive when I’m left the hell alone. I like to come in do my job and go home. I’m not interested in the ass kissing, ladder climbing, attention grabbing. I’m happiest when my name is not in management’s mouth and they forget I exist. This is why I work nights and its even the reason I write my handovers in a certain way, unlike most, I actually hide what I do overnight. I don’t want management knowing how good I am. In all my reviews I am called the steadiest night operator in the company, and in my book that’s prefect. That should be a recipe for a stress-free life.

Then some genius had the bright idea of taking our nice flat management structure and turning it into a hierarchy with almost as many layers as there are people working there. Which means, instead of dodging 1 manager, who is based 2 hours from where I actually work. I now have to dodge 2 managers and a dumb ass supervisor who has been on an ego trip since he got promoted.

Now, as much as I rather keep my name out of managers mouth’s, I am not one be to walked over either and sadly my company has a habit of doing that if you let them. Since I’m not looking to climb the ladder, I have nothing to lose by my standing my ground and this has a habit of pissing off middle management. I’ve read my contract and T&C I know where I stand, and they can be damned if they think I can be bullied or blackmailed into anything that isn’t in there.

That brings us to the root of the issues, I don’t do overtime or at least not a lot of it. Normally this is because when my ducks are in row, I do acting, improv, I was doing stand up last year, I have a life outside of work. Right now, I’m not doing it because my mom is unwell, and my life is not remotely together. Mentally I can’t cope with overtime, I can barely cope period right now. I am a damn zombie just trying to survive and I’m not doing a good job at that.

Baring in mind my manager knows my mom is unwell; I haven’t told him, but another operator has. He has been trying to push OT for months. I’ve stood my ground and refused. As a result of me refusing he has cancelled a week’s holiday I had booked. Because that didn’t make me back down, he then refused a second lot of my holiday after yelling at me because I had holiday days not booked and then booked me a week’s holiday I didn’t want. And because of “my unwillingness” to do over time I’ve now been temporarily relocated to another depot (that is in my contract in case you’re wondering).

I’ve spoken to Steve about this and he thinks I should go to HR and report the manager. I just don’t think I have that fight in me at the minute. Plus, my gut is telling me if I go to HR I will find myself permanently relocated to Antarctica. I can’t go to my area manager because my manager was the best man at his wedding. So, I am left with suck it up or find a new job or, I guess, marry a penguin.

I just don’t know what I want to do or what I should do or if I should do anything. I’m all out of fight, I am all out of strength, I am all out of will.  All I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry, all I want is a hug and someone to tell me it’s all going to be ok. But that’s not really how life works is it? We have to dry our tears, put on a smile and carry on, praying we don’t fall apart in public.

Anyways, I am going to go and pull myself together because I don’t have time for a breakdown today. But before I go I leave the question with you, suck it up, HR or new job? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Busy Brain

I’m having one those days were my brain is going 100 miles a minute and I’m struggling to keep up with it. I want to sit and write to clear my thoughts however, I took so long off you guys are out of the loop and I’m not sure it will make sense. But, let’s try anyways.

I’m currently on a much-needed holiday from work, and normally by now I’d relax and refreshed, and I am not. I am stuck in a job that is fantastic on paper, but is slowly killing my soul. And where I use to have hopes of it improving, that hope is dead. I feel it may be time to move on however, the benefits are just too good. There is no other company like it. I am stuck.

Also, my old of work husband has popped up out of the blue. Apparently, he’s relocating to my city. I was cool with the idea however he’s either a drama maker or a tease and I can’t work out which.

And last of all its my birthday tomorrow. 31 years old. This birthday is just me ticking closer to the end of the dream of getting married and having a child. That fucking biological clock just keeps marching on.

Anyways, I have things to do, like make ice so I can be drunk tomorrow. But I’ll fill you guys in as we go along.

Love Always, 
The Honest Bitch

Friday 9 February 2018

Stressed For No Reason

Can someone explain to me why I feel so stressed and run down?

It’s not been a bad start to 2018; I started the year with a pay raise, I’ve finally been allowed to order my company car and I’ve only worked 5 sets of 4 so far this year, hell I only have 2 more sets before I’m off again. So, what the hell is up with me?

Ok, they are trying to screw with my contract which is a little stressful, but at least at the minute, they are not pushing it so that shouldn’t account for it. My mom has a surgery pending, but that’s still some ways off. I just don’t get why I’m feeling this way.

 I’m starting to wonder if operation be a less shitty human is the reason. I mean it takes a lot to not snap at idiots. And it takes even more to try to swallow the bullshit they feed you. And listen to them whine and moan. Being a nice human it way more work than one would think, and I suck at it and it’s still draining me.

Anyways, I am going to go and rest up before I head back to work to face another week. But before I go, I have this question for you; How do you keep your calm when dealing with assholes? Let me know in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 13 June 2017

I am Not Alright

I touched on how I was feeling unhappy at work in my last post, and that hasn’t gotten any better, in actual fact, it’s gotten worse.

I finished my last shift Saturday, and I won’t go into what happened, but the result was me being in a borderline murderous rage from before my shift even started, onwards. It’s not now Tuesday, 4 days later, and I am still pissed off.

This isn’t ok. My job should not be having this sort of effect on me. I wear a Fitbit and you can actually see the physical effect in my stats. My resting heart rate is over 7 beats higher than normal and my sleep is all over the place, I’m getting next to no REM or deep sleep. This is undeniably not a healthy situation and is taking a toll.

The worst part is, the normal things I do to try and relax and calm myself aren’t working because I can’t stay focused. I’m so not right at the minute, my brain can’t seem to reel itself back in. I can’t get stuck into a video game, one of my favorite ways to quiet my brain; I get 5 minutes in and I’m done. I can’t read a book; 2 lines in and my mind is off somewhere else. I can’t blog; I sit and the computer and the idea of writing is just too much.

I’m debating my next step. Part of me thinks I should get myself signed off work, because I’m not functioning. The other part of me thinks that’s a sign of weakness and I only have to make it 8 more shifts and I’m on holiday anyways. 2 more weeks, that’s all. The question is will I make it that long…. And that really is the question.

Anyways, I am going to go and try to get something done, but will probably just end-up taking a nap. But before I go I have this question for you; How do you refocus your mind? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Monday 5 June 2017

It's June

So, apparently its June; I don’t know when that happened, but the calendar seems to think did. Where is this year going? Don’t get me wrong, my work weeks feel never ended, but those magical 4 days off in-between are flying.

And because of that feeling I’m taking a hard look at my current situation. I am starting to feel like it may be time to move on. All jobs have high and low swings, that’s just life, but when you start spending now time at the bottom than at the top of the swing, it’s properly best for all concerned to move on.  

I’m not really sure what my plan is at the minute. I just know something needs to change. I am starting to have that I’d rather run my car off the road, then go to work feeling and that can’t be normal.

Anyways, I am going to go and drink because we all know drinking makes everything better. But before I do, I have this question for you; How do you know when it’s time to find a new job? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Monday 29 May 2017

So I'm 30

So I am 30 and I still clearly don't have my shit together. I am writing this and posting this 4 days after it should have gone live and it doesn't end there. I have not touched my Facebook, Twitter, worked out or done anything I should have in the last week.

Now, I could blame this adulting fail on work, last week was indeed shit. However, that isn't the reason. The reason is when I took my holiday from work instead of doing the things I planned and getting on top of what I needed to, I did nothing and drank. So my blog and all things related are now suffering because there aren't enough hours in the day.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know what's going on and explain why this and my next post will be late. I need to go and dry my hair before work. But, I'll leave you with this question: What was your last adulting fail? Let me know in the comments below, and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 17 March 2017

Dead Inside

I’m starting to worry that I am slightly dead inside. I’ve spent years building walls and toughening up to become the strong woman I am today. Working in such a male dominate environment has really focused me to be less emotional and almost detached in order to be taken seriously and gain success. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t always succeed in keeping my emotions in check, but it takes a lot for me crack these days.

With all that said; I think I may have done too good of a job. I know what I should be feeling regarding the whole Mr. X thing, yet I feel nothing. It’s like my brain hasn’t taken the information in. I’m not sure if it’s because every time he’s spoken to me, I’ve been at work or if I’m genuinely broken.

 I’m fairly switched off at work; I have a job to do and I get it done and once I leave it never happened. It’s a stressful job and I find that the easiest way to stay sane. So, I’m wondering if that’s why Mr. X hasn’t sunk it. He spoke to me at work, we had the needed conversation and I came home as if nothing happened.

 Either that or years of dealing with fuck-wit men has left emotional scarred and broken. Either, or really.

Anyways, I’m going to go and have a nap. But before I go I have this question for you; do you compartmentalize work and real life, or do you have a different way of dealing with stress? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 3 March 2017

Mr. X's Come Back

They say when women spend a lot of time together their cycles sync; after working in a male dominated industry for almost a decade I’m positive male cycles do the same thing. And before you a say anything, yes men have hormone cycles too. They just don’t bleed, they turn into whiny-ass bitches instead. And on my last shift this week, I swear 80 percent of my drivers were PMSing. It was a night from hell, and it wasn’t the work causing the stress, it was they guys and their attitudes.

While dealing with the headaches above, I look down at my phone and noticed Mr. X’s head popped up on Facebook. I figured what the hell, after the night I was having, what’s one more headache? I mean, I may as well deal with whatever he has to say while my night is already crap so I can enjoy my 4 days off in peace.

I look down and his comment was regarding my last post, which I figured it would be. He said he liked the post and that he swore he doesn’t try to torment me. I had two instant thoughts

 1)      If you liked it, I hope you clicked an ad.
 2)      Hmm, yeah you do.

I just replied back with “thanks” and waited for the ball to drop and it soon did. He came out with “Do you want me to be flat out honest with you?” Me being me and not really being fully in the conversation replied with “if you’d like.” He then said “I would” and then he did something he calls me out for all the time. He’d typed and deleted and typed and deleted. He eventually added “The only variable is: What do you want to know?”. 

Bearing in mind the night I was having, dealing with man-children; all I was thinking was “dude, you clearly want to tell me something. Just fucking tell me.” Admittedly, I thought it was going to go a different way than it did.  If you’ve been here a while you’ll remember the last time Mr. X had something to tell me, he told me he loved me and vanished for 6 months. I eventually replied with “Whatever you'd like to tell me.” A fairly nice response given my mind-set.
“I miss you”, was what he said next. Then he said he said to go and went.

The reaction in my head was a little detached to say the least, it was “bullshit you don’t say things just to torment me.” And then I went back to answering my phones at work.

I’ll be honest, it’s been 24 hours and I don’t think I’ve processed any of it. I came home from work yesterday had… a lot to drink, and went to bed. I woke up at 2am and wrote this. I think that might be my next post. I’ll sit down and write and let my brain figure everything out.

Anyways, that’s you up to date. And I need to go and get dressed and take my car in, hopefully it doesn’t cost me too much. But, before I go I have this question for you; do you think Mr. X says things just to torment me? Let me know the answer to that and any thoughts you may have in the comment box below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 17 February 2017

Different Views

Work is becoming very interesting; a lot of the truck drivers are ex-forces and with that tends to come a more conservative view. I, on the other hand, am very liberal in my views. I am pro-choice, I’m for the legalization of marijuana and I’m even for the legalization of prostitution.  

So, it’s very strange being in an office where people agree with Trump. I live in England so our views and options on the matter are pretty much worthless anyways, but, it makes me see people in a different light.

I can’t figure out whether some of my colleagues are ill-informed, trolls, stupid or just plain old racist. They’re applauding Trumps ban on muslins. I have no issue with a country controlling its borders, that’s part of why I voted to leave the EU. I do have an issue with a ban that’s based solely on a religion. I wouldn’t want to be judged based on the actions of the Westboro Baptist church or the KKK, so why judge another country solely on their whack jobs.

I believe Trump to be mentally ill, it’s the only way I can fathom a president sending out his press secretary to attack a retail store. The alleged leader of the free world basically called Nordstrom a terrorist, I hope he’s mentally ill or that’s some scary shit. And equally as scary is the special breed of person that seem to find this ok.

I’m not sure how to deal with these people. I’ve always tried to live by the phrase “you can’t argue with stupid.” And I try not to, but it’s hard to let some of it go over my head. I swear some of it is so stupid it almost hurts.

Anyways, I am going to go and try and get another post sorted before I head back to work, but before I go, I have this question for you; How do you deal with people who have different views than you? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 3 February 2017

“I Know It’s Not You But…”

“I know it’s not you but…” and 6 little words that instantly get my back up. Mainly because they’re normally followed by a grown man whining like a toddler at me for 10 to 20 minutes about something they’ve already admitted isn’t my fault.

On what planet is already to yell at someone for something they didn’t do? I understand a lot of drivers, driver because they do not have the social skills needed to deal with society. However, I work in transport because I don’t have the patience to deal with society.

My original plans were to go into teaching, however, after a week of work experience I discovered I don’t like kids. And now I basically work with them. I swear last week alone these were actual complaints I hear from grown men…  “His truck goes faster than mine.” “He’s worked less hours.” “I’m not picking that up, I didn’t go it.” ….. From grown ass men. Grown ass men that earn about twice what I do, I might add.

Please don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy my job for the most part. It’s a unique challenge that you just don’t find with other jobs. I’m regularly required to use the non-logical problem solving areas of my brain that most sane people don’t know are there.  When you find an answer to a problem that makes no sense on paper, but works perfectly that’s my job and it’s wonderful. It’s the whiny bullshit that makes it hard.

I left my last job due to hordes of managers moaning and whining and now I have hordes of drivers doing the same and I’m not sure which is worse at this point. I guess at least I can tell drivers to shut up…. Although when I do that, I then get managers crying at me. So, I guess I can’t really win.

Anyways, you beautiful bastards, I am going to go and get some much-needed sleep after a long week at work, but before I go I have this question for you, what do you like the most and the least about your job? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch