Sunday 13 May 2012

The Straw That Broke the Olive Branch

A few days ago I was going through some email and decided to take a little break from the hate. I realized during that break I hadn't spoke to Evil Monkey in about a month. Thinking he may get a kicked out of some of my hate mail I decided to extend the olive branch and send him a message.  

I kind of figured his silence was because of a girl and his first message (“The issue is that you may have to fight another girl for me!”) confirmed that.

My first thought was “cute, he thinks I’m going to risk a broken nail for him”. I decided to keep my bitch side in check and do the polite thing and ask about his new girl. Instead of a nice conversation a game of dodge-ball ensued.

When I first asked he send me this message.

Evil Monkey: “Oh haha, I sent that to the wrong person”

Seeing as it fit the conversation perfectly, my bullshit detector went off and I wasn’t buying it. I then got.

Evil Monkey: “Haha what brings this up?”

I’m either dealing with an idiot or someone is dodging my questions. Since clearly he brought it up.

Evil Monkey: “I’ll give you a clue she’s female.”

At this point I crossed the line from irritated to pissed off. Then he sent this.

Evil Monkey: “What are you looking for?”

Well I can tell you what I’m not looking for, a game of dodge ball. I was looking for gossip. What else would I be looking for?

Evil Monkey “lol not what I expected”

That was the last message he sent before he vanished again leaving me to irritated and with my next blog.

What really pisses me off is the whole thing could have been avoided with a straight answer. I’m not a cop; I wasn’t asking if he murdered anyone. All I did was ask about a girl he brought up.

If for whatever reason he didn’t want to talk about it all he had to do was say “I don’t want to talk about it.” But instead he decided to play games.

I respect straight shooters and people like this are the catalyst for murder. It’s infuriating and I‘d know as a customer service rep I was trained in the question dodge. That’s also the reason I can tell you to fuck off in 4 different languages.

I know what I would have done in his place, but what would you have done? Tell me straight or play a game of dodge ball? And more importantly why do guys play these BS games?

As always my dears stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Wednesday 9 May 2012

Purity Rings Clarified

I've been receiving a lot of shit over the opinions I voiced in a blog about purity rings. Since I stand by my opinion I thought I’d write another blog to rebut some of the comments and emails.

 Let me start this the same way I started the last blog and hopefully this time people will actually read it. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WHO WAIT TILL MARRIAGE TO HAVE SEX. It’s not my choice but to each their own.

My problem is with purity rings, virginity pledges and abstinence only teaching. NOT the actual act of waiting to have sex.

A lot of the places who promote and encourage purity rings and virginity pledges (which by the way are one in the same) only teach and encourage the teaching of only abstinence.

That is a huge problem, make even worse by the fact report after report have found abstinence only teaching does not result in abstinence only behaviour.

Teenager need to be educated in how to protect themselves whether they plan on waiting or not. Too much information never hurt anyone.

Someone commented on my last blog misquoting me saying I said people with purity rings are more likely to get STD’s. What I actually said is they’re more likely to practice unsafe sex. And I was and am right about that.

There have been many reports published in Pediatrics alone finding that kids who take virginity pledges not only have sex at the same rates as non pledge takes but are also less likely to practice safe sex.

The same journal also publish a report saying “teaching abstinence but not birth control makes it more likely that once a teenagers initiate sexual activity they will have unsafe sex and contract sexually transmitted diseases.” Not my words the words of Dr. S Paige Hertweck. That right The Honest Bitch actually does research.

And just to drive home my point because I like being right there are also several studies published in the journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy finding that abstinence only and not until marriage sex education programs do not delay the onset of sexual activity and provides inaccurate information about condoms.

So I stand by my opinion that purity rings are stupid and don’t work and in many cases attach a stigma to sex, which shames and guilts teens into having unsafe sex. All a purity ring is good for is being a glorified fashion accessory.

You’re free to believe whatever you want and so am I. I just happen to believe in comprehensive sex education and making educated decisions.

Now that’s cleared up I have a few more things I’d like to say to some of the commenters. Don’t tell me to respect your opinions when you clearly not respect mine because that just makes you a hypocrite.

I have no problem discussing my views like adults, that’s why I blog but when you come at me like a crazy person I will tell you wear to shove it, in a less GP way.

Also thanks to those of you who were concerned about my soul but I won’t be taking sex advice from virgins, it’s kind of like taking automotive advice from a florist it’s just not a smart policy.

I would ask you tell me what you think on the matter but something tells me you’ll do that anyways.

As always my dears play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday 6 May 2012


This weekend one of my best friends from school got married and despite the fact I’m not a big fan of marriage and even a smaller fan of weddings I’m actually really happy for her. She's one of the very few that have gotten married for the right reasons and not because she’s Snookie and got herself knocked up. Plus her and her now husband, are perfect for each other.

If you follow me on twitter you’ll know marriage has been a bit of a theme this week. Some gossip made its way to me that Mr. X was getting married. Admittedly he did contracted me later that day telling me that the gossip was untrue. But I still want bonus points for taking the news (although false) so well. I even surprised myself. I was actually more upset that someone took the time to message me with that gossip thinking I would care.

The reason I took it so well is up for debate I’m either well and truly over him or I’m a “vindictive bitch”.  I think that’s a little harsh, betting girl would be a better way to put it. It’s not my fault half of all marriages end in divorce. And the odds said divorce turns nasty and bitter is ¼. None of that’s vindictive, its math.....throwing a party would be vindictive.....3rd Saturday in June good for everyone :-)

Personally I think I took it so well because the idea of him getting married is kind of funny to me. I believe the devil is a wedding planner and him with a wedding planner and a Bridezilla just makes me smile.

I’m a bitch and I know it but you have to find the humour in these things and for whatever reason him getting married just makes me laugh. Do that make me strange?

What random things make you laugh? And if I’m wrong and the devil isn’t a wedding planning what do you think he does for a living?

I need to head to bed, as always my dears stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 29 April 2012

How To Move On

Recently I’ve had a lot of people messaging me asking how they can stop caring about someone. I’m not sure how qualified I am to give advice but I’ll give it a go.

Let me start by saying despite what people think I didn’t just flip a switch and was over Mr. X, I wish it was that easy. What happened is I took my heart and stubbornness out of the equation and thought about things logically.

You can’t argue with logic. Even if your heart or stubbornness is tell you otherwise once you have logic on your side those things quickly shut up and you realize you’d be a fool to do anything else but just walk away.

You’ve heard of the gray area well I call emotions the pink area and once I wrote everything out in black and white that pink area seemed to have the mental capability of a first grader. And I don’t know about you but I’m not in the habit of taking dating advice from a 6 year old.

Following a 6 year olds advice isn’t a good look for anyone and that sort of thing reflects poorly on you. Look at it like this, would you tolerate a boyfriend making you look bad? That’s what’s happening. The guy you’re chasing is making you look like a fool. He’s causing you to sell you’re short and that’s just not on. You’re above that.

And once I realised all that, I didn’t want Mr. X, I was fine. I was able to talk to him without feeling anything. It’s like my heart killed him off. As far as it was concerned he was dead, RIP. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it feels to let go. He has no power over me anymore. I’m so much happier without the weight of his baggage holding me down.

Maybe that’s the best way to stop caring, pretend he’s dead. Look back at all the times he’s wronged you and realize he’s added a lot of pain to your life. Get mad about it and pick yourself up in the knowledge that you won’t let it happen again, you’re stronger now. Take the lessons and drop the baggage he caused. And move on with a smile on your face.

I know it’s not easy but once you do it you’ll feel so much better than you ever thought possible.

That’s my advice, or rant....Not sure which. What do you guys think, what advice would you give someone who is struggling to let go and move on?

As always stay safe, Love,

The Honest Bitch 


Thursday 26 April 2012

No Patience

It’s my birthday in a matter of weeks and at this point in my life I’m so over guys playing games. I really don’t have the patience for it anymore.

It’s actually reached the point where it’s a massive turn off. I’m a straight shooter who has no problem telling anyone what I think and having a guy around who is wishy-washy or hot and cold just isn’t a good fit. I like my men to men and there is nothing manly about a guy hemming and hawing, it actually kind of pathetic.

I also like the men in my life to think they wear the pants in the relationship. We all know that’ll never be the case but he has to think it. There’s something very sexy about a man who thinks he’s in control. (A man who’s actually in control infuriates me.)

Saying that, I want a man who can be manly and forceful without being a jerk, you know the type, a big scary grizzly bear but when he’s home cuddling he’s a teddy bear, kind of like most hockey players, just not Sidney Crosby that guys a pussy. A well paid, pretty pussy but a pussy nonetheless.

I just wish I could understand what causes men to be so indecisive when it comes to relationships. Men who are otherwise steadfast become complete morons when it comes to dealing with relationships or potential relationships.

It makes no sense and I really can’t be bothered to deal with this BS anymore. I need a guy with no baggage and no emotional issues or whatever else causes them to be relationship morons.

Anyway my dears I have things I need to get on with. Let me know what you think, what turns men into relationship morons?  Have a good evening and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Sunday 22 April 2012

Yep, It's My Fault

“The problem is you pick the wrong guys” – People who suck at breakup advice

With the exception of Mr. X my relationship problems have nothing to do with the men I pick. And has everything to do with the fact relationships turn otherwise nice guys into pricks.

I’m not the sort of person who goes out with a guy once and then he’s my boyfriend. I like to get to know my prospective boyfriends. I like to befriend them first, get to know them. See if they’re good boyfriend material or if they have more issues then playboy.

I’m selective with my boyfriends, I don’t go for “bad boys” or guys who are rude or disrespectful. That’s just a massive turn off to me. I like nice guys who are independent, who have the ability to make their own decisions and not follow the crowd. I like a guy who has his own beliefs and morals and stick to them. It’s not like I go for jerks and cheaters I put every effort in to screen them out.

I’m not a high maintenance girlfriend either so why men turn into assholes when they’re in a relationship is beyond me. My requests in a relationship are simple; I like a good night text and message if you’re running late. Clearly the makings of pushing a man over the edge.

It just infuriates me when people assume the girl is the problem, and it’s her fault things end poorly in a relationship.

Of course it’s my fault; I’m the one inserting his dick into other women. Yep it’s my fault I put his tongue in that girl mouth. Completely my fault I wrote the script he read when he lied to me. Give me a fucking break.

I know I’m not innocent and I’ve fucked up in the past and I own that. I’m by no means perfect. But neither are the guys I’ve dated and to pin their fuck ups on me is low and pathetic. Grow the hell up.

That’s my rant on the matter, what do you guys think. Is it the girls fault when a relationship doesn’t end well? As always dolls, stay safe.


The Honest Bitch