Showing posts with label Abstinence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abstinence. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Purity Rings Revisited

I’ve had a lot of requests lately to revisit my purity ring posts now that I’m apparently “older and wiser and more mature.” Even funnier than the idea that I’m either wiser or more mature is occasionally add-on of “less sin filled”. I take that one as a personal insult… or maybe a challenge.

I’ve given the idea of rewriting these posts a lot of thought, a lot more thought than I normally give a post, and I’ve decided against it. Not because of the amount of hate these posts get (which for the record is a lot) but because I whole hearted agree with both the original post I wrote back in 2011 and the follow up I did in 2012. (Both posts are link in case you want to read them.)

Both posts were well researched, particularly my 2012 one, which was basically a giant screw you to the insane amount of alleged Christians who had and continue to message me to this day telling me I’m wrong, a horrible human and I’m going to hell.

The facts, the numbers and studies haven’t changed; purity rings do not work and those who take the pledge are substantially more likely to practice unsafe sex.

TV shows like Teen Mon and 16 and Pregnant, have actually had a bigger impact on both teens waiting to have sex and practicing safe sex than these magical silver rings that are meant to keep teen legs closed in the name of God have ever had.

If anything in the 4 years since I posted my original blog, scientific studies have proven these facts more definitively and me rewriting my post won’t change that. As much as you may disagree, facts are facts.

I won’t leave you with a question of the blog this time, I shall just open the floor up to you, leave your thoughts and opinion on the matter in comment box below. And as always stay, and play, safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Purity Rings Clarified

I've been receiving a lot of shit over the opinions I voiced in a blog about purity rings. Since I stand by my opinion I thought I’d write another blog to rebut some of the comments and emails.

 Let me start this the same way I started the last blog and hopefully this time people will actually read it. I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE WHO WAIT TILL MARRIAGE TO HAVE SEX. It’s not my choice but to each their own.

My problem is with purity rings, virginity pledges and abstinence only teaching. NOT the actual act of waiting to have sex.

A lot of the places who promote and encourage purity rings and virginity pledges (which by the way are one in the same) only teach and encourage the teaching of only abstinence.

That is a huge problem, make even worse by the fact report after report have found abstinence only teaching does not result in abstinence only behaviour.

Teenager need to be educated in how to protect themselves whether they plan on waiting or not. Too much information never hurt anyone.

Someone commented on my last blog misquoting me saying I said people with purity rings are more likely to get STD’s. What I actually said is they’re more likely to practice unsafe sex. And I was and am right about that.

There have been many reports published in Pediatrics alone finding that kids who take virginity pledges not only have sex at the same rates as non pledge takes but are also less likely to practice safe sex.

The same journal also publish a report saying “teaching abstinence but not birth control makes it more likely that once a teenagers initiate sexual activity they will have unsafe sex and contract sexually transmitted diseases.” Not my words the words of Dr. S Paige Hertweck. That right The Honest Bitch actually does research.

And just to drive home my point because I like being right there are also several studies published in the journal Sexuality Research and Social Policy finding that abstinence only and not until marriage sex education programs do not delay the onset of sexual activity and provides inaccurate information about condoms.

So I stand by my opinion that purity rings are stupid and don’t work and in many cases attach a stigma to sex, which shames and guilts teens into having unsafe sex. All a purity ring is good for is being a glorified fashion accessory.

You’re free to believe whatever you want and so am I. I just happen to believe in comprehensive sex education and making educated decisions.

Now that’s cleared up I have a few more things I’d like to say to some of the commenters. Don’t tell me to respect your opinions when you clearly not respect mine because that just makes you a hypocrite.

I have no problem discussing my views like adults, that’s why I blog but when you come at me like a crazy person I will tell you wear to shove it, in a less GP way.

Also thanks to those of you who were concerned about my soul but I won’t be taking sex advice from virgins, it’s kind of like taking automotive advice from a florist it’s just not a smart policy.

I would ask you tell me what you think on the matter but something tells me you’ll do that anyways.

As always my dears play safe.


The Honest Bitch