Thursday 4 June 2015

The Glamour Summer Edit

 I woke up this morning to the arrival of my Latest In Beauty – The Glamour Summer Edit box, since it’s been a few months since I’ve done an unboxing and because despite receiving a load of subscription boxes I was really excited about this one I thought I’d share it.

When I opened the box the first thing I saw was the temporary tattoos. This is a throwaway item to me. I know they’re all the rage right now and a completely valid thing to include. However, I’m an adult (apparently), and these remind of being kid and getting them as a prize at the bottom of a cereal box and to be honest, I didn’t like them then.

The next item was Eucerin SPF 30 Facial Sun Cream; it’s a summer box and SPF is important so I can’t complain. It’s not super exciting, but I’ll definitely use it. 

Balance Me, Super Toning Body Polish is the next item in this box. Like the sun cream, it’s not overly exciting, but useful. If you want you tan to last it’s important to exfoliate. Since I work nights and I’m pretty sure the sun in a myth, I like to help any tan I do get, to last as long as humanly possible, since I never know when I may see the sun again. Smell wise, it’s a little herbal for my liking and also after swatching it, it doesn’t feel all the gritty so we’ll have to see how well this actually works. 

 The next item is the L’Occitance Shampoo and Conditioner. Shampoo and conditioner isn’t normally something I’m happy to see in a subscription box. but this is L’Occitance we’re talking about here. It’s a very high end brand. My only problem with it is the smell, I had to give away a hand cream that worked fantastically because I wouldn’t get over that overly masculine smell. I’m just hoping the smell doesn’t linger in my hair.

Vita Liberata – Trystal Minerals is the next item in the box. Unlike some of the other items, this is both exciting and frighten. It’s a self-tanning bronzer. You apply it like a normal bronzer and throughout the day it develops into a natural looking tan that last up to 5 days… or so it claims. 

 Next up we have Caudalie – Divine Oil; I’ve never tried this before, but I haven’t met a Caudalie product I don’t like so I’m excited to give it a go. It doesn’t have the classic Caudalie smell, it smells kind of like baby oil, but that won’t stop me from giving it a go.

Pixi Glow Tonic is next up, this is a cult classic that I’ve been waiting to try for forever, but Pixi products are hard to come by in the UK. It’s a tiny sample only 15ml but it doesn’t make me any less excited. It’s meant to tighten, tone, exfoliate and leave you with a glow, we’ll see if it does any of what it claims, but I’m sure it’s a cult classic for a reason. 
 Next up is Bourjois – Colour Boost in 04 Peach on the Beach. I like the formula, it’s very moisturizing. The colour on the other hand isn’t my favourite. It’s a pretty coral colour, but I try to avoid them. I find coral colours tend to make my teeth look yellow and that’s just not a cute look.

The final item in the box is this Nails Inc Gel Effect nail polish in Uptown. I’d be more excited for this item if I hadn’t bought 2 nail polish this week in a very similar colour. That said, I love Nail Inc nail polish, its good formula that normally lasts on me. So I can’t really complain. 

Overall I’m really impressed with this box. At £17.99 it seems like a fair price for everything you get. Yes some things aren’t super exciting but minus the tattoos everything in the box is useful. Plus you get some high end brands which is always a good thing.

So let me know what you think about LIB’s latest offering in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Sunday 31 May 2015

Co-worker Sex

Would you sleep with a co-worker? I’m sure this is a question you’ve all asked yourself at some point or another, I know I have.

My answer has always been no. I’m not about to make my work life more complicated than it already is. This, however, hasn’t stopped me in the past from sleeping with them once one of us has left a companynice little loophole that.

With that said, last time I applied that loophole I ended up with a complete and utter wake-a-doo. So I am a little gun shy now, but I’m sure I’ll get over that.

I can hear you already, so why hasn’t you slept with The Supervisor then?

The answer to that is really simple, we can’t plan to save our lives. He’s a daylight dweller, I work on the dark-side. Plus, he has a family, I have a blog and other responsibilities. So trying to meet up just for a drink takes a lot of coordination.

If I listen carefully I hear a second question; since you’re leaving does that mean you’ll sleep with The Giant?

The answer to that isI don’t know. I’ve never been one for planning, I tend to just let these things happen so we’ll shall see. Plus, when it comes to him, it’s not just the whole working together thing stopping me. We’ll just have to see how things play out.

Anyways, I’m off to take over the world, or, as the case may be, take a nap before work. But before I go I have this question for you; would you sleep with someone you work with? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday 27 May 2015

12 Days

I’m getting ready to go back to work after my lovely 12 days off. It's very strange to think in the next 12 days I’ll no longer be employed by the company where I’ve spent the past two years. 8 shifts, that’s it.  Or 96 hours, which sounds like hell, so we’ll stick with 8 shifts.

I’m genuinely sad to be going, but it’s most definitely time. This job has turned me into someone I don’t like and when things get like that, it’s time to move on. At some point you need to put your happiness first before it starts affecting your life outside work…. Or you break your toe kicking a pole.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect the new job to all magic and rainbows, but at this point as long as it’s not where I currently am, we’re good.

I’m still hoping with a bit of luck a few of the drivers will follow me over to the new job. As much time as I spend with the office staff, I’m not really going to miss them. The drivers are the people who make the job and without a doubt they’re the people I will miss the most.

Anyways, I am going and make the most of this my last day off and by that I mean write another blog because I’ll be working when the next post is planned to go live and I’m trying really hard to get back to my 8 posts a month. But before I go I have this question for you; if you left your job today, what would you miss most? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday 23 May 2015

A Blog About Nothing

This is one of those blogs where I just don’t know what to write about. There’s a lot change coming up in my life, but I feel like it’s too early to start writing about the new job or leaving my current one.

I just had my birthday and although it was fabulous, I don’t have much more to say about it than that. It was a nice reminder that not everyone hates me, which given things at work, sometimes I need that reminder.

I’m still single so not a whole lot to write about on that front. I mean there is some things I would talk about but… I’ll be honest, I’m waiting for things to get a little more juicy before I bore you with all the details.

So that’s everything right now. A little boring, but boring isn’t always a bad thing. With all the change coming up, it’s kind of nice to enjoy life the way it is for a while.

Anyway, I am off to enjoy my lovely holiday, but before I go I will leave you with this question; what is your favorite lazy day activity? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Skulls Are Softer Than Poles

In my first blog back, I said, me not writing may have been a bad idea and as I promised I am going to explain why, but let me just start by saying…. Don’t laugh, it’s not funny. J lol

It’s no secret I hate my job, hell, it feels like I start every blog with that sentence, but lately it’s been getting worse and worse. As many of you know, I work nights, the woman who does my job on the day shift is, to put this in the nicest way I possibly can, completely useless. She never finishes her work, she is messy as all hell and to top it off she’s rude. And somehow all the above is my fault.

I try my hardest to handle the nightmare on days with grace and humor, but it’s easier said than done. Especially since the powers that be decided to get rid the yard controller position so with no yard controller, no planning and no customer services, on nights we’re trying to do 5 people’s jobs between 2 of us. Leaving me very little time as it is, without having to play catch up to little Miss. Useless.

So my previous set of 4 Miss. Useless left me a shit ton of work, the shift manager on duty sent an email questioning why, since when we walked in everyone had said it was a quiet shift. She replied with not 1 but 2 emails slating me. I chose not to reply. The next day, I walked into another email and shit ton of work, this email accused me of not doing my job and I lost it…..big time.

I’m not proud to say it, but I chased after her down the parking lot with the intention of beating the shit out of her. I was pulled back into the office by the shift manager before I was able to kick her skull in. Still angry as all hell, I walked out outside and kicked a pole. I have to wear steel toes for work, so logic would dictate my foot would be fine. Logic lied.

Once I had calmed down, about an hour and half later, it became pretty damn clear I had hurt my foot. Luckily it was my last shift as I was able to get it looked at the next day and it turns out I have broken my little toe.

I guess there are two morals to this story; 1: Don’t hold your anger in, find an outlet and release or otherwise you’ll snap. And 2: When angry skulls are softer than poles, so kick them instead.

I can hear you already, “that’s a horrible thing to say.” No, the horrible thing is that I mean it.

Anyways, I am going to go and ice my foot, and pray to god or whatever may be listening, that I find a new job before I get arrested for murder. But, before I go, answer me this; how do you relieve stress? Let me know in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch 

Sunday 17 May 2015

It's My Birthday

I’m going to keep this short because….. It’s my birthday! And I’ve been drinking for 9 hours at this point. Shh, it’s my birthday, it’s allowed.

I just wanted to let you guys know, I got the job J It was a fantastic early birthday present. They called me the same day as the interview and said they were very impressed with me and offered me the job. My trainee salary will be £4,000 more than I am on now so I’m over the moon.

I will admit, I’m little sad about leaving, but I know deep down it’s for the best. I’m just dreading my last shift, money says I will be in tears before I go home. As much as I hate my job, I love the people and it’s going to be hard to say goodbye. Heck, when I told the Giant I was leaving it took everything for me not to break down and cry.

Anyways, today is a happy day, so I am going to go get back to my mojitos because it’s my birthday and sobriety isn’t an option. But before I go I have a question for you; what is your favorite birthday activity? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 14 May 2015

An Email At Last

So today I got an email, at last, with the date for my second interview and I’m super excited and maybe a little nervous.  The interview is Thursday, which I think will be the day you’re reading this. I’m writing on the Monday before I head back into work tomorrow to start my 4 on. Which leads me to the problem, the interview falls on my 3rd day… at 10 am.

This puts me in a bit of a bind, I don’t want to let anyone down at work, but that said, I want to be fresh, and give myself the best possible chance for the interview. However, I don’t want to fuck up my current job in case I don’t get that new job.

All that being said, I hate my current job and taking a day or two off doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The down side being after this 4 I’m off 12 days to celebrate my birthday, so it might look a little weird going in for 1 having 2 off, back in for 1 and then being off for 12. Although I’m not sure I care how it looks.

I guess it’s kind of nice, to have this petty stuff to worry about, it’s taking my mind off the interview, and how much of a big deal this is. I mean, I really want this job.

Anyways, I’m going to go and try and get some sleep, but before I go I will leave the question with you, what should I do about work? Have 1 day off or 2 or none at all? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Monday 11 May 2015

A Reason To Smile

I am always very thankful for the handful of drivers that give me a reason to face work when I’d rather run my car off the road then enter that building. I may sound extreme but, that’s a genuine thought that has entered my head… more than once, I might add.

My last set of four, one of the milk drivers, brought me in a box a chocolates for “always being a smiley face in the morning when he comes in.” my heart melted a little. I know I’m not always the happiest by the time these drivers come in but I do try to always make time to have a laugh and joke with them. The fact that someone took the time to recognize that was very touching and made a hard night at work a little easier.

Then you have the Giant who comes in every morning and gives me a hug, particularly if I’m having a bad day, he’ll walk around the desk, given an encouraging word and a big hug. Yes, occasionally he does try and look down my top, but ulterior motives or not, his kind words never go amiss and means the world to me.

Then you have the 3rd Musketeer, oddly enough all 3 I mentioned are friends. He comes in every morning at 02:30 with a big smile on his face, has a laugh and joke with me. Makes sure I’m ok and goes off on his merry way, never complaining or being grumpy. Just a genuinely happy, nice guy.

People like that, make my job easy, and a complete delight, sadly, most people are not like that, and because of that the nice ones tend to get overshadowed and when I think of work it’s the assholes that come to mind not the sweethearts that would do anything for me.

Anyways, I just wanted to take a minute to be thankful for those few remaining sweet guys out there and as my 4 off comes to an end take the focus off the complete fuck-wits and jackasses that do nothing but spoil my day.

Before I go, I have this question for you; what do you do to remind yourself there is still some good left in the world? Let me know in the comments below, and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday 10 May 2015

Bad, Bad, Blogger

I have been a horrible blogger and I need to start by saying sorry and then by expressing my appreciation for those of you that have taken time to message me, just make sure I was ok.

I am perfectly fine, I’ve just been trying to stay out of my own head and live life, and it turns out that may have been a horrible idea (that blog, is to come).

I’ve been so unhappy with work lately, the last thing I’ve waited to do is sit down on my days off and write or even think about everything going on. My logic being if I didn’t focus on these negative things I’d be happier. When in reality, if I don’t use my outlets to release that negative tension, I turn into a crazy person whom I don’t really like.

However, I just wanted to thank you guys who have stuck around, and let you know I am going to try and post a couple more things this week and slowly get back into the swing of things and with a little luck, become slightly less of an evil bitch.

But before I go I must leave you with a question, because, that’s what we do here. How do you relieve stress? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 24 April 2015


I’m super excited right now, so I thought I’d take this chance to let you know what is currently going on with me.

As you all know, I’ve not been in love with my job for a while so yesterday I had an interview with one of the leaders in my industry and it went fantastic. So well in fact I woke up this morning to an invite for a second interview.

I’m wasn’t really surprised to see the email, however, I can’t help but be excited.  The not being surprised part isn’t arrogance on my part, the gentleman who interviewed me told me straight up I’d be getting a second interview. He even asked if I’d be willing to relocate to Manchester, which sounds to me like he’s looking to fit me into his company.  So I can’t help but be super excited about this second interview. Sadly I have to wait 2 weeks for that but you know what they say, good things come to those who wait.

Anyways, my dears I’m off to enjoy this lovely whether we’re having before it decides to rain for worse yetsnow. But before I go I shall leave you with this question; what are you excited about right now? Let me know, In the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday 17 March 2015


As many of you know I’m on holiday from work right now, enjoying a massive 22 days off. I wasn’t planning on taking that time off my blog as well, however, life happened and it’s kind of just worked out that way. However, I’m missing you guys like crazy.

It’s hard to explain, but when I’m not blogging I feel like I’m missing a limb or something. Blogging is how I deal with everything. I often don’t know how I feel myself until I read it back, that’s how much blogging has become a part of life, as messed up as that sounds.

Anyways, I just wanted to take a minute out and tell you guys I miss you and I should be posting as normal again very soon… I’m back at work on the 25th so I’ll have to. But before I go I want to leave you with a question… because, that’s kind of what we do here. How do you end up spending most of your time off work? Let me know in the comment box below and as always, stay, and play, safe.

The Honest Bitch

Saturday 28 February 2015

The Supervisor Gets A New Job

If you’ve been here a while I’m sure you remember The Supervisor, well, he’s just landed himself a new job and I couldn’t be happier for him.

Admittedly, some of the happiness is completely selfish, it’s a well-known fact I hate my job right now, and I don’t have many positive things to say about the company, nor do I agree with a lot of the decisions being made currently so with the supervisor starting a new job I have a little bit of hope he made able to free me from my current hell.

Forgetting all the extracurricular activities, the supervisor and I actually worked well together and that’s something my workplace has been lacking lately, there is no team work anymore.

I have to 2 shifts left, then I’m off for a magical 22 days, I will be spending the vast majority of that time job hunting. I miss being happy at work and given the fact a lot of my favourite drivers are leaving, it’s definitely time to move on. And with a little luck, some of us may end-up back together and if I ended up where The Supervisor is going I may even end up with some of my drivers from the old place too.

Anyways, you sexy people, I am going to go and get a tiny bit of sleep, but before I go I shall leave you with this question; what is your favorite thing about your job? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 27 February 2015

Evil Underwire

Can someone please explain to me why it’s always the super expensive bra that makes your boobs look fantastic, that tries to kill you?

I currently have a bruise that size of a small country on my side from where the underwire of my bra tried to stab throw my chest and needless to say I’m not a happy bunny.

I posted this evil underwire rant to Facebook last night and within a matter of minutes I had 4 offers from men to kiss it better… my Facebook friends are perverts… that’s what I learned from this. No sympathy, just perversion.

Anyways, I’m going to go because I have another post to write because this genius forgot February only has 28 days, but before I go, I shall leave you with this question, what was the last innocent thing you posted that got a perverted response?  Let me know in the comment box below, and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Thursday 19 February 2015

The Giant and His Straying Bean Stock

I’ll be the first admit The Giant (that flirty driver I’ve been talking about) and I crossed a line in our flirting. But, despite being inappropriate it never crossed into cheating territory. It’s not like we were sexting or anything…. Admittedly, it was heading that way, but it never happened.

So when The Giant came into work Valentine’s Day I was a little surprised to find out he couldn’t reply back to a perfectly platonic message I sent him regarding work because his misses is checking his phone and internet use like a crazy woman.  

Now, I don’t know what The Giant gets up to when he’s at home and I don’t know if he has a history of being unfaithful or he’s just a flirt, but if that’s a direct reaction to him messaging me, that seems a little extreme. Now, like I said, I’m not innocent but, it’s not like I’m being penetrated by the man, nor was I planning on being penetrated by the man. Admittedly, if I’m already in trouble, I kind of wish I had but that’s neither here nor there.

He actually apologised to me for not being able to message me, which was completely unnecessary. I understand he has to look after him and most important I need to not have an angry woman hunting me down.

Anyways, my lovelies, I’m off to go deal with karma and by that I mean the cold some cow at work gave me. But before I go I shall leave you with this question; what do you class as cheating? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday 14 February 2015

My Little Box

To my absolute horror you guys seemed to really enjoy the MEMEBOX unboxing I did last month. I have a new found respect for beauty bloggers everywhere, I did not realize how much work goes into those seemly simple posts. But since you guys seemed to enjoy that one so much, I thought I’d share with you one of the other subscription boxes I get…. Like I said I’m kind of addicted to them.

The box I’m sharing with you this time, is the “My Little Box” which is a French subscription box, this month’s box is the “My Little Frenchie Box”. Which, as always, comes beautifully boxed, and with a bunch of paper crap I’m never going to read. This month’s box came with 6 items, 4 of them makeup and 2 life style items. 

My Little Beauty - Complexion Enhancer – Glowing Skin: was the first item I saw when I opened this box. The random bits of paper says it retails for £9.50. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure what this product is, and I’ve already given it away so I won’t be trying it. It’s just not my thing.

DHC – Blotting papers: was the next item I saw, retailing for £4. They’re made from 100% natural hemp fibres and like all blotting papers are designed to absorb oil. I don’t really have oily skin, but I shall keep them around and give them a try.

L’Oreal Paris – Super Liner Brow Artist Plumper: Is a really long name for brow gel. I was gifted with pretty eyebrows so I have also already given away this product. It retails for £5.99 just in case you care.

By Terry – Terrybly Khol Crayon: Retailing for £23, understandably when I saw this eyeliner in the box was more than a little happy. In the colour 3 – Bronzer Generation which is black with bronze glitter is actually useable, which is a major plus. I haven’t used it yet, however, I did swatch it on my hand and the bad boy is going nowhere.

Smartphone Case: This ugly, ugly bit of cardboard and fabric retails for £16 apparently…. Moving on.

Pot Of Messages: This pot of special messages to brighten your day retails for £6.50 and is possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Forgetting the fact the one I opened was misspelled, I just don’t see the point however, the bottle was adorable, so that’s something.

I’ll be honest with you guys, I’ve been meaning to cancel this box since before Christmas, however, I’m lazy and every time I plan to do it they put a damn item in the box I fall in love with. This month being that £23 eyeliner. The box itself cost £11 plus £3.95 p&p, which works out less than the cost of the liner, so once again, I think the box lives on another month. I will say this, if you enjoy lifestyle items, give this box a go. They aren’t my favourite hence my love/hate relationship with this box.

As always, that’s just my thoughts and opinions, but I love to hear yours. And if you have any subscription box suggests, leave them for me in the comment box below. As always my dears stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 12 February 2015

Night Shift Problems

As I’m sure most of you know I work nights and I’m probably one of the very few people on this planet that actually enjoys it. With no upper management around I tend to find myself in a lot less trouble than I otherwise would. That, and, I’m naturally a night owl. This all seems perfectly normal to me, however, everyone else seem to have difficulty grasping it.

I posted to Facebook my first day off last week, that I was enjoying a drink or 6 to which I got a snotty comment back saying “you’re drinking on a Monday?”. I guess if you follow a traditional calendar I was drinking on a Monday, however, I happen to work 4 on, 4 off, so in my world days of the week mean nothing. Like right now my computer tells me it’s Thursday, however, to me, it’s day 4 of 4 off. And tomorrow the rest of the world thinks it’s Friday and the start of the weekend, however, to me, it’s 1 of 4.  

I’m blessed that a lot of my friends also work nights, so I don’t get a lot people trying to call me in the middle of the day just wanting to talk, just evil delivery men who I'm pretty sure hoard everything until I’m back at work.

The only other issue I have is the judgmental Tesco lady, who looks at me like I’m the devil, when I buy alcohol at 7 am. When I finish a 12 hour shift, I have the right to cold beer without some women in her 60’s judging me, because clearly as life decisions go hers weren’t great.

Anyways, seeing how it’s 4 of 4 and I’m sadly back at work tomorrow, I’m off to for a glass of something containing alcohol and to be judged by the rest of the world for doing so. But before I go, I shall leave you with this question; have you ever worked nights and did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Valentine's Day

Seeing as we’re are now firmly in February, I’m sure this is the time where I should be writing a Valentine’s Day blog, about love and blow jobs or whatever people write about this time of the year.

However, I dislike Valentine’s Day, and no, that’s not the single bitterness coming out, I just don’t go all gaga for romance. And like I’ve said here before romance actually makes me uncomfortable. So a day dedicated to it is kind of my idea of hell.

Normally I’d spend it getting drunk with friends because anti-Valentine’s Day is way more fun than the real thing. Yes, you have to buy your own drinks but at least when you pass out drunk fully clothed there is nobody to judge you.

This year, however, I’m spending it at work. Which in theory sounds great, single girl, 50 menhowever, it’s not. I’d actually rather spend Valentine’s on a real date, then spend it with 50 over sexed, under washed men. But sadly, I have no damn choice in the matter. So I shall bake cookies, put on a smile and hope to god none or all but one don’t try and touch me.

Anyways, that’s that my anti-Valentine’s Day rant, I’m not going to go and messaged someone I shouldn’t, but hey, good decisions rarely lead to entertaining blogs. But, before I go I shall leave you with this question; how are you spending your Valentine’s Day? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 5 February 2015

That Pesky Line

I posted a blog last week, about the delicate line when flirting and in the post I talked about how one of the drivers at work was pushing that line, well he officially crossed it.

Funny enough, it was probably the day that post went live, I was at work and as normal there was a little harmless flirting going on, he came around the desk and to make a cup of coffee and gave me a hug. While he was around my side of the desk, he made some comment, which sadly can’t remember, and I snapped back with “now that paints one hell of a picture.” Without missing a beat, he said “you’d love to see a picture.” Me being me, without thinking I said “damn straight I would.” …. I should have known better.

When he grabbed his phone I knew I was in trouble, however, when he was looking through his phone and said he didn’t think he had any pictures, I thought I was safe and then I tempted fate with the comment “you’re such a let-down.”…. That was a mistake.  
He came over and showed me a picture, which I haven’t managed to get out of my head since. It was a picture he took in the mirror of himself, in his underwear with a rather impressive hard on. I believe the only appropriate words, for that is, damn.      

There is an image that comes to mind when you think of a truck driver and let me just say he breaks all those stereotypes. If it wasn’t for the whole him not being single thing, that man would be naked in my bed right now. I had no idea what his clothes were hiding.

Anyways, I’m going to go and try and take my mind off the many, many, many dirty thoughts that are running through my mind right now, but before I go I shall leave you with this question; do you ever feel like you’re playing with fire when you flirt? Let me know in the comment below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Monday 2 February 2015

What Are You Looking For?

There is one question that has become the bane of my life now that I have decided to torture myself with online dating. That question being “what are you looking for?” Now I’m sure that this question shouldn’t be as hard as it, but I can’t seem to find even a half decent answer.

The honest answer being I’m not looking for anything. If I happen to find someone awesome, if I don’t, I’m good. I am not looking for anybody to make me whole or any of that bullshit. I’m there because I write a blog about dating and relationships and sometimes you need to do a little research to better your writing.

That may be the honest answer, however, it gets you nowhere. Men apparently don’t want to know the truth. They want to think you need them and the fact I don’t, scares them… Funny enough, I didn’t need a dating site to tell me this, I’ve been having the same issue for years.

You’d think I’d be able to pick up the “right” answer by talking to the first few guys, however, all their answers seem kind of pathetic to me so that’s clearly not going to work. Perhaps the right thing to do is keep answering honestly and the guy I don’t scare off is the man for me but I just don’t know.

So I leave the question with you; what is the non-pathetic answer to “what are you looking for?” let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday 31 January 2015

January Update

I thought I’d finish up this month’s blog posts (anyone else impressed I managed to get all 8 up) with a bit of catch up, since I’ve left a lot of post open-ended recently.

Let’s start with the reason I was drunk for most of the first week of January. I ended my 2014 work year with a shiny disciplinary. A disciplinary I didn’t deserve I might add. I’m no angel, and I probably deserved a disciplinary for a few things, however, the one I received was complete and utter bullshit.

Sticking with the utter work bullshit, I also got pulled into a meeting at head office not long after that disciplinary because I was accused of recruiting. To which my official reply was “given everything that has happened over the past few weeks, I don’t want to work for this company so why the hell would I tell anyone else to?”.I was found to be innocent.

The next update comes in the form of Mr. Block, he’s gone to the light-side, making him as good as dead to me. However, many of you will be pleased to know replacing him on the dark-side is Hank. I know many of you were rooting for him.

Your obligatory Mr. X update is simple, he’s still a cock.

The internet dating is going horribly, I’m pretty sure I’m going to die alone with 700 cats, but given the other options, I’m good with that.

My New Year’s resolutions are still going strong, I managed to get all 8 blog posts up… just and my Facebook questions are still going strong, be it with a little cheating on my part. The less quick to anger resolution, however, is dead. What can I say, I just have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Anyways, I think that you guys all caught up now, and I’m off to cause a little bit of trouble….ok, maybe a lot of trouble. But before I go, I shall leave you with this question; how are you getting on with your New Year’s resolutions? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 29 January 2015

Flirting - The Line

It’s no secret I’m a flirt, and for the most part, it’s utterly harmless; a cute smile, flirty eyes, a sly comeback and maybe, just maybe, a little cleavage. But it’s nothing that is crossing any lines.

I work in the transport industry, so I’m surrounded by men and flirting and innuendo is just the way many of them communicate. So for the most part I don’t even notice it anymore, on their part nor mine.

However, once in a while, that delicate line in crossed and at that point…. I notice.

The last time that line was crossed, it was the supervisor. It was all sweet and innocent flirting until it wasn’t. Then non sweet and innocent actions soon followed…. Not that I’m complaining. However, now, there seems to be another one slowly tap dancing himself over that line.

One of my favorite drivers, who like me is a natural flirt, has been pushing the line for a while and is slowly drifting over it. It started New Year’s Eve, he sent me a message on Facebook, that started off innocently but blame the drink if you will, it soon turned a little naughty but nothing too bad.

Then my last 4 off things edge a little more to the land of not so innocent, I won’t go into much detail, but let’s just say there was talk of “rabbiting” and some talk of meeting up. Now I could lie to you and say this was still just, barely on the line of innocence, but it wasn’t, it crept over that line.

And I’m aware it probably shouldn’t have, and I’m also aware I have to be careful because first of all, drivers gossip like you wouldn’t believe and second of all, I don’t want any drama but…. Nothing bad happened last time right?

This is going to end badly isn’t it?

Anyways, I’m off to make some bad decisions, but before I go I shall leave you with this question, where is the line when flirting? Let me know your thoughts in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 