Thursday, 12 February 2015

Night Shift Problems

As I’m sure most of you know I work nights and I’m probably one of the very few people on this planet that actually enjoys it. With no upper management around I tend to find myself in a lot less trouble than I otherwise would. That, and, I’m naturally a night owl. This all seems perfectly normal to me, however, everyone else seem to have difficulty grasping it.

I posted to Facebook my first day off last week, that I was enjoying a drink or 6 to which I got a snotty comment back saying “you’re drinking on a Monday?”. I guess if you follow a traditional calendar I was drinking on a Monday, however, I happen to work 4 on, 4 off, so in my world days of the week mean nothing. Like right now my computer tells me it’s Thursday, however, to me, it’s day 4 of 4 off. And tomorrow the rest of the world thinks it’s Friday and the start of the weekend, however, to me, it’s 1 of 4.  

I’m blessed that a lot of my friends also work nights, so I don’t get a lot people trying to call me in the middle of the day just wanting to talk, just evil delivery men who I'm pretty sure hoard everything until I’m back at work.

The only other issue I have is the judgmental Tesco lady, who looks at me like I’m the devil, when I buy alcohol at 7 am. When I finish a 12 hour shift, I have the right to cold beer without some women in her 60’s judging me, because clearly as life decisions go hers weren’t great.

Anyways, seeing how it’s 4 of 4 and I’m sadly back at work tomorrow, I’m off to for a glass of something containing alcohol and to be judged by the rest of the world for doing so. But before I go, I shall leave you with this question; have you ever worked nights and did you enjoy it? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat as you! When I rotate off, I'm drunk by 11 that morning.
