Monday 18 April 2011

Nobody Good Hates Hockey

I once asked Steve Dangle if he’d date someone who didn’t like hockey and in reply he sent me a message saying “Nobody good hates hockey”. I’m not sure Dangle is the best person to be getting dating advice from but in this case I think he’s right.

That’s not to say everyone who hates hockey is a bad person. It’s more to say in a relationship you have to respect your partner’s passions. Its one thing to have different interests but to flat out hate something your partner is passionate about is an another matter.

In my personal experience I’ve found guys who hate hockey to be narrow minded and more often than not complete assholes. Based on that, I’m turning Dangle’s quote into a relationship law. I will no longer being dating anyone who hates hockey because nobody wroth dating hates hockey.

Anyways I’m heading off guys, Stay safe


The Honest Bitch


Monday 11 April 2011

Trigger Point

I received a letter from the hospital today and it looks like the next course of treatment for my back is trigger point injections. We have tried this a few times before with rather mixed results. But at this point even if it gives me a little relief I’ll take it.

The treatment it’s self or at least last time I had it done, involved 8 needles filled with aesthetic and steroids injected into any place in my back that hurt or was tender. I’m not really sure what its theory or science behind it is but it seems to work ....sometimes. The first time I had it done my back actually got a lot worse. But that is one of the risks you’re told about. Rather that, than a punctured lung.

I’m willing to try anything when it comes to pain relief. Medical acupuncture is one of favorites for short term pain relief. I mean really short term 12 – 24 hours. It sounds weird but I find it really relaxing and it makes me sleepy. Which may be why I love it so much. I don’t sleep well with my back and after acupuncture I sleep like a baby.

I know this isn’t my normal blog topic but its part of what’s going on with me right now so I thought I’d share.

Anyways my dears I’m going to bed. Sweet dreams and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Thursday 7 April 2011

Turnabout Is Fair Play?

I was planning to write a blog about being fucked off with people not being there for me when I go out of my way to be there for them. I was going to write about me quitting being a friend, and invoke the playgroup law of turnabout is fair play.

Oddly enough I was reading some of my old blogs and I was reminded of something Neal inspired me to write about seeing the good in things. Despite the fact I’m not happy with him right now I’ll give credit where credit is due and he’s a smart guy, and that’s a great lookout to have.

This has left me thinking that maybe quitting being a friend isn’t the right way to handle things. As much as I want to tell people to fuck off, people being a crappy friend isn’t an excuse for me to be a bad friend as well. I should just take the high road. Karma will get them for me.

I would have been within my rights to declare “turnabout’s fair play” and be a complete bitch to everyone but why should I sink to their level? I’m going to take the high road and just play nice then when karma kicks their ass, I’ll take satisfaction in that. There is nothing like revenge without getting hands dirty.

I just want thank my readers for being better friends then most of my real ones, you guys are amazing. I have to head off so as always, stay safe.


The Honest Bitch


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Social Networking Stalker

When did it get to the point where I can’t even update my Facebook status because then certain people will know I’m online? I feel like I’m living in the Facebook protection programme. I have to sneak around the site without leaving my finger prints or the social networking stalkers will get me.

I truly believe when you fall victim to a social media stalker, you should be able to handle it the same way you would a real world stalker. You should be able to log on to the Facebook courthouse and file for a restraining order. If said person violates the restraining order then you go to social media jail. Twitter already has their “jail” so is it really a far stretch to build a jail for all social networking sites?

I just want to be able to log into my Facebook and not have to deal with messages from guys who just want to get they’re leg over. Is that really too much to ask?

Anyways dolls, I’m heading off. I have bugger loads to do. Stay safe guys.

Love Always

The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Setting The Record Straight

I’ve been asked the same question a lot lately, I have answered most of them individually but since I’ve been asked so many time I thought I’d just set the record straight in a little blog.

You guys always make me laugh and you have been very opinionated on this matter so let me just tell you guys straight, I am not nor do I wish to be fucking Neal.

Let’s start with the main issue and there are a few with your ideas. His penis isn’t 3,000 kilometers long. I’ve never seen it but I assume a penis that size would be in Guinness or something.

The other problem is I don’t date or sleep with guys that are younger then I am. It’s just one of my little quirks. I’m sure there are lots of great guys younger than me but I just find it off putting. They have to be older and they have to be taller that is the law.

I’ve loved reading your opinions and thoughts on this “relationship”. They have made me laugh. My favorite ones are the ones where you call him the devil and tell me Mr. X is my soul mate. I love you guys but you’re crazy.

Please don’t get me wrong, Neal is an amazing guy and I care for him but he isn’t the future Mr. Honest Bitch. For one minute forget about him being young and his penis not spanned the Atlantic but the honest truth is I don’t begin to meet his standards either. We’re both pretty set in stone about what we want. But feel free to keep sending me your ideas and opinions because they never fail to put a smile on my face.

I love you guys,

The Honest Bitch


PS Stay safe

Friday 25 March 2011

Rough Week

Hey Guys,

I’ve had a rough week and it’s kind of turned me into an evil bitch and I feel bad about it. Well kind of bad about it, my points were valid but I didn’t say it in the most lady-like way. It was more of the drunken sailor way of getting a point across.

I’ll try to explain why I’ve been so snappy. The reason is very simple. My back has been really bad. It sounds like nothing I know until you realise the effect it has on your normal life.

It’s a well known fact when you’ve been coping with long term pain some of it can just be in your mind, so to combat that I don’t listen to my body and I just carry on as normal until I literally end up on the ground. This is a stupid thing to do in all honestly and a major reason why my mood takes a knock.

When my back is at it worse, my normal life stops. I don’t go out, I don’t see friends, and I don’t chat much via text or online. I just lock myself away in my room and sleep a lot and do not much else. Locking myself away is good thing because when I’m in pain, I can’t play nice. My brain is busy thinking “pain, pain, pain” and it has no room to yell at me and say “reword that”.

I cope with my normal pain levels by having fun and just not taking things too seriously. This method fails when my pain level reaches level 8. At that point my sense of humour flees my body and I become evil and not much fun.

Luckily I’m feeling much better now and more like myself. I need to thanks Neal for sticking around. I won’t blame anyone for running away and hiding under their bed. Hell I think I would hide too.

Anyways my dears have a great weekend and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch

Saturday 19 March 2011

Internet Friends

When I say internet friends I’m not talking about those “friends” you have online to stretch an itch. I’m talking about those few friends you’ve met online, who live on the opposite sides of the world and you continue to chat to because you like each other and have things in common. Those few special randoms you just click with.

I almost feel that the friendships you form online are more pure. You’re not influenced by who they hang out with, who they’re dating or having to be seen in public with them. These friendships are formed and last because you can be completely honest with one and other. You don’t have to pretend to be something you’re not and you don’t have to worry about maintaining a certain reputation. You’re just you.

It’s kind of weird when you think about it, you form these close friendships with people you probably wouldn’t recognize in the street. Neal is the perfect example, I felt horrible that I hurt his feelings and I may or may not have cried about it. Anyone who knows me wouldn’t believe that for second. I've never been sorry for anything I’ve said. After all it’s only my personal opinion. So the idea that I could feel bad over a relative stranger is crazy. Then again I’ve never been normal.

The other big benefit to having good internet friends is they don’t know you’re real life friends. This means you can vent, moan and bitch all you want without fear that the person will find out. Internet friends are also great for unbiased opinions. They have no motivation to lead you astray.

The other great benefit is if things turn sour Internet friends are easy to get rid of. Block button, appear offline then are so many ways to get rid of them. You hope it never comes down to that, but if they go crazy they’re easier to hide from than real world friends.

Internet friends have an important role to play in the circle of life. Anyways guys I’m off have a great night and as always stay safe.


The Honest Bitch