Friday 19 January 2018

Why Do Men Think It Is Ok

This is going to be a fairly short post, mainly because I once again left writing it to the last minute and because I want to throw this out there and get your thoughts.

Why do men who are in committed relationships think its ok to tell other women they like them and or ask them out? On what planet does that end well for them?

Many saying come to mind; “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” “A zebra cannot change its stripes, ” “Lie with a dog, get up with fleas.” “What you associate with reflects on you.” All of which boils down to you’d have to be an idiot and think pretty lowly of yourself to reciprocate.

So why do they bother? It only lowers a person’s perception of them. Which means if they are ever single, they have no hope at all.

Anyways, I am going to throw this one out to you. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always, stay, and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 12 January 2018

Slow going

Any dream I had of 2018 finally being the year I get life organised is being quickly dashed. This is the second Friday of the year and the seconds Friday I’m writing and posting on the same day. But, I am writing so I guess it’s only a half fail; although I’m not writing the post I planned so maybe a 2/3 fail…. Is that a thing? I guess it is now.

Operation be a less shitty human is going fairly well. I worked with a less favorite colleague last night and I didn’t lose my temper or break a toe or anything. That said, I’m starting think road rage is completely involuntary. It’s as bad as ever and I’m not sure how to stop it without taking up murdering all the idiots on the road.

The plan to get healthy is….. a plan. Progress and changes are happening, however baby steps and until I have a little time off work, it’s going to have to be that way. Change takes time and effort and my work days are too long to really focus and build good habits.

Anyways, I’m going to go and probably get some more sleep. I’m struggling to keep eyes open. But before I go I have this question for you, how do you calm down your road rage? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 5 January 2018

A New Year A New Me

A new year, a new me… or maybe not. I don’t really buy into the whole fresh start January BS because let be honest January 1st isn’t the ideal time to make giant life chances. Most people started the new year with a hungover, so productivity and exercise are not happening. Most people started the new year with large amounts of junk food still in their house from New Year’s Eve or Christmas so healthy eating isn’t going to happen either.  The whole new year, new you mentality is very flawed.

That said, self-improvement isn’t a bad thing as long as you’re not setting yourself up for failure. That is why I choose to hold off setting goals until life went back to normal after the holiday madness.

After some thought, I decided my main focus for the year would be on being a less shitty human being. I’ll be the first to admit over the last few years I have become almost mean. I have no patience, I have a very short fuse for most things and I have lost a lot of my ability to see the good in people. That needs to change, I’m not sure how, but I’m sure it’s doable.

I also plan on focusing on getting my weight under control, however, I’m not quite ready for that goal yet. That’ll be a gradual work in progress. When head is in the game. I need to work on my attitude first.

Anyway, it’s been nice talking to you strangers again. Hopefully I’ll be better at keeping my Friday schedule this year, but no promises. Before I go I have this question for you; What is your goal for 2018? Let me know in the comments below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  

Friday 14 July 2017

Could It Be Done?

So, after last week’s post, I got chatting with the gay husband about the trip and I mention to him I had a bad feeling about the whole thing when I got up to Manchester. He commented I should have ditched her there and gone without her.   I said to him the only other people I know in that direction is my boss and Mr. X. This led to an interesting conservation on whether I could go away with Mr. X and keep things platonic or not.

I may be crazy for saying this, but I think it is doable. Our relationship was built more on friendship and talking than the physical so I can’t see it being that hard.

Yes, the hotel was 5 star, and something about it did scream romance, however the room had 2 single beds and was the whole weekend was planned in a way that there wasn’t a lot of down time therefore not a lot of temptation.  I honestly believe, it wouldn’t have been a problem.

The gay husband on the other hand, disagrees, however, thinks I should have done it anyways, but that’s because he has a theory that I won’t go into on this post because that craziness needs more words than I can give it here.

Anyways, what do you think? Could we have made it a whole weekend without crossing any lines? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 7 July 2017

Be Careful Who You Holiday With

Overall, my trip to London last week was wonderful; The hotel was stunning, the Book of Mormon was spectacular and Canada Day was a drunken street party and I couldn’t have asked for more. That said there was one little flaw with experience, and that was the person I went with.

I love my work wife to bits but, holy bananas we holiday differently. And that’s probably the best way to put it, we don’t holiday in the same way. And because of that I got cranky, and she’ll say without a doubt, she believes the issue was with me because I wasn’t going to start a fight and just bit my tongue, however cause and effect come to mind.

There were 3 main differences; how slept, how ate, and how we spent our free time…. Which is basically everything in the grand scheme of things.

Let start with how we slept; she is basically a toddler. She needs at least 1 nap, if not two a day and these last from 2 – 4 hours and if she doesn’t get them she becomes unbearable. I on the other hand, sleep at night… like an adult.

How we like to eat is up next. I like to explore when I’m somewhere new. Find hidden gems and try new food, eat things I can’t get at home. She on the other hand, likes fast food and sees no other options.

Last up, how we spend our free time; I like to spend as little time as possible in the room. I’m somewhere different I want to explore, shop and do things. She on the other hand is very content in the room and doesn't like to leave it. Being in the room drivers me crazy.

These are the 3 main issues; there were others, like she doesn’t tip and she comes across borderline rude when dealing with people… and the list goes on but those 3 bugged me the most.

I can hear you now asking how I had a good time, despite these little issues… I ditched her. After the shit show that was there first night; dragging her up from a nap and them dragging to a show she didn’t want to go to, but really enjoyed once I got her there. Then going to Macdonald’s for dinner…. I learned my lesson. My fun was up to me.

So, when she “needed” her nap on Canada Day I went back to the square alone. Made some new friends, met up with some old ones and partied like a Canadian and I had an awesome time doing so.

The trip back was a nightmare, but, that’s a story for another time. Anyways, I am back at work tomorrow, so I need to get my shit together. But before I go I have this question for you; what is your idea of the perfect holiday? Let me know if the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 30 June 2017

Is This It?

Despite the fact I enjoy being single and the easiness that comes with it. Over recent days, I’ve been starting to wonder; Is this it?

I’m 30 years old now; I always pictured myself getting married and having kids but, in realistic terms, time is running out and it’s not like there is anything on the horizon either. I’m starting to wonder if marriage and kids just aren’t on the cards for me.

With all these thoughts in my head, my brain drifts to those things you hear in passing, like everyone only gets two great loves in their lifetime. I’ve been aware for years if that’s true, I’m fucked. My two have long come and gone. And with that knowledge once and a while, I wondered to myself did I blow my chance?

If you’ve been here a while, my two great loves won’t be a surprise to you. Of course, you have Mr. X who I won’t go into, I have plenty of posts on this site that’ll explain that whole mess. Then you have Chicken Man, who has been on my mind a lot lately.

Chicken Man is unquestionably my other “great love”, that man completely shook me to my core and did nothing but change me for the better. Where Mr. X tore me down. Chicken Man built me up. He entered my life at just the right time and was exactly what I needed. However, due to him traveling for work and things like that, the relationship just faded out over time. However; when I think back on it, I can’t help but wonder what if?

Anyways; enough of that, I need to go and pack for my holiday. When you’re reading this, I will be on my way to London to celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday and I can’t wait. But, before I go, I have this question for you; Do you believe we only get two great loves? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always. Stay, and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 23 June 2017

Nothing To Write About

I’m sitting outside in what may be my perfect setting. The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom and it’s warm but not uncomfortable… at least not yet. The setting is perfectyet I have nothing to write about.

I guess, given the past month, having nothing to write about is sort of a good thing. It's giving me a chance to catch my breath and both figuratively and literally stop and smell the flowers. I’m proactively unwinding this 4 off and for the first time in about a mouth I’m angry. And it’s nice.

All this is aided by the fact work was less horrid last week, and by the fact Mr. X appears to have gone AWOL. It’s almost as if the world has decided, “hey, let’s not suck so hard this week.” That said I am now being harassed by a bee so…. May they’re still some work to do.

Anyways, I am going to go and get some wine… because that’s how you get bees to leave you alone, right? But before I go, I have this question for you; What is your happy place? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 