Friday 1 November 2019

No, no

Why does it seem like everyone is trying to set me up with someone? I know I said I might be ready to start thinking about dating, but I haven’t said those words outside this blog and I really haven’t been giving off any I need to get laid vibes, so, I am not sure what the deal is.

Yes, dating someone sounds nice on paper. And, yes, I am feeling more stable and less emotionally drained and able to give in a relationship. But once again, that does equate to me wanting to be set up with anyone.

Does anyone have any theories on why the sudden interest in me and not being single? Let me know in the comments below, I am off to hide from my phone and people in general. Stay safe guys.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 25 October 2019

Dating Rant

Another Thursday, another afternoon spent writing a post I should have written earlier in the week. Like I said, one of these days I will get all my shit together, but right now I’ll have to settle for having bits and pieces of my shit together.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about dating recently. And by a lot, I mean, it’s starting to verge on obvious. So, I thought I’s take this chance to answer your burning questions, and by questions burning questions, I mean, pushy opinions because, there’s no questions, just a lot of people telling whom I should date and or whose penis I should ride.

Tyler isn’t happening. He’s not into me. We are good friends, and I love having him around, but nope. As perfect as I believe having a boyfriend who is 300 miles away is, still nope. That might be a post for another day. For now, the answer is just no.

 Team Mr. X…. Do you hate me? Why are you still a thing? I did my time, it cost me my youth, I may well die alone because of that whole mess. Give it up. Like really, no. That damage was done, repaired, taught me a lot, and gave me strength I never knew I had, but no.

Will I date again? I assume so. I’m not against it. I just need to find a human I don’t hate and that is hard. People as a whole suck.

Anyways, I am going to go and chill out. I would leave a question of the blog, but I have had enough opinions for right now. So just stay safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 18 October 2019

Getting There

I keep saying it, but one day I will get crap together and I won’t be sat here on a Thursday writing a post that has to go up in a few hours. I am getting there, slowly. My new normal is becoming just that, normal. I am still not on top of everything like I would like to be, but I am nowhere near as overwhelmed as I was.

I won’t pretend for one second any of this has been easy, I have blog upon blog proving otherwise. I’m just lucky the small circle of people I can stomach are awesome. Even if they have no clue what do when I burst into tears for no apparent reason down the phone at them.

I will get there, and back to my normal, on top of everything self. I’m learning I need to just be patient with myself. Easier said than done.

Anyways, I am off to do my treadmill and try and get something done before I head back to work tomorrow. I shall leave you with this question before I go though, how do you stay on top of everything? Let me know in the comments below. As always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 11 October 2019

"Special Bond?"

Recently, while working out of another depot a strange comment was made that caught me off guard. The girl I was working with made a comment about how Tyler and I should get together, because “we’re prefect for each other” and we balance each other out. And all I could think is I’ve heard this somewhere before, are my reader putting you up to this?

Clearly not, as she, like everyone else at work, has zero clue my blog is a thing. I just found it so strange how everyday comments from the blogosphere have followed me into real life. And even stranger still, one of the guys from another depot also made a similar comment recently and now I’m a wee bit freaked out.

I understand… short of, where they’re coming from. We do get on well, we can talk for hours on end and he is one of the few people on the planet that I’m yet to find “too peopley”. If you’re anything like me, you’ll understand that sentence, if not, there’s no explaining that one. That said, I’m not so sure about this alleged “special bond” we have, I think some people are grasping at straws.

Anyways, I’m going to leave this with you and let you chime in, “special bond” or just a person I don’t want to stab? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. And, as always, stay, and play, safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 4 October 2019

Ducks AWOL

Sometimes I think I’m finally starting to get my ducks back in a row, and other times I’m writing a blog post on my phone at work last minute because I choose sleep over getting my crap together. This week it’s more of the latter.

I’m finally starting to feel more like me again, but it doesn’t make getting everything done any easier.

Hopefully this is a lesson learned, and next week I’ll be back to scheduling as normal. Because I go I will leave you with this question; what do you do to keep your ducks in a row. Let me know in the comments below. As always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Friday 27 September 2019

Play The Game

Once in a blue moon I like to play the game. Keep people on their toes. This week I choose to do that. This week I am working 7 days, why you ask? Aren’t you normally the girl that tells management to fuck off? Of course, I am, but occasionally the game suits me, so I play.

You see, we are working on October’s wages right now. Meaning the following month is November. In November comes our Christmas bonuses. Since that has to be managing director approved that stuff is all finalized in October. Putting a good foot forward goes along right now. Since my reviews always contain a comment that I don’t do overtime. I am hoping “my change of heart” will be rewarded.

Sometimes being a bitch 99% of the time pays off, because when you’re nice its most memorable. Anyways, I am off to get some sleep. As always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 20 September 2019

A Giant F*ck You

Today is September 14Th and if you’ve read my posts lately, you’ll know today is the day, my night-shift co-workers and I were meant to be going out drinking, however, I am currently snuggled up in my pyjamas so clearly that didn’t happen. And to be honest, I’m actually happy it didn’t.

It became painfully clear, fairly early on that nobody cared, and people were going to flake on this meet up. Sure enough, one by one they all folded as predicted. So much for one, big happy night-shift family, eh?  

They say people don’t quit companies; they quit managers. I’ve found over the years, night-shift workers tend to not leave companies due to the work families they form, regardless of how shit the manager or company is. They tend to stick around for each other.

This whole flaking thing started to make me question why? Why does, or, should, a pseudo-family has any impact on any decisions.

The answer I came to is, it shouldn’t. No other person should impact any decisions I make regarding my life, career or anything else for that matter. I need to be in this for me, everyone else can go fuck themselves.

So, I made a few decisions; mama bear is dead. I go to bat for a lot of my co-workers more than they’ll ever know. Being one of, if not the most senior on nights I feel protective of my little cubs, and I don’t let big bad management just say what they like. However, the cubs can get the fuck out of the cave now, Mama bear is over it.

The next decision I came to is I want to do my management CPC; not because I want a management role, but because I want to move on and finding somewhere that pays the same as I am on now is difficult. That bit of paper will make things easier in the long run.

The last decision I made is to be more me. Every year after review season, I find myself doubting my words and actions. I start questioning how I am being perceived. Why? Who the fuck cares? My favourite quote is “Be all the crazy bitch you want to be. They’re going to say you were anyways.” And it’s true. I could send a harmless email and it’ll be read with a bitchy undertone. So, I may as well be a bitch, say what I like and enjoy it. Life is too short to bite your tongue.

Anyways, that’s enough for now, I have plans this evening to make poor life decisions. Before I go I have this question for you; what is your favorite quote? Let me know in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  