Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals. Show all posts

Friday 31 January 2020

Changing up the plan

Thanks to a lack of holiday approval I’m having to shake up my plan and even as I write this, I’m not sure the change will work since I’m still lacking approve. I put my holiday request in in November and still nothing… feel like it would be easier to get a new job at this point. That said, my new aim, since the course I wanted to do is now full, is to do my CPC in June.

Which isn’t a bad thing, I had fallen behind in studying so this should allow me to get back on track. I have 16 units left to go over and 15 weeks until the course, so I should be able to everything done and fully give myself the best chance to succeed.

Anyways I am off to drink because I am back at work tomorrow and that makes me want to drink. As always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Friday 6 December 2019


I’m struggling to find balance at the moment. I know what I need to get done and I’m doing it, but I seem to have forgotten to allow time to relax and I’m struggling to see where I can even remotely fit it in.

My goal is my CPC, and I have 12 weeks before the course. There are 26 units I need to learn, and I have currently done 6. Math right now isn’t my friends. I need to do 2 units a week, and that’s a struggle, I’ve only managed 1 each of the past 2 weeks. And this doesn’t account for the fact I don’t under one of the units I’ve done. My check for understanding score was laughable. I’m stressed, and I shouldn’t be. I guess the Brightside is my scores on the other units were good.

I need to find balance in this all and I’m just not sure how. I know I will get there, but it needs to be soon. Anyways, I am off to have a nap, as I’m back at work in a few hours, like I said no balance. Leave me your tips on how you managed to balance everything I the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 22 November 2019


I know it’s not January yet, so it seems a little premature to discuss goals and making changes and things like that. However, I am not one to play by the rules. Plus, a lot of things I want to talk about are goals I set in January, so this is more of a reflection before moving on.
 In January I set myself 3 areas of focus, the 3 things in my life I had control over, my health, my blog and my job, and now that it’s coming towards the end of the year, looking back, I haven’t done badly.

Health wise, I’ve done a minimum of 20 minutes every day on the treadmill since January 1st. My weight isn’t going anywhere, but I am feeling better for it. I think I am going to change it up in the new year, but the goal is still 20 minutes a day.

Blog wise; I haven’t missed a week. I have released some rubbish throwaway posts, but I haven’t missed anything. I want to continue that into the new year, hopefully with less throwaway posts. I would love to sort my social media out, but baby steps.

Work is letting me down in the hat trick. I am happier, however, that’s mainly because I no longer care. I have put more of an effort in but haven’t seen much back from that. My goal going into next year is to get my CPC, that will open more door for me and make decision making easier. I’ve already started working towards this goal and hopefully in March I should be able to achieve it. It’s all about focus right now.

Anyways, I am going to go and have dinner, since it is 23:00. But before I go, I have this question for you; what goals have you achieved in 2019? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Friday 20 September 2019

A Giant F*ck You

Today is September 14Th and if you’ve read my posts lately, you’ll know today is the day, my night-shift co-workers and I were meant to be going out drinking, however, I am currently snuggled up in my pyjamas so clearly that didn’t happen. And to be honest, I’m actually happy it didn’t.

It became painfully clear, fairly early on that nobody cared, and people were going to flake on this meet up. Sure enough, one by one they all folded as predicted. So much for one, big happy night-shift family, eh?  

They say people don’t quit companies; they quit managers. I’ve found over the years, night-shift workers tend to not leave companies due to the work families they form, regardless of how shit the manager or company is. They tend to stick around for each other.

This whole flaking thing started to make me question why? Why does, or, should, a pseudo-family has any impact on any decisions.

The answer I came to is, it shouldn’t. No other person should impact any decisions I make regarding my life, career or anything else for that matter. I need to be in this for me, everyone else can go fuck themselves.

So, I made a few decisions; mama bear is dead. I go to bat for a lot of my co-workers more than they’ll ever know. Being one of, if not the most senior on nights I feel protective of my little cubs, and I don’t let big bad management just say what they like. However, the cubs can get the fuck out of the cave now, Mama bear is over it.

The next decision I came to is I want to do my management CPC; not because I want a management role, but because I want to move on and finding somewhere that pays the same as I am on now is difficult. That bit of paper will make things easier in the long run.

The last decision I made is to be more me. Every year after review season, I find myself doubting my words and actions. I start questioning how I am being perceived. Why? Who the fuck cares? My favourite quote is “Be all the crazy bitch you want to be. They’re going to say you were anyways.” And it’s true. I could send a harmless email and it’ll be read with a bitchy undertone. So, I may as well be a bitch, say what I like and enjoy it. Life is too short to bite your tongue.

Anyways, that’s enough for now, I have plans this evening to make poor life decisions. Before I go I have this question for you; what is your favorite quote? Let me know in the comments below. As always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch  

Friday 5 July 2019

Halfway There

Welcome to July ladies and gentlemen. The year is officially half over, and it seems like now is as good a time as any to reflex on the year so far and to see where we are with the goals we set in January. Hopefully we can point ourselves in the right direction to actually achieve some of those goals before we run out of time.

Let’s start with my “love life”. Yep, it’s so bad it gets quotation marks. Still single, still mainly ok with it. This year, I feel, isn’t the year for that. It sucks knowing time is against me, but I need to be a good me before I can be there for someone else.

My job is next up on the list. I still have a love hate relationship with it. The hate isn’t that strong at the moment, but I know it’s just around the corner. I feel my July review will be telling. I have other offers and depending on what is said and what money is offered, it may be time to move on.

Next is my blog. I am not sucking at this one. I haven’t missed a week yet. My numbers are looking good. My ad revenue blows; I think I was actually making more when I wasn’t posting regularly. But, that’s AdSense for you. I’m still not rocking the social media side of things, but baby steps. I’m happy where I am at the moment.

My health was the last goal I wrote about in January; it’s a thing. I have stuck to using my treadmill every day. I feel better for it. My weight still isn’t a focus, but I think I may be getting to a better place where it can be. I feel a lot less mentally exhausted. I think my head is finally wrapped around everything, at least for now.

And that’s where we are halfway through the year. Some progress has been made. Some more could be made. But, so far, so average. That brings me to the question of the blog; How are you doing with your goals for 2019? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. And, as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch