Saturday 17 October 2015

Blogging Schedule

I’ve had a few questions about how I blog and what my process is given my strange schedule.

My schedule isn’t all that weird to me, I’ve worked 4 on 4 off for 3 years now so I kind of have it down to an art. The secret, for me at least, is to forget what the calendar says. A week in my world is 4 days. So I work one week, then I’m off the following.

When it comes to blogging, week one is a write off. Due to me working long hours and not being able to get much sleep, I don’t tend to write anything during my working week. What I do tend to do during that time is write notes. Lots and lots of notes; with anything from a basic idea, quotes to outlines for whole posts.

My week off runs differently depending where it follows on the traditional calendar, but that basics are day 1 is for sleeping and catching up around the house, but mainly catching up on sleep. Day two is normally my writing day, I wake up earlymainly because I slept so much day 1, stay in my pjs and just write. I try to write as much as I can that day, anywhere from 2 to 5 pieces depending how my brain is working. Day 3 is for running errands. I’ll also use it to finish things, either housework or blogs, whatever I failed to do when I was meant to do it really. Day 4 is my “me day”, where relaxation is the name of the game. It’s my day to chill out and decompressed. It’s also kind of become my unofficial social media day… but social media is relaxing, right?

As you can imagine, my blog tends to be behind reality due to the way I write. When I use to be good at this and on the ball I was about a month ahead with my writing. At the moment I’m about a week and half. That said, no matter how far in advance I am scheduled, I like to leave gaps for things like holidays and big events so I can sit down and write them closer to the time and really capture the feeling.

Those pre-written post are kind of my safety net in case I get sick or get stuck with writer's block or the most likely of all get roped into stupid amounts of overtime. They mean, I don’t have to let you guys down, and I don’t have to stress about finding time to write.

I hope that answered some your questions, and shined a little light on how I work. But before I go I will leave you with this question; do you like to plan thing in advance or go with the flow, let me know in the comments below and as always, stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Monday 12 October 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I hope you’re all having a fantastic day with the people you love most.

I’m going to keep this post super short so I can get back to the festivities and by that I mean go watch A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving because…. Its thanksgiving and watching it is pretty much law.

I’m feeling equal parts thankful and homesick today, I’m very grateful for everything I have and all the wonderful people I have in my life. But days like today always make think about home and my family and friends I’m not able to spend the day with. I can’t help but feel a little sad.

That said, I have a lot to be thankful for, a job I don’t hate, friends that care, family that love me, and a hockey that couldn’t buy a win….. Did I mention the hockey season started last week J Go Leafs Go or Blow Leafs Blow as the case may be. 

Anyways, I am going to leave this post at that and return to the holiday fun. But, before I go I have this question for you; what are you thankful for? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Saturday 10 October 2015

Autumn Tag

It’s been a very long time since I’ve done any sort of tag post, they tend not to be my favourites to either read or write but I saw this one floating about and thought why the hell not. I love autumn and why not get into the seasonal spirit with this post.

1. Favourite Thing About Autumn.

My favourite thing about autumn is seeing the leaves change colour. There is something about going for a walk in the evening when all the leaves have changed, but before they really start to fall, that just makes me happy.

2. Favourite Drink

Apple cider has to be my favourite autumn drink. And because that’s something different here I will explain, it’s an unfiltered, unsweetened non-alcoholic beverage that tastes about a million times better than apple juice.

3. Favourite Candle Scent.

No matter the time of year “soft blanket” is my favorite scent. However, I have recently discovered “Kilimanjaro Stars” and it smells like an autumn night. It’s amazing.

4. Best Lipstick

Autumn is all about a vampy lip. For me, that’s either brown or purple. My favourite brown is NYC Expert Last in “444 chocolate chip” and if I want a little more gloss I’ll top it with Maybelline Colour Elixir in “725 Caramel Infused”. For a purple lip I’ll do Maybelline Colour Drama in “310 Berry Much” and I’ll top that with Urban Decay Apocalypse.

5. Go To Moisturizer

Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet; great on its own or under makeup

6. Go To Eye Colour 

In the autumn I tend to wear more copper colors, in with my normal browns. I like “amaretto” from the Too Faced chocolate bar palette or MAC “Antiqued” is really pretty as well.

7. Favourite Music

I tend to go to Country music this time of years. Luke Bryan is one of my favourites at the moment. That said, I’ve come to associate him with Larry and that’s kind of ruined a whole lot of his music for me.

8. Favourite Outfit

White strap top, a checked shirt and either jeans or a long denim skirt…. You can’t get much more fall then that.

9. Favourite Autumn Treat

Smores is the first thing that comes to mine. It reminds me of the last campfire of the year and brings back such happy memories.

10. Favourite Place To Be

Cooler night’s mean my favourite place to be in is cuddle up with someone special watching a film or a TV. But seeing as I’m single and going to die alone, my favourite place is under my electric blanket snuggled up watching trashy TV.

Anyways, my dears, that is that tag done, I hope you enjoyed it. I am going to go and get a few hours’ sleep, I have a busy day ahead of me. I won’t leave you with a question this blog, but feel free to leave your tag answers in the comment box below. As always my loves, stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Purity Rings Revisited

I’ve had a lot of requests lately to revisit my purity ring posts now that I’m apparently “older and wiser and more mature.” Even funnier than the idea that I’m either wiser or more mature is occasionally add-on of “less sin filled”. I take that one as a personal insult… or maybe a challenge.

I’ve given the idea of rewriting these posts a lot of thought, a lot more thought than I normally give a post, and I’ve decided against it. Not because of the amount of hate these posts get (which for the record is a lot) but because I whole hearted agree with both the original post I wrote back in 2011 and the follow up I did in 2012. (Both posts are link in case you want to read them.)

Both posts were well researched, particularly my 2012 one, which was basically a giant screw you to the insane amount of alleged Christians who had and continue to message me to this day telling me I’m wrong, a horrible human and I’m going to hell.

The facts, the numbers and studies haven’t changed; purity rings do not work and those who take the pledge are substantially more likely to practice unsafe sex.

TV shows like Teen Mon and 16 and Pregnant, have actually had a bigger impact on both teens waiting to have sex and practicing safe sex than these magical silver rings that are meant to keep teen legs closed in the name of God have ever had.

If anything in the 4 years since I posted my original blog, scientific studies have proven these facts more definitively and me rewriting my post won’t change that. As much as you may disagree, facts are facts.

I won’t leave you with a question of the blog this time, I shall just open the floor up to you, leave your thoughts and opinion on the matter in comment box below. And as always stay, and play, safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Sunday 4 October 2015

Larry Silence

Apparently inquiring minds would like to know what happened with Larry. It’s been over a month since his name was even uttered here and evidently you’d like to know the why and what happened.

As you may be recalled, because of the way my shifts fell I got a Larrycation, I didn’t see or speak to him for about 2 weeks. During that time I sat down with a drink and pad of paper and wrote everything out and by the end, as bad as this may sound, I concluded I deserve better. And almost instantly with that realization his magically hold over me was broken.

This was aided by the fact when he came back to work he was kind of a cunt to me. It’s a well-known fact I don’t like that word, but I can’t think of a more accurate way to describe him. He was snappy, rude and generally unappealing. Which in all fairness, I’m grateful for, it validated what my decision.

Now, I will say this, he was going through some stuff, and we all get bitchy and evil at times when our head isn’t right. I’m the perfect example of that. But his timing on this one was impeccable.

It’s actually why I waited to write this post, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and see if he came around. Which he did, we’re alright now. But had I wrote this post my last 4 off like I planned, it would have had a completely different feel.

Anyways, I am going to go and try to make the most of my 4 days off, but before I go I shall leave you with this question; are you quick to forgive? Let me know in the comments below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch

Thursday 1 October 2015

2015 The Year Of The Horrible Blogger

As the months tick away, I find myself sitting reflecting on this year and this blog and I hate to say it, but I kind of feel like a failure. While my number posts are up on the 2 previous years, the number collaborations and guest spots I’ve done are way down. And despite posting more, I’ve actually been AWOL for long chunks of times this year which is unacceptable. My social media game has been appalling. I’ve just been a horrible blogger this year.

And as Thanksgiving approaches, I can’t help but feel thankful for those of you that are still here despite me sucking. You guys are the first ones to know when something is wrong and you’re the first to send me messages when I’m ill. I’m just very lucky.

This blog is often me venting and releasing that inner bitch that you have to fight all week to keep in. It tends to be a little more on the negative, sarcastic, bitchy side and I think it’s important every once in a while just to let you know, the nice positive side isn’t lost me, and I know just how blessed I truly am. And I’m very thankful to have you guys in my life… even when I’m being a horrible blogger.

Anyways, I’m going to go and write a much requested post, but before I do I have this question for you; what have you failed at this year? Let me know in the comment box below and as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch 

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Improv Freedom

I managed to catch an improv class tonight for the first time in a few weeks and I have to say I feel amazing for it. There’s something about having to be so quick and on point that clears your mind and removes any filters you have. It’s very freeing. It’s kind of how I imagine therapy must feel for normal people.

After biting my tongue all week, it feels fantastic to just let everything inside my head pop out. I love my job don’t get me wrong, but I’m starting to get really fed up with the attitudes of some of the people and I’m finding it an increasing struggle not to say something.

In a fairness, part of it is I need to book a few days off and I need to get better at recognizing that and acting on it before I turn into a crazy bitch. No matter how much you like your job, there are times you just need to get away. Improv and drinking will only get you so far, sometimes you just need to relax.

Anyways, I am going to go and get some sleep, but before I go I have this question for you; how do you know when you’re due a holiday? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.

The Honest Bitch
