Monday 5 July 2010

July 5th 2010

Hey Dolls,

I’m sat on bed thinking about a fact I use to agree with. The fact is “When the number of people you’ve slept with exceeds your age. You are a slut”.
Of course when I agreed on that fact my number was lower than my age. My number is now higher than my age and all I can do is try and keep my number lower than the amount of years I plan to live.

I don’t see myself as a slut. I don’t sleep with every guy I meet, I do have standards and I do know things about the guys I fucked. Yes, I have had a few one night stands, but I did take the time to learn something about them. I also haven’t had a real one nightstand in years. I don’t regret anyone I’ve slept with. I have learned a lot from them, it’s just a shame that the thing I’m best at is only seen is the bed room. Maybe porn is my calling.

Anyways my loves I need to go and talk to some very sexy men

Be safe

Queen Bee x

Sunday 4 July 2010



It’s a well known fact that me and relationships end badly. Anyone will tell you relationships don’t change me. I’m always me but for some reason dating me turns men in crazy mush balls. They’re all strong and manly when we start dating and after a few weeks they all overly mushy, spineless and so clingy. I like my men to be strong and tough, the only place where I don’t mind mushy is in bed.

I understand that I’m a strong person, but every woman wants a guy that can look after them. I’m not someone that would let my guy fight my battles but it’s nice when they offer. I don’t often need someone shoulder to cry on, but it’s nice to think that you’re boyfriend is strong enough to be there for you if you need them.

I don’t think right now there is anyone in my life that could be my boyfriend. I kind of feel that the guys around me now, could be broken easily. I’m happy just having a laugh as long as it stays fun. I hate it when I’m having fun and guy decides to grow feelings. Why ruin a good thing with feelings? If they’re something more there it’ll turn into more. There is no reason to force it.

All my best relationships have just happened. You know those relationships that start with you hanging out, just having a laugh, and just being friends getting closer and closer? Those relationships wear you can’t actually say when you started dating, it just happened. Those are my kind of relationships. No stress, no drama and no evil L word.

Anyways my dears, I’m off.

Queen Bee x

4th of July 2010

Hey Dolls,

Canada Day was a bust; I ended up leaving London at 7:30pm. The music that they were playing really wasn't my cup of tea and seeing as I was driving, I couldn’t drink to make the day more fun. The person I was with was pissing me off too, so that didn’t help either. On the Brightside I did have a few good moments and talked to a lot of nice people from back home.

I had a chat with one of the Native American dancers, which reminded me a lot of being back home. There is a lot of Native American blood in my family. I actually have close family that still live on the reservation. So it’s always nice to be reminded of where I come from. Even if the person comes from different tribe, a lot of the beliefs and traditions are the same.

As I’m sure you know Native American often receive names based on their character and strengths or even from events that have happened to them. I think it’s crazy that two different people could give me the same name but I guess that means they got it right. I gave a friend a name after Canada day. He just remembers me of the lessons the bear. So for now on he shall be known as Bear. I can’t decided on big or little bear, so just bear will do for now.

Anyways, I need to get some sleep.

Queen Bee x

Wednesday 30 June 2010

June 30th 2010


I’ve had a lovely night at bingo, won a little bit, £50 not bad for a free night. The best part was £1.60 for an archers and lemonade. I was drinking them 2 by 2. I don’t drink often but the bingo called was on my nerves. He sounded like he was doing an Indian chant. There was no breath between numbers or words it was all joined by sound. I had a good night though. I spent a lot of the night flirting with the manager, it’s always a good night when I get to flirt and since he was flirting back I was even happier.

Here’s a random fact about me: I only read books in the summer. Now I’m not someone who sun baths. I don’t like being hot, so the suns not my friend. I do however enjoy sitting outside in a shading spot. In summer most of the time outside is cooler then in so it makes sense to lay outside with a good book and some music and relax.

I’m currently reading “Are you there Vodka, It’s me Chelsea”. I love Chelsea Handler anyways but the book is pretty good. It’s taken a while for me to get into it. I read “My Horizontal Life” in 3 days, one of which I had my wisdom tooth pulled. This isn’t going to be like that one. I’ve had it since Saturday and I’ve read 39 pages but I’m starting to get into now.
Anyways my dears I’m off to get some sleep. I have lots to do to tomorrow to get myself ready for Canada Day on Thursday.

Play nice

Queen Bee x

Tuesday 29 June 2010

Bye Lee


Just a quick little update Lee has once again removed me from facebook. I have spent an enjoyable night talking with a friend on MSN and thought I’d see if Lee had been online and I come to notice he had removed me. Smart money is on he’s in a relationship again and even smarter money is on me kicking his ass. The guy is such a douche. The only thing worse than being mistreated, is being mistreated by an ugly person. Why is it that all the good guy either gay or completely unattainable?

Yes I said unattainable. I admit there are some guys that will always have to be a “What if”. It’s a sad fact of life but sometimes the smart move is to give up and cut your losses.

Its bed time my dears

Queen Bee x

Monday 28 June 2010

June 28th 2010

Hey Dolls,

I’m so fed up with fuckwit men. July 1st is Canada Day and I had made plans to go with Lee but I haven’t heard from him in a week. I don’t chase after guys that don’t do well looks on they’re side. So I’m going with Daniel. I’m not happy about this one little bit. He likes me, I don’t like him but what else can I do?

I’m sure it must be hard for you guys to understand why Canada Day is such a big deal to me. I moved to England on the 16th of July, I last real fun memories back home were from Canada Day. So that’s part of the reason, the rest is because I’m Canadian! I live in England I have English stuff going on all the time; I’m the odd one out. It’s fun for just one day to feel normal. I don’t have accent there, hockey is god and the music, the food even the beer is like back home. Last year on the way home I was not going anywhere fast and load of us ended up sing O Canada on the M25. Who can say they’ve done that.

I don’t hate England; I know it can sound like I do sometimes. It just isn’t my home. I’d love to come here and visit for a few months. Living here isn’t for me. I’m from a big city; I use to spend a lot of my summer out in the country at my Aunts farm. I had the best of both worlds. I use to love fishing at park, hiking and just jumping in the canal in Port Colborne. I was raised on water, Niagara Falls, Port Colborne, Lake Ontario, and Lake Erie. I don’t think England gets the whole lake thing, they have canals but they’re so much smaller. Everything is smaller here.

Gosh back home I did Brownies, Summer Camp, the boy and girls club after school. Then in the winter there was hockey and ice skating. Growing up we’d hang out at hockey games here kids hang out at parks drinking. Even now if I meet up with my friends it’s at the pub, back home we meet up at the cafe or Tim Hortons. I’m not a big drinker maybe that’s why I don’t get along very well here.

The other problem is there are way too many people on this small island. I miss space. I miss walking with no one else around, just walking in the woods and being able to scream and know no one can hear me, other then maybe a bear. I miss not hearing planes or cars. I miss lying in my bed and hearing the low thunder of the falls. I miss circumcised men. 89% are circumcised in North America, only 24% here.

Anyways I have things to do.


Queen Bee x

Sunday 27 June 2010

June 27th 2010


I can’t help but laugh I’ve been taking a break from my man eating way in the past few months. The first guy I find after the break says “I’m sort of in relationship, do you mind?” I don’t mind really but with him being the first in months it begs the question how do these guys find me?

All I want is a nice guy who has a back bone, who I can enjoy being with and is a great lay. Is that too much to ask? Looks wise I’m not picky. He has to be older than me, I like them taller than me and I don’t do guys that are overly hairy.

I was talking to a friend about the ways men set out to drive us girls crazy. I am someone when I’m in a relationship I don’t care who my boyfriend is with or what he’s doing. All I ask is for a text at night saying sweet dreams. But when I’m in a casual thing like most girls I turn into a nut. It’s because at that point we have no trust, the guy is free to do whatever or whomever they like. It’s the not knowing I don’t like. Just tell it how it is.

Anyways I’m going to head off and thing about getting a little sleep.

Always smile

Queen Bee x