Friday, 27 August 2010

A Return To Bitchier Times

I’m sure a lot of you know that there was a tiny little problem with my pervious blog so I was forced to delete it, relocate and start all over again. Since the move I’ve been a lot nicer, mainly because after someone I wrote about found it and world war 3 broke out, I’m a little worried about being sued. I think it’s been long enough it’s time for a return to bitchier times.

I’ve decided to share with you some quotes from my little red book. For those of you that don’t know, my little red book is a diary or sorts, I began it 9 years ago when I lost my virginity and I carry on keeping it to this day. It contains details, dates, names, location and my favourite scores.

I thought I’d share some of the funnier quotes from it.

06-08-02 - “he knew what he was doing but holy hell is was over fast.”

28-09-02 “I felt bad he was so small”

02-11-02 “lets put it this way, he was drunk and I was half asleep”

06-04-03 “he lasted 7 minutes, he said sorry but there is no need for that”

13-04-03 “Name: Dan or Danny or David or well it doesn’t matter he was shit”

18/05/03 “I really wish I could remember”

I really wish I could say the guys got better as I got older but they really didn’t. I’ve actually told more than one guy they owe me money for batteries.

Anyways guys I’m off to bed but don’t worry, I’m back to my old self and will have some interesting stories for you soon.

Be safe

Queen bee x

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