Sunday, 7 April 2013

Reading Comprehension Rant

People’s lack of reading comprehension is riding my last nerve like a drunk girl at frat party. The thing that pushed me to the edge was a post on Facebook that said “The first man to survive going over Niagara Falls later died by slipping on an orange peel.” Now that’s actually a true story, one of the many useless facts I know from growing up in the falls.

The thing that grated on my nerves was the amount of people that replied to that post with “the first person to go over the falls was a woman.” Also true, her name was Annie Edson Taylor, a 63 year old teacher. The legend being she went over the falls with her cat. A cat that entered the barrel black but existed the barrel white due to the fright (More useless falls facts for you)

The nerve grating part being the second fact does not change the first. The amount of people who don’t seem to understand that is ridiculous. Yes, Annie was the first person to go over the falls but that doesn’t change the fact that the first man to go over the falls died by slipping on an orange peel. I’ve never wanted to bitch slap so many people in my life. I just want to scream at them “the first MAN aka thing with a penis. First man, second person!” Holy fuckballs there is a lot stupid in the world; I can actually feel my IQ lowering.

Then I read a comment today and my last nerve broke. I understand my style of writing isn’t always straight forward; I use humour, satire...hell sometimes I just frankly lose my mind in writing form. But this person completely missed the point of the post, instead of taking in the post as a whole he (I’m guessing) picked random lines and then told me, I have no place on the Internet.

Instead of my post being about “relationship equality” being a stupid term because of the different definitions by the sexes which cause huge problems that are unneeded since relationships tend to balance out anyways. It became about women getting free meals.

He then said and I quote “This is a very stupid, sexist and retarded blog”. Well, sir you are a stupid retarded person who clearly lacks basic reading comprehension skills. But thank you for being yourself (and by yourself I mean a huge douche bag) because I can always use blog material.

On the bright side I think at this point I can safely add “extensive experience dealing with stupid people” to my resume, in this day and age that has to be a desirable skill.

So tell me, what was the last thing that made you feel like your IQ was lowering? And what name should we give this latest anonymous commenter? Let me know in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


  1. Loved all the Niagara Falls fact. What post did he criticize? I need to read it so I cann fully capture his stupidity and find him the right name.

    1. I think they train us young for the tourist business in that city lol But I love it

      The blog was the link I'll post below. I meant to link to it in the post but I haven't slept in two days so...I'll blame that

    2. What an idiot? I love how he starts the post though "I would like to give you my opinion ..." Who told him you wanted his opinion? Did he not see the disclaimer at the very end : no stupid anonymous opinions please. Of course, I couldn't resist answering him ( and his other half) on the post. As for what name to give him, I will have to wait and see what and if he has the balls to answer. If he doesn't, he will be called Twobrainsandnoballsman :)

    3. :-) This is why I love the blogging community, there is always someone there to have have your back.

      I don't mind opinions, I love the conversations but there is a way to do it without being an ass. I just want to know when it's always posts that are a year or more old that attracted these anonymous ballless assholes.

      Ohhh I hope he does reply, something tells me it would be a lot of fun lol

    4. Always have your back ... Plus I just enjoy getting into arguments with people who are jerks to you. Since I can't really be a bitch on my own blog - just 'cause nobody is being a bitch to me - it is nice to have your blog to be able to lash out at people :)

    5. lol You're more then welcome to lash out at any of the jerks that seem to flock to my old posts. If they ever find their way to you, you can count on me to put them in their place :-)

  2. Two Words - Online Dating. I keep getting messages from men old enough to be my father, who send out these generic 'romantic' paragraphs talking about love and finding a soul mate.
    Its bad enough that I have to get them but their spelling and punctuation is atrocious. You would think if you were going to have a 'go to' message you would at least run it through spell check first.

    1. lol Do what I do, send it back with all the spelling mistakes fixed with a small note saying "sorry I do not have daddy issues" :-)

      I more often then not get message from guys who I'm sure are only after a green card. The joys of online dating eh?

  3. LMAO, Now that was funny. I had to go back and read the comments. People are idiots. As for your secret admirer (yeah, that is what I am calling him), I think you get him all excited in the happy places and he wants your attention. Your reply probably made his week.

    1. I think I need a t-shirt that says "people are idiots" would save so much time lol

      Thanks for that creepy mental image of his "happy place" lol....I think I need therapy now
