Are there any more
annoying words in the English language then “send me a pic”?
It’s like the modern day
equitant of sharing a bed with a women and repeatedly poking her in the back
while she’s trying to sleep.
Give it a fucking
First of all, are men
aware how whiny and needy they sound when they’re repeatedly asking? It’s like
a small child throwing a temper tantrum in a grocery store because he can’t
have any candy. Nobody wants to fuck a man-child.
If all you really
wanted was a picture you wouldn’t have to ask, it’s called Facebook. Pretty
much everyone on the planet has more than their fair share of pictures on
there. But you don’t really want a picture do you? You want something to cum
over but instead of being honest you take the slimy road. And then wonder why
the girl is getting irritated with you.
Of course your cure to
the irritation you caused is to butter us up with comments about how good we
look or your “feeling” for us. You couldn’t be any more transparent. It’s
What I don’t
understand is, if your goal is to get laid how does pissing off women get you
closer to that goal? It makes no sense to me.
The whole thing is
just a blatant insult to our intelligence. Then men wonder why women think
romance is dead. We think it’s dead because pretty much every nice thing that comes out of
a man’s mouth seems to be followed by “send me pic.”
How would you like it
if we related everything nice we said to a picture? Image this, you’re making
out with a hot girl, it’s all going great then she says “oh you’re so hard”.....”But
it looked a lot bigger in the pic.” Mood killer right? Cheapens the whole thing,
and that’s what you do to us every, single time you ask.
There is a time and place
for pictures and if you have to ask it’s not the right time and you don’t
deserve one.
Play Safe, Love,
The Honest Bitch