There’s one question
I get asked time and time again, be it through email, twitter or even in person
and that question is “what do women want?” And truth be told we don’t really
know what we want a lot of time. And when we do know, it changes based on our
mood, hormone levels and who’s asking.
It really isn't a straight forward type question, but there are few things I can tell you that will help
you stay in our good books while we’re busy deciding what it is we want.
Remember Random
Milestones- It’s a good rule of the thumb to know our birthday and anniversary but
trying remembering some of the small things too like our first kiss or the first
time we said I love you. As stupid as it sounds women just melt over that stuff.
Return Our Messages-
Women gauge how into us you are by your replies or lack thereof. Once again we
know it’s crazy but that’s how the female brain works, so reply to us and “k”
or “ok” doesn’t count.
Women Love
Intelligent Men- And your world of knowledge about sports doesn’t count. We
like to have meaningful conversations and decisions. If you can’t hold your own
in a conversation you’re screwed and not in the fun way.
Be Honest- If you lie to us we will find out and make your life a living hell, we specialize in that shit. So save yourself a few headaches and just be honest with us.
Have a Sense Of Humor- A great sense of humour is important to all women, you can win a girl
over by making her laugh and you can lose one by failure to do so.
Listen To Her- This
one is really important. Actually listen to her don’t just pretend actually do
it. You don’t have to offer advice or try and fix everything just listen.
Be Generous- Gifts
are never frowned upon, it doesn’t have to be big just thoughtful, pick some
flowers, teddy bear, surprise her with dinner or dancing. Put some effort in
and don’t be tight wad, tight wads never get laid.
Keep Promises- No
matter what happens, keep your promises, if there is a chance you may not be able
to come through with something don’t promise us. You’re only as good as your
Kiss Her for No Reason-
Before/during/after sex doesn’t count. Kiss her when you come in a room, kiss her
while she’s cooking dinner. Kiss her when you’re not trying to get laid!
Hold Her Hand – There
is something very sweet about walking hand in hand with someone you love or
just holding hands under the table while you’re out to dinner with friends. It
goes a long way to show how you feel.
Take up an Activity with
her- .......Outside of the bedroom. Bowling, tennis, antiquing, anything the
two of you can do together. And preferably something neither of you do already.
Be A Man- Do man
things, change a tire, build something, do something that requires testosterone.
There is nothing hotter than a man with a little dirty on his face, a little on
sweaty side just grrrrr (said in the I’m going to rip your clothes off way not
the I’m going to kill you way.)
Never Follow a Women-
There is nothing less hot then a man following a woman. And more importantly a
lot of women don’t want to lead. There is something very attractive about a man
talking control.
Keep the Power- A lot
of guy will give the power to the women in an attempt to gain approval. Stop
it! Man the fuck up. Keep the power and use it. Power is sexy, remember that.
Don’t Need A Women- Staying on the power is sexy theme. Needy men, men who need relationships, men who lack a pair of balls are just sad. Most women will pity you not love you.
Protect Us – This doesn’t
mean fight our fights or hit a guy in a bar, this mean make us feel safe. Put
your arm around us when creeps are hitting on us, get up in the middle of the
night when we hear a noise. Make us feel safe and protected.
Look After Us When We’re
Sick – This one will get you massive bonus marks. There is nothing sweeter than
a guy taking care of his sick girlfriend and NOT complaining about it. Making
soup, just cuddling it means the world to us.
Time for the last and final
rule that will help keep you in our good books.
Have Eyes For Only
Her- Guys tend to suck at this final rule. I’ve been on dates where guys have gotten whip lash from how fast their head has spun following a girl with big fake boobs. Then they always complain about foot pain afterwards. It may have something to do with me stomping on it but I
can’t be sure.
Just don’t do it! Have eyes for your girlfriend or date and her
alone. Make her feel like she is the only girl who matters. If you can do that
it’s a safe bet that you’ll be what she wants.
What do you guys
think, do you agree with my list and is there anything I missed? Let me know in
the comment box below.
As always stay and
play safe, Love,
The Honest Bitch