I’m not sure there
are many things more creepy then a friend of a friend randomly adding you on
Here’s the story that
gets repeated time and time again, you comment on a “friend’s” (normally
someone you have seen in 10 years) status and a few minutes later a friend
request pops up.
When you look at the
request it says you have one person in common, the “friend” you haven’t seen in
10 years. You decide to accept the request because you figure if the guy hasn’t
murdered your “friend” yet he must be harmless.

The male brain hurts
my head, they randomly add a women and the first thing they send is “I hope you
don’t mind me adding you.” What would make you think we’d mind a strange man
we’ve never heard of sending us unsolicited message? Could it be all the
“stranger danger” talks we had as kids!?
Here’s a note for all
the men of the world (or just the 2 that actually read my blog), all women mind
when you randomly add them...Unless you happen to be Ryan Gosling, he can add
whoever he likes. What you should do is ask the person you have in common to
ask the women if she minds you Facebook stalking her. That’s just the polite/
less creepy thing to do. But of course that’s not what you do because that
would involve your brain and not you penis.
So what do you guys
think, is it creepy when a friend of a friend randomly adds you or like normal
am I crazy? Let me know what you think in the comment box below. And as always stay and play safe.
The Honest Bitch