First of all you make
it sound like women are the only ones who take cheap shots. I’ve seen men call a
size 2 girls fat so get off your high horse. We all do it and we all know what buttons to press.
Secondly it wasn’t
really a cheap shot. It wasn't like she was in bed with him and asked “are you
done yet, so I can finish myself off?” She was pissed off that he was jerk and
broke up with her via email and need to vent. That’s perfectly fine by me, it's not like she called him out on it. The email breakup was the cheap shot in my books.
Also from my personal
experience women whether they’re mad or not, will not make fun of a guys junk
if he knows how to use it. I’m not going to sit here and say size doesn’t
matter, because I’d be lying. There is such a thing as too small and even too
big but on the whole knowing how to use it is most important.
So you’ve now heard
my sleep deprived rant but what do you think, was it a cheap shot or was she justified?
And while I’m asking questions does size matter? Let me know in the comment box
As always my dears
stay and play safe, Love,
The Honest Bitch