Friday, 6 November 2020

You Don’t Date

This whole Hugh thing has raised some questioned, and rightly so. I mentioned in the previous posts that he isn’t looking for a relationship and plans to date around. And as I have mentioned in many posts, I hate dating, I hate the area of dating before being in a relationship… I dislike the guessing and uncertainty. I don’t like any of it.

This is different. First of all, I knew from the start what I was getting, I made that choice. There is no guessing, he is a man whore and upfront about it. Second, I don’t want a boyfriend. I am not in the mind set to date, or deal with someone’s bullshit…. But sex…. I kind of want that.

I got lucky when he popped up. Things are very easy between us. We are comfortable with each other; we can talk and have a laugh and most importantly I trust him. I am not stressed about him catching something and giving it to me. Despite knowing he’s fucking about, he’s still a good guy. He just has some wild oats to sow.

Is this ideal? No, but it’s what I need and want right now and maybe him too. I am not worried about it. I am actually more worried what I’d be doing without him…. Some of my exes that have been in my DMs were starting to look tempting.

Anyways, I am off. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below and as always. Stay and play safe.


The Honest Bitch


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